





四六级写作天天练 : 褪色的苹果

发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-8 08:00| 查看数: 925| 评论数: 0|

四六级写作天天练 : 褪色的苹果


背景介绍:        iPhone 5s/5c被批无价值 苹果创新有待提高        上周苹果发布iPhone5S和5C。许多媒体都纷纷对此进行报道,而苹果也并未让人们失望。在很大程度上,苹果应证了之前市场对iPhone的猜测:iPhone 5S配有一个指纹扫描仪,iPhone 5C覆有塑料外壳。          然而,接下来的事情却让众人失望不已。全世界都预期苹果iPhone 5C会被定为相对便宜的价格,以满足中端市场消费水平,并且让苹果获取更多中国市场占有率。而苹果真正发行的iPhone 5C却只是iPhone 5的降级版,基本价格为469英镑。          对此,消费者、分析师甚至是投资者都难以感到满意,而苹果也在上周三报告其市场占有率下降了5.4%。汇丰银行分析师珍妮‧赖(Jenny Lai)总结道:“从iPhone 5C的价格来看,它应该属于高端手机,而不是低端机,甚至连中端手机都算不上。”          市场普遍认为,iPhone 5S和5C非常令人失望,更让库克在前乔布斯时代的光彩下黯然失色。人们对于指纹传感器的评论褒贬不一,iPhone 5S实质上也只是一个金色外表的iPhone 5。苹果公司的创新水平有待提高。        话题:        1. Do you have any apple products? Why do you like it? Or why not?        2. Please express your opinion towards apple product.        3. Will you buy the new iPhone?        范例1:        A few years ago, when I attended a gathering,my friends often just sat down, playing with their iPhone. Now everything is different. A few months before, I found that the above sense vanished. The majority of guests at the meeting are no more playing iPhone. The glory of the Apple seems fading.        Not a fan of the Apple products, I have to admit that it have make remarkable contribution in our lives. In the past decade, iPhone was regarded as a symbol of status due to its high price and cool feature. Steve Jobs led us to a brand-new technological era. The products he created , iMac, iTune, iPhone and iPad, were brilliant and instantly became the pioneer of trends. However, since he passed away, the soul of Apple departed along with him. The new model, lacking any innovative ideas, is severely criticized. It is sure that the Apple will lose its lead if the situation keeps unchanged.        范例2:        I love ipad. Actually since I bought this magic gadget, I could not live without it. Every day I use it to read the Southern Weekly and chat with friend on the Wechat. It’s very convenient and right now I only watch movies on ipad instead of laptop. I am not an apple fan, but I do think the design of tablet is quite revolutionary. It has deeply changed my habit of reading and entertaining. I have never experienced the other tablet products, so I cannot have a say on the advantages and disadvantages of apple product. But one thing is sure -- my eyesight has declined a lot. Perhaps I should not indulge in the IOS world and go out to relax my eyes.        范例3:        When it refers to Apple, those high-tech electronic products launched by it emerge in my mind. Also, as the former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs was no doubt a legend and he brought revolutionary innovations to the computer and consumer electronics fields. There is the saying that the Apple without Steve Jobs is just like a man without soul. But in my opinion, the soul of Apple is definitely not one specific person; instead