






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-5 08:00| 查看数: 826| 评论数: 1|

Ukraine accused the Kremlin on Monday of seizing border posts and making moves to significantly expand its forces in Crimea, while Russia's currency and stock markets plunged dramatically following the Russian military occupation of the breakaway region.
Ukraine's State Border Service said Russian forces were also massing armored military vehicles on its side of a narrow sea crossing separating the region from Russia, increasing pressure on Ukrainian forces still in the region.
乌克兰国家边防局(State Border Service)表示,俄罗斯军队还在刻赤海峡(Kerch Strait)的俄方边境集结了装甲车,进一步向仍驻扎在克里米亚的乌克兰军队施压。
The movement suggested that Russia was planning to stay in Crimea for the long haul. Ukraine's newly appointed prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, said there was little chance of resolving the standoff in the short term. But he added there was no evidence that Russian forces have tried to push out of Crimea into mainland Ukraine and that he doesn't believe they plan to do so.
此举表明俄罗斯打算长期驻扎克里米亚。乌克兰新上任的总理亚采纽克(Arseniy Yatsenyuk)表示,短期内结束僵局的可能性很小。他还称,没有迹象显示,俄罗斯武装力量试图从克里米亚进一步向乌克兰内陆推进,他也认为俄罗斯不打算这么做。
'I think we have passed the worst phase of the crisis between Ukraine and Russia,' he said.
Commanders at several Ukrainian military bases said they had received ultimatums over the last day or two from either Russian army or Russian Black Sea Fleet officers, ordering them to disarm and abandon their bases.
乌克兰数个军事基地的指挥官表示,在过去一、两天收到了俄罗斯军队或黑海舰队(Russian Black Sea Fleet)指挥官发出的最后通牒,要求他们解除武装,并放弃军事基地。
The deadlines passed without apparent consequences but Ukrainian forces remain on edge, as some bases have been blockaded by Russian troops or had their perimeters tested by aggressive, pro-Russian civilians.
The Black Sea Fleet denied reports that it had issued a blanket ultimatum to Ukrainian forces in Crimea, with a deadline for early Tuesday, local time. Ukrainian officials said such ultimatums had been received but that it wasn't clear whether they were simply more pressure tactics or a sign of escalation.
Mr. Yatsenyuk said that he believes his government has contained Russia's military aggression by keeping Ukrainian troops in their barracks and not aggressively defending themselves. 'I believe that Russia expected an armed standoff, military reaction and martial law [in Crimea and eastern Ukraine]...so that they could have a pretext to invade,' he said.
Russian officials had no immediate comment about the report of troop movements on the Russian side of the ferry crossing. A Russian customs official reached at the crossing said that the ferry was running normally as of Monday morning.
The sharp escalation of tension in Crimea sent Russia's stocks, bonds and currency into steep decline. The ruble sank to record lows against the U.S. dollar and euro, prompting the Bank of Russia to announce a surprise increase in interest rates by 1.5 percentage points, while Moscow's Micex index was down 11% in afternoon trading.
'All the Russian assets are being sold now. It's panic. The market is nervous and one should not wait for positive news,' said Egor Fedorov, an analyst at ING Bank in Moscow.
荷兰安智银行(ING Bank)驻莫斯科的分析师费奥多罗夫(Egor Fedorov)表示,目前所有的俄罗斯资产都在遭遇市场抛售。市场感到不安,大家不应该等待利好消息。
Russia's deputy economy minister, Andrei Klepach, said that the central bank's move had nothing to do with inflation and was aimed at limiting losses in the ruble, the Interfax news agency reported.
国际文传电讯社(Interfax)报道,俄罗斯经济部副部长克列帕奇(Andrei Klepach)表示,俄罗斯央行的举动与通胀无关,这样做的目的是为了控制卢布的跌势。
Ukrainian leaders accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of bringing their two nations to the brink of war after Russia's upper house of parliament authorized him on Saturday to deploy troops in Ukraine. The Kremlin claims that Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are under threat from the new government, which took over after the ouster of Russia's ally, President Viktor Yanukovych.
