





四六级写作天天练 : 测测你的专注力

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-7 20:36| 查看数: 961| 评论数: 0|

四六级写作天天练 : 测测你的专注力















        Einstein once said, "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." So common it is that while we are reading some academic or work-related materials, our IM gets a message from a friend, and then without any hesitation you are distracted to check it. At last, astonished and regretful, you find that nothing is accomplished. Is it because time runs faster? No, it is because you are not wired in at all.

        Attention counts a lot as to our intelligence development. It has an intimate connection with other intellectual factors like memory, flexibility and speed. Thomas Edison, the most productive inventor ever since, impressed many people with his ablity to engage himself in working for an extremely long period. Meanwhile, if you observe around intentionally, you would find that people with high levels of attention usually are efficient and smart. However, so often we throw it away while attention is of such intellective nature to us, for by mordern technology we are bestowed upon enormous accesses to information, which make life easy for us. Though we enjoy the convenience and banal luxury of them, we do not realize that we are actually deprived of the opportunities to train our brains. This will result in a high chance of senile dementia as it is suggested in many researchers.


        Actually, I have always been trapped in the problem of distraction when I intend to concentrate on something. For example, when I am reading a book, I can easily divert my attention because the outside noise makes me wonder what happened there or a sense of tiredness impedes my reading process. It seems that there are always numerous reasons that hinder my important businesses. It is, in fact, the instinct of human nature to escape when facing a tough problem, which will ultimately only result to the deterioration of an issue. If I fail to concentrate on reading, even if I finish the book, it turns out to be a waste of time and fruitless. However, we are all able to deal it with our strong will. And successfully overcoming distraction brings huge benefits for us. It improves our effectively and efficiency undoubtedly and we’re inclined to have a clear understanding about certain things. In addition, we are more flexible when focusing on one thing.


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