






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-7 13:00| 查看数: 830| 评论数: 0|

The U.S. ambassador was waiting in the office of then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in November, anxious for a decision that would cinch closer ties with the West, when he ran across a staffer bearing unwelcome news.
去年11月,美国驻乌克兰大使正在时任乌克兰总统的亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)办公室里,焦急地等待一个有望拉近乌克兰与西方关系的决定,然而他等来的却是一名带来坏消息的工作人员。
'I can't believe it. I just came from seeing the president. He's told me we're going put the European project on pause,' Mr. Yanukovych's chief of staff, Serhiy Lyovochkyn told U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, according to a person who was present.
据当时在场的一位人士说,亚努科维奇办公室主任列沃奇金(Serhiy Lyovochkyn)对美国大使皮亚特(Geoffrey Pyatt)表示,他不敢相信,他刚刚见过总统,总统告诉他,乌克兰将暂时搁置拟议的欧洲协定。
The ambassador asked how the president intended to explain the turn-about to 46 million Ukrainians expecting a new pact with the European Union.
皮亚特问,亚努科维奇总统计划如何向4,600万期待与欧盟(European Union)达成新协定的乌克兰人解释这一突然变故。
'I have no idea,' Mr. Lyovochkyn said. '. . . I don't think they have a Plan B unless it's a dacha on the outskirts of Moscow.'
The exchange made clear the U.S. would have to come up with its own Plan B. For the previous two years, the Obama administration had sought to let Europe take the lead in guiding the westward political and economic drift of the former Soviet republic, with the U.S. in a supporting role.
Now, the U.S. has been drawn front and center at far more difficult time -- after blood has been shed, battle-lines drawn and Russian ire provoked.
Locked today in the very East-West standoff the administration had hoped to avoid. 'The U.S. is now in the lead,' a senior U.S. official said.
Many European diplomats felt that while the U.S. portrayed itself as acting tough in recent weeks, the Americans had left them alone on the Ukraine issue for far too long, preferring to prioritize Washington's own ties with Moscow.
The White House decision to rely on Europe to cement ties with Ukraine was shaped by a foreign-policy doctrine meant to give international partners more responsibility for the world's challenges, U.S. officials said. By sharing responsibilities, these officials said, the U.S. could focus on issues at home after more than a decade of costly wars abroad.
There also was initial skepticism within the Obama administration that Mr. Yanukovych was serious about moving toward Europe. Few administration policy makers believed Ukraine should be an American responsibility because the issue was more important to Russia and Europe than to the U.S.
Strategically, the Obama administration decided to take a back seat to Europe because of concerns that assuming the lead in Ukraine might backfire if Russia saw the European Union pact as a part of a superpower 'Great Game' competition.
Even with Russian troops streaming into Crimea, administration officials said Monday it wasn't clear if the outcome would have been any different had the U.S. taken a bigger role from the start. 'The truth is Yanukovych left, and the new government is much more Western leaning. This is not a win for Russia,' a senior administration official said.
Talks between the EU and Ukraine date to the breakup of the Soviet Union, but in recent years have focused on the economic and political pact known as Association Agreement. In 2012, Ukraine and the EU initialed an agreement that, once final, would draw them closer.
欧盟和乌克兰之间的对话可以追溯到乌克兰从苏联分离出来的时候,但近年来,两者之间的会谈一直聚焦于经济和政治协定,也就是“联系国协定”(Association Agreement)。2012年,乌克兰和欧盟倡议签署一项协定,如果这项协定最终签署,将令两者关系更加紧密。
The U.S. thought the Ukrainian leader might be bluffing until mid-2013, when Mr. Yanukovych began taking more concrete steps. 'Whoa. If they're actually moving to Europe, we better make sure it succeeds,' a senior Obama administration official described the thinking at the time.
To bring Mr. Yanukovych closer to the West without provoking Russia, the U.S. and the EU settled on a division of labor, U.S. and European officials said. 'We wanted the Europeans to bring him to Europe,' the senior administration official said. 'Our part of it was to make sure he could actually get there without the Russians crashing his economy.'
The EU's job was to get the pact signed by a November 2013 deadline. The U.S. would work with the International Monetary Fund to get Kiev to agree to tough economic reforms.
欧盟的任务是争取在2013年11月的最后期限前签署协定。美国将与国际货币基金组织(International Monetary Fund)合作,让基辅同意进行艰难的经济改革。
The last thing the Obama administration wanted was another flashpoint with Russia. Relations between the two countries were already fraught over Russian President Vladimir Putin's support for the Assad regime in Syria and the decision to grant asylum to alleged National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.
奥巴马政府最不愿看到的事就是让乌克兰成为美俄关系的另外一个引爆点。美俄关系已经问题重重,一方面俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)支持叙利亚的阿萨德政权,另一方面俄罗斯还决定向美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)泄密者斯诺登(Edward Snowden.)提供庇护。
Russia began pressuring Ukraine to resist the pact by reducing Russian imports from Ukraine during the first three months of 2013. Russia followed with a targeted trade war to hurt Ukrainian oligarchs who favored European engagement.
Unease was growing within the U.S. administration. The EU wasn't paying enough attention to Kiev's economic troubles and pressure from Russia, government analysts privately warned policy makers, U.S. officials said.
Anxiety in Brussels surfaced in September, when Armenia, which had negotiated a similar trade and political deal with the EU, backed out and instead pledged to join the Russian customs union under pressure from Moscow.
EU officials saw Armenia, which also faced economic and political pressure from Russia, as a warning sign and stepped up contacts with Ukraine. EU leaders expressed confidence a deal would be signed, believing Mr. Yanukovych wouldn't reverse course after coming this far.
