





六级作文范文高手版 : 公平and正义

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-2 11:00| 查看数: 902| 评论数: 0|

六级作文范文高手版: 公平and正义

话题:以上图片说明了什么?这样的公平和正义存在么?范例1:From the picture above which illustrates that people of different height standing on the same boxes to watch the football game, we will find something familiar with us in our daily life which always led to a hit discussion on the internet for arguing which is more important than the other, that’s to say, is the equality outweighs the justice or the other way around.

In view of my limited knowledge, I place the justice into the first place for the reason that the equality in fact is the real equality which requires personalization. The one who is hungry should not be given the books ,which is ultimately ridiculous. In reality, we ordinary people are devastated by the high price of housing. What we need most is the policy to help us unburden the pressure other than figuring out the causes why the Starbucks in mainland is more expensive than in the other places.


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