






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-2-28 10:00| 查看数: 761| 评论数: 0|

Russia denounced Ukraine’s interim leaders as dictators and blasted the western governments that it said helped bring them to power, in a sign that the toppling of Viktor Yanukovich as president is triggering a regional stand-off.俄罗斯指责乌克兰过渡政权的领导人是一群独裁者,并对其所称的帮助他们获得权力的西方国家予以严厉批评。有迹象表明,维克多?亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovich)总统的倒台可能引发地区对峙。
The Russian foreign ministry claimed Ukraine’s new leadership was infringing on the human rights of Russians and other minorities in Ukraine. “This is headed towards the suppression of dissent in several regions of Ukraine by dictatorial and sometimes almost terrorist means,” the ministry stated.俄罗斯外交部称,乌克兰的新领导层正在侵犯乌境内俄罗斯和其他少数民族的人权。“局势正走向利用独裁、有时近乎恐怖主义的手段来镇压乌克兰一些地区的异见,”俄罗斯外交部表示。
Dmitry Medvedev, the prime minister, said Moscow’s bailout for Kiev would remain on hold until a “normal, legitimate government” was in office.俄罗斯总理德米特里?梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)表示,俄罗斯将暂不对基辅方面提供紧急援助,直到一个“正常、合法的政府”上台执政。
“If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs a government, then we will have difficulty working with such a government.”他说:“如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪——译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。”
Russia’s furious statements came as Ukraine’s new authorities intensified their hunt for Mr Yanukovich, who has not been seen since Friday, and as tensions rose in Crimea, the Russia-friendly peninsula on the Black Sea.俄罗斯愤怒表态之际,乌克兰新政权加紧对亚努科维奇的缉捕,他自上周五以来一直下落不明。与此同时,黑海沿岸亲俄罗斯的克里米亚半岛紧张局势上升。
Ukraine’s parliament voted to remove Mr Yanukovich on Saturday after a crackdown on three months of anti-government protests had left more than 70 people dead.上周六,乌议会投票决定撤销亚努科维奇的总统职务。此前,政府对持续3个月的反政府示威进行了镇压,造成70余人死亡。
EU officials said they were ever more concerned at how Russia would react and were reining in some of their more aggressive diplomatic and financial efforts.欧盟(EU)官员表示,他们越来越关注俄罗斯会如何反应,并将收敛欧方一些较为咄咄逼人的外交和财政努力。
The European Commission, for example, said it would await a “legitimate government” to be produced after May’s elections before reviving talks over its integration treaty with Kiev.例如,欧盟委员会(European Commission)表示,在乌克兰5月份选举产生“合法政府”之前,它将暂停与基辅方面有关入盟的谈判。


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