






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-2-24 13:00| 查看数: 680| 评论数: 0|

China has been training for a “short, sharp war” against Japan in the East China Sea, a senior US military officer has claimed, in comments that underline the growing military tensions in the western Pacific.美国一高级军官声称,中国近来在为在东中国海对日本发动一场“短暂而激烈的战争”进行训练,这番言论突显西太平洋军事紧张局势日益升级。
Captain James Fanell, director of intelligence for the US Pacific Fleet, said that a large-scale Chinese military exercise conducted in 2013 was designed to prepare forces for an operation to seize disputed islands in the East China Sea, which Japan calls the Senkaku and China the Diaoyu.美国太平洋舰队(US Pacific Fleet)情报总监詹姆斯?法内尔上校(Captain James Fanell)表示,2013年中国进行的大规模军事演习就是让部队为夺取东海争议岛屿的作战做好准备,日本称这些岛屿为尖阁诸岛(Senkaku),中国称之为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿。
“We witnessed the massive amphibious and cross-military region enterprise – Mission Action 2013,” Capt Fanell said at a navy conference in San Diego.法内尔上校在圣地亚哥一个海军会议上表示:“我们见证了大规模两栖作战和跨军区军事演练:2013年行动计划。”
“We concluded that the PLA [People’s Liberation Army] has been given the new task of being able to conduct a short, sharp war to destroy Japanese forces in the East China Sea following with what can only be an expected seizure of the Senkakus,” he added.他补充称:“我们得出的结论是,解放军接到新的任务,即发动短暂而激烈的战争,歼灭东海的日本部队,接着是预期的夺取尖阁诸岛行动。”
Conducting a training exercise is very different from having an actual plan to seize the islands. For years, the Chinese military has staged exercises designed to mimic a possible invasion of Taiwan.
However, the comments about China’s military training plans come at a time of considerable tension surrounding the contested islands. The regular presence of both Chinese and Japanese vessels and aircraft in the region has raised the risk of an accident that could spark a wider confrontation.展开演练与制定实际的夺岛计划有很大不同。多年来,中国军方一直在为模拟可能入侵台湾的作战进行演练。
In December, China declared an air defence identification zone for the East China Sea, which the US and others interpreted as an attempt to cement its sovereignty claim over the disputed islands.然而,在法内尔发表有关中国军方训练计划的言论之际,中日双方围绕这些争议岛屿出现了严重紧张局势。中日舰船和飞机在该地区频繁出现,引发了双方可能发生擦枪走火,引发全面对抗的风险。


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