





四六级范文 中国式过马路

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-4 12:30| 查看数: 1166| 评论数: 0|


背景介绍:中国式过马路,是网友对部分中国人集体闯红灯现象的一种调侃,即“凑够一撮人就可以走了,和红绿灯无关。”出现这种现象是大家受法不责众的“从众”心理影响,从而不顾及交通安全。“中国式过马路”一经网络传播,立刻引发网友对交通、国民素质和安全意识的讨论。北京市公安局2012年12月6日宣布,从即日起至2013年3月份,将会同相关部门,在全市范围内发起交通、治安、环境三大秩序突出问题集中管理整治专项工作,不仅仅是针对中国式过马路问题。话题:For today'stopic, please select one listed below to share your thoughts:1.What is your thinking of the phenomenon as Chinese style of crossing road?

2.What some good suggestions you could make in order to improve this embarrassing situation?
3.Open question: the possible reasons behine Chinese style of crossing road范例1:It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the phenomenon as Chinese style of crossing road at present. Regarding the rapid economic development in China, public facilities are upgrading such as traffic lights and pedestrian walk. However, many people neglect the red light and cross the road with the crowd regardless of traffic rules, leading to potential health threat and high possibility in accidents. In my view, this is a danger warning sign not only for the public to self-examine the behaviors but also for traffic control department to improve the intensity to penalize those who violate the traffic rules. With more efforts, from my perspective, this phenomenon could be managed in a better manner.范例2:We shouldn't blame this phenomenon blindly. CCTV news once interviewed a person who said “When I was a pedestrian, I scolded those drivers. However, when I was a driver, I scolded those pedestrians.”

The people, who are amongst the horde of “Chinese style crossing road”, are not just dashing to the other side of the street. They are mainly striving for a right: the right of free expressing their own opinion on public affairs which may affect their daily life. At present, Chinese society is still an up-to-down society. We are used to listen to and follow orders from “above” no matter in life or working place. Consequently, the upper authority has taken advantage of the mentality and issued many clauses that drive ordinary people to angry.

The authority should have the wisdom to see through that any kind of “Chinese style …” implies a relative peaceful demonstration. In order to eliminate the peaceful but unsafe protest on the street, an efficient public survey and feedback channel should be built to let those “upper officials” could float a trial balloon before making a decision.


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