






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-2-27 08:00| 查看数: 780| 评论数: 0|

The future of BP’s flagship Rumaila oilfield in southern Iraq is in jeopardy after a bureaucratic snarl-up in Baghdad forced the company to axe a hundred crucial contractor jobs.


The move highlights the mounting challenges facing western oil majors in Iraq, and bodes ill for the country’s ambitious plans to revive an oil industry still recovering from years of war and sanctions. Some oil majors are so disenchanted with the difficulties of doing business in Iraq that they are considering leaving the country for good.


Paolo Scaroni, chief executive of Italian oil group ENI, said this month that he had told the Baghdad government: “Either you remove the obstacles or we will remove ourselves from the country.”

意大利石油集团埃尼集团(Eni)首席执行官保罗?斯卡罗尼(Paolo Scaroni)本月曾表示,他已知会巴格达政府:“如果你们不撤除相关障碍,我们将离开伊拉克。”

BP’s problems began a few months ago after the Iraqi government stopped approving big-ticket contracts related to Rumaila and stopped issuing visas for workers, according to people familiar with the matter.


BP told about a hundred expat contractors this month that their contracts were being terminated with immediate effect.


ENI has also been forced to lay off contractors at its Zubair field, which is near Rumaila.


The political uncertainty has coincided with an upsurge in violence in the country.


Iraqi government forces have been battling al-Qaeda affiliated militants in Fallujah and other cities in the western Anbar province since December, while dozens were killed in a wave of car bombings in Baghdad and Hilla on February 18.


Attacks on foreign workers last November forced oil services groups Schlumberger and Baker Hughes, some of whose staff work at Rumaila, to suspend operations in southern Iraq, with the latter declaring force majeure.

去年11月曾发生针对外国员工的袭击事件,迫使石油服务集团斯伦贝谢(Schlumberger)和贝克休斯公司(Baker Hughes)暂停在伊拉克南部的业务,后者宣告此举是不可抗力因素所致。这两家公司有部分员工在鲁迈拉油田工作。

The worsening security picture comes as global oil companies are struggling to deal with Iraq’s notorious red tape and infrastructure bottlenecks that are hampering production.



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