俄罗斯上议院上周六批准普京可以在乌克兰部署军队,乌克兰领导人指责俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)将这两个国家拖向了战争的边缘。俄罗斯政府称,乌克兰境内讲俄语的民众受到了来自乌克兰新政府的威胁。在乌克兰亲俄总统亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)被推翻后,新政府上台。
The U.S. and Europe have condemned Russia's actions, with the Group of Seven nations saying they won't attend a meeting in the Russian resort of Sochi this summer, and some threatening possible sanctions. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the move into Crimea an 'incredible act of aggression.'
美国和欧洲已经对俄罗斯的行动进行了谴责,七大工业国(Group Of Seven, 简称G7)的成员国表示,他们不会出席今年夏天在俄罗斯索契举行的峰会,还有一些国家威胁说可能采取制裁行动。美国国务卿克里(John Kerry)称俄罗斯向克里米亚派兵是一次“难以置信的侵略行径”。
Russia's Foreign Ministry called Mr. Kerry's comments 'unacceptable' and accused him of using Cold War-era rhetoric.
'The U.S. and its allies turn a blind eye to the excesses of militants on Maidan, the bullying of their political opponents and ordinary citizens, anti-Semitism, militant-Russophobia and the desecration of monuments to the heroes of World War II,' the statement said, referring to the protesters who gathered in Kiev's central square for months, ultimately driving Mr. Yanukovych from power.
The ministry also said the decision by the G-7 to exclude Russia was 'politically damaging and contrary to the principles of constructive engagement.'
Meanwhile, Mr. Putin attended military exercises near St. Petersburg. Late last week he had ordered combat-readiness testing for soldiers across a wide swath of Russia, including several units stationed near the Ukrainian border.
As military tension has increased, Ukrainian officials in Crimea and elsewhere in Ukraine have come under pressure from Russia and pro-Russian local leaders to switch allegiances.
The border guard suggested the Russian military's moves could be part of an attempt to scare Ukrainian military units to abandon the country's young government.
'In the last few hours the pressure from the Russian military against Ukrainian border guards has significantly increased,' the border service said in a statement. 'The Russians special forces have taken control of several border units using brutal physical force and threat of arms and fear-mongering.'
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree Monday creating a company to build a long-planned bridge connecting Russia to Crimea. The Kerch Strait separating Russia from Crimea is less than 5 kilometers 3 miles wide at its narrowest point.
俄罗斯总理梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)周一签署了一项法令,要成立一家公司,准备完成修建俄罗斯-克里米亚大桥这一长期规划的项目。俄罗斯与克里米亚之间的刻赤海峡最窄的地方宽度不到5公里。
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Russian military intervention is simply aimed at protecting Russian citizens and Russian speakers in Ukraine from 'the threat of violent actions from ultranationalists' until the situation in the country stabilizes.
俄罗斯外交部长拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)周一表示,俄罗斯军事介入只是为了保护俄罗斯公民和操俄语人口,使他们在乌克兰局势稳定之前免于受到极端民族主义者的暴力行动的威胁。
Mr. Lavrov countered that the backlash from the global community failed to take into account the lessons of World War II. He urged world leaders not to blindly back the new pro-Western government taking form in Kiev, which he said had failed to abide by a Feb. 21 peace agreement with Mr. Yanukovych and instead drove him from power. Russia still recognizes Mr. Yanukovych as the legitimate president of Ukraine and has given him refuge.
Ukraine's border service said Russian forces now control at least three border positions.
Late on Sunday, Russian forces broke windows and doors and destroyed the communication equipment inside the Kerch border post near the sea crossing with Russia, according to the Ukrainian statement. That attack and the others were conducted by groups of about 100 Russian servicemen, it said.
If the Ukrainian border service reports are true, it would indicate that the Russians are strengthening their positions on both side of the waterway, from the Russian side with armored vehicles and on the Crimean side by forcing the evacuation of the administrative buildings at the Kerch border post and the of the naval unit post there.


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