






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-2-7 08:57| 查看数: 1100| 评论数: 0|

Yang Yuanqing’s colleagues at Lenovo simply call him YY. The chief executive of the world’s biggest PC maker has a self effacing and cautious manner that, however, combines unevenly with his dramatic and risk-taking approach to business.杨元庆在联想(Lenovo)公司内部有一个昵称:YY。全球最大个人电脑制造商的首席执行官举止谦逊谨慎,但他的经营风格却是戏剧性和敢于冒险的。
This can be equal parts inspirational, equal parts maddening for his colleagues, but the results speak for themselves.对公司同僚来说,这可能既鼓舞斗志又让人抓狂,但结果不言自明。
Under Mr Yang’s leadership, Lenovo’s PC sales continued to expand even as the rest of the industry was severely eroded by the rise of smartphones and tablets.在杨元庆的领导下,联想的个人电脑销量持续扩大,即便业内其它企业受到智能手机和平板电脑崛起的严重侵蚀。
Two stunning acquisitions in the past week could vault Lenovo to the ranks of a global leader in smartphones and cloud computing – unless the cost of the deals and the clash of corporate cultures pulls them apart first.过去一周达成的两笔令人惊叹的收购,有望使联想一跃进入智能手机和云计算的全球领先者行列——除非交易成本和企业文化的冲突先让收购失败。
On Thursday, Lenovo agreed to acquire the Motorola handset business from Google for $2.9bn, a week after its $2.3bn deal to buy part of IBM’s server business. The Motorola purchase alone will push Lenovo from number four to number three smartphone maker globally. Mr Yang calls the deal a “shortcut” into the US market, saying he believes Lenovo can double its handset sales to 100m units in a year.上周四,联想同意斥资29亿美元,向谷歌(Google)收购摩托罗拉(Motorola)手机业务,一周前,联想达成23亿美元收购IBM低端服务器业务的交易。单是收购摩托罗拉手机业务的交易,就将使联想在全球智能手机制造商的榜单上从第四位上升至第三位。杨元庆形容这笔交易是进入美国市场的一条“捷径”,称他相信联想可以将手机销量翻番,达到每年1亿部。
Anshul Gupta, who analyses the smartphone market for Gartner, said “Lenovo depends on one market for smartphones – China. If they want to grow globally they have to move out of China. And US market is not just important in volume terms, it shapes the smartphone market worldwide.”高德纳(Gartner)智能手机市场分析师安苏尔?古普塔(Anshul Gupta)表示:“联想目前在智能手机方面依赖于一个市场——中国。如果他们要实现全球增长,他们就必须走出中国。美国市场不仅在数量上是重要的,它还主导着全球智能手机市场的格局。”
Mr Yang’s hard charging attitude to business was underlined by the decision to announce the purchase of Google’s Motorola Mobility business the day before the lunar new year celebrations – a week of visiting, feasting and holiday that is considered by most Chinese to be an inviolable and sacrosanct right.杨元庆在春节假期的前一天宣布收购谷歌旗下的摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)部门,此举突显他在经营上的冲劲。春节黄金周是多数中国人视为神圣不可侵犯的探亲访友、享受盛宴和度假的日子。
Making hard choices – and ramming home an American-style performance culture in the business – has been Mr Yuanqing’s personal mission since he returned as chief executive in 2009. At the time, Lenovo was in trouble, following its acquisition for $1.25bn in 2005 of IBM’s personal computer business.做出艰难的选择,并在企业内部营造美国式的绩效文化,是杨元庆2009年再度出任联想首席执行官以来的个人使命。当时联想继2005年以12.5亿美元收购IBM个人电脑业务之后遭遇了麻烦。
Mr Yang, who had engineered the 2005 deal as chairman, saw Lenovo try to gobble up an entity double its size. It was never going to be easy, and the company made huge losses. On his return, Mr Yang oversaw the cutback of a tenth of the workforce in an effort to recover.作为董事长策划了2005年收购交易的杨元庆看到,联想试图合并两倍于自身规模的一个实体。这从来就不是一件容易的事,该公司遭受了巨大亏损。杨元庆重新执掌企业后,联想削减了十分之一员工以求复苏。
The acquisition of IBM’s Thinkpad business now seems Einsteinian, but Lenovo executives say candidly that it almost did not work out. “It was like transplanting an organ, and the organ almost failed,” says one.收购IBM的Thinkpad业务现在看来像是爱因斯坦式的神来之笔,但联想高管坦承此举几乎失败。“这就像移植一个器官,而这个器官几乎衰竭,”一位高管表示。
Today, the same risks remain. The deals are expensive, and depend on integrating two very different corporate cultures. Success in the hyper-competitive smartphone market will be harder than in computing. “This time Lenovo may have jumped the shark,” says Alberto Moel, an analyst at Sanford C Bernstein, in Hong Kong.如今,同样的风险依然存在。最近的两笔交易代价不菲,而且依赖于整合两种截然不同的企业文化。要想在竞争超级激烈的智能手机市场取得成功,难度将大于在计算领域胜出。“这一次联想可能开始走下坡路,”桑福德?C?伯恩斯坦公司(Sanford C Bernstein)分析师阿尔伯托?摩尔(Alberto Moel)在香港表示。
Lenovo shares were down 8 per cent on Thursday, amid the perception that the company had paid too much, and might be forced to dilute shares with a new issue.联想股价上周四下跌8%,人们得到的印象,该公司开出了过高的收购报价,可能会被迫发行新股,从而稀释现有股票。
However, under Mr Yang’s leadership Lenovo has “gone a long way to working out how to deal with different cultures,” according to Roger Kay of Endpoint Technologies Associates.然而,按照终端技术公司(Endpoint Technologies Associates)分析师罗杰?凯(Roger Kay)的说法,联想在杨元庆的领导下已经“在如何处理不同文化方面走了很长的路。”
“When things were steering badly he stepped back in and became more involved,” said Mr Kay.“当事情搞得一团糟时,他会重新介入,并投入更多精力,”凯表示。


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