EU officials told their U.S. counterparts in the fall that the EU would start providing direct assistance after the deal was signed, buying more time for the U.S. to work with Ukraine on meeting the IMF's terms, U.S. officials said.
At an October meeting of the Commonwealth of Independent States in Minsk, Mr. Yanukovych made his last strong defense of the European pact. He also had a brief meeting with Mr. Putin that day, and U.S. officials believe that was when a more forceful Russian campaign began.
European divisions over Ukraine, with EU member states worried about antagonizing Russia, weakened the bloc's ability to influence Kiev's decisions, some diplomats aid. Many member states believed the roadblock to a final agreement wasn't Russian pressure, but Kiev's refusal to meet European demands that it release -- at least temporarily -- imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko to receive medical treatment in Berlin.
一些外交人士说,欧洲内部在乌克兰问题上的分歧也削弱了欧盟对乌克兰决定的影响力,因为一些欧盟成员国担心会惹恼俄罗斯。许多欧盟国家认为,未能签署联系国协定的根本障碍不在于俄罗斯的压力,而是乌克兰拒绝(至少是暂时性的)欧洲提出的让在狱中服刑的乌克兰前总理季莫申科(Yulia Tymoshenko)到柏林接受治疗的要求。
U.S. officials believe Russian officials persuaded Mr. Yanukovych to finally reverse course in a series of meetings in Sochi in early November.
In one of those meetings, the Russians presented the Ukrainian delegation with a dossier spelling out potential damage to Ukraine's economy if they moved ahead with the EU agreement, Mr. Yanukovych's advisers told U.S. officials. The dossier, U.S. officials said, set out specific financial losses and percentage declines in such sectors as aerospace and defense.
While top European officials were meeting almost weekly with their Ukrainian counterparts, the U.S. had little in the way of high-level contacts.
But on November 18, a few days after Amb. Pyatt's unexpected conversation with Mr. Lyovochkyn in the presidential office complex in Kiev, Vice President Joe Biden called Mr. Yanukovych, suggesting the U.S. could help counter Mr. Putin's offer.
但是在去年11月18日,也就是派亚特与Lyovochkyn在基辅的总统办公室意外进行交谈几天后,美国副总统拜登(Joe Biden)给亚努科维奇打了电话,表示美国可以帮助乌克兰抵御来自普京的压力。
Mr. Biden, during a visit to Ukraine in 2009, had gotten along well with Mr. Yanukovych, a senior administration official said, with Ukraine president responding to Mr. Biden's blunt style.
Mr. Biden's message was that the U.S. was prepared to work with both the IMF and the EU 'to deliver the support Ukraine needed to get through the economic troubles,' said a senior administration official briefed on the call, which Mr. Biden made while visiting Houston.
Mr. Yanukovych didn't respond to the appeal. On Nov. 21, the Ukrainian government announced it was putting the EU deal was on hold, blaming the EU for failing to offer enough economic support.
U.S. officials said they believed Mr. Yanukovych was looking for the easiest way to raise cash, regardless of the strings attached. U.S. and the EU officials said they weren't prepared to match the $15 billion loan package from Moscow.
U.S. officials tried to convince Mr. Yanukovych it was a bad deal. Moscow offered Ukraine cheap natural gas for three months. After that, prices would rise and Ukraine would be required to buy more, increasing the country's dependence on Russia.
In his calls, Mr. Biden warned the besieged Ukrainian leader that he was 'behind the curve' and putting himself in an 'impossible position,' said a senior administration official briefed on the call.
U.S. officials said Mr. Yanukovych was responsive at times, reversing some of the government's anti-protest laws after one of Mr. Biden's calls. 'But it would always be grudging and halfhearted and too late,' a senior administration official said.
In Washington, Mr. Biden pushed to 'wield the threat of sanctions' if Mr. Yanukovich decided to crack down on protesters, a messeage the vice president conveyed directily in a Dec. 6 call. But the Europeans were torn, arguing against the risk of backing the Ukrainian leader into a corner.
U.S., officials said the tipping point came on Jan. 16, when Mr. Yanukovych pushed laws that effectively banned peaceful protests and outlawed opposition group activities. State Department officials and intelligence analysts warned the White House that Ukraine could be engulfed in civil war.
In the last week of January, at a Situation Room meeting at the White House, Mr. Biden urged the administration to spell out in more detail what financial aid would be provided if Mr. Yanukovych and the opposition cut a deal, said U.S. officials briefed on the session. Mr. Biden was backed by Secretary of State John Kerry, officials said, and President Barack Obama agreed.
美国官员称,1月份最后一周,在白宫战情室(Situation Room)召开的会议上,拜登敦促美国政府明确,如果亚努科维奇与反对派达成协议,美国将提供怎样的金融救助。官员们称,拜登的立场得到美国国务卿(Secretary of State)克里(John Kerry)的支持,也得到美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)的认同。
A few days later, Mr. Kerry huddled with senior European officials on the sidelines of a security conference in Munich and delivered Mr. Obama's message: Get money ready, according to officials briefed on the discussions.
In February, EU foreign ministers closed ranks with the U.lS., saying they would respond quickly if the situation deteriorated, and, later, agreeing on sanctions.
Mr. Kerry was in Paris in the third week of February for meetings when his French, German and Polish counterparts decided to fly to Kiev to try to broker a deal between Mr. Yanukovych and opposition leaders. The U.S. was skeptical, but Mr. Kerry and Mr. Biden agreed to help behind the scenes.
In the end, U.S. officials said, they believed Mr. Yanukovych got cold feet about the power-sharing proposals, and the he disappeared. Many street protesters, meanwhile, resented the U.S. for saying it wanted to work with Mr. Yanukovych instead of booting him.
The Obama administration is taking the trying ease the standoff with Russia over Ukraine's future. 'We're not putting Europe in the lead on this anymore,' a senior U.S. official said.


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