





四六级英语 作文天天练--新版红宝书

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-7 20:24| 查看数: 870| 评论数: 1|









        Mao's Little Red Book to get revamp

        A new version of the world's second most published book, Quotations from Chairman Mao, is due to appear on Chinese shelves, decades after it fell from favour with the end of Maoism. It will not be especially little, and the cover will be only partly red.

        Only the Bible has been printed more often than the Quotations, which was a keystone of Mao's personality cult. A billion copies circulated in the Cultural Revolution – the population pored over it in daily study sessions; illiterate farmers memorised chunks by heart.


        1. Have you read or possessed the Little Red Book? Share your thoughts about that book.

        2. What role have been the book playing in China?


        It is incredible that such a little book can occupy the place of the world's second most published book. Compared with the Chinese population, an astonishing amount of copies has been sold out, which means that each Chinese at least possesses 25 copies of that book - it's unbelievable, isn't it?

        Chairman Mao, at that time, conducted a successful propaganda tactic. The little red book and the Red Guards are the essential weapons to consolidate his regime. It is unprecedented that an average person’s speech could exert a great impact on different classes, no matter the intellectuals or the illiteracy, within a few years. Everyone needed to recite his words and the quotation of them is a must during conversation.

        Not only would the new vision of the Quotations be a good source to study the core of Maoist but also a key to catch glimpse of the then feature.


        China is a country which is in transition, but that it should go towards a country based in democratic government or go back to the utopia which the communist regime failed in the years of 6,70s remains a question.

        These days,news reports that the leftists of China try to revamp the little red book –the citations of Chairman Mao; this is a warning sign for the Chinese liberals who are still haunted by the iron rule of that era. Since the communist party established its rule in China, the rights of free speech had been eroded gradually. And during the Culture Revolution in which the personality cult of Mao was at its crest, millions of intellectuals were persecuted and even tortured to death. For them, the little red book is the symbol of that desperate and crazy era. Revamping it means that the trends become conservative and it’s the herald of a long winter which they do not want to experience again.

        As for me, that stupid and crazy era has long gone, however, I definitely do not want that the sceneries which tens of millions walking dead pledged their loyalty to the great leader happen again.


        To tell the truth, I have never read Mao’s Little Red Book before. But I have heard some meaningful quotations of Mao from my grandparent when I was a little girl. Just as the saying goes, no one is perfect no matter what accomplishment he/she has achieved, and Mao is also not the exception. As the gems of wisdom Mao passed on to us , it’s necessary for us to revamp and update the Little Red Book with the change of the times and the society. We must master the method to absorb its essence and resist its dross. The quotation that impresses me most is that “All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality they are not so powerful.”, and we can also benefit from this remark to deal with the complicated international situation. With the conflicts of China with Japan and the Philippine over islands keep intensifying without easing bias, we should take a firm attitude towards the ownership of the disputed islands and will never yield or compromise. The republishing of the Little Red Book will remind us of the potential risks our nation faces now and teach us never to give up to our enemies no matter how powerful they are. For us Chinese, the spirit of arduous fighting and struggling will never fade and it will be passed on from generation to generation.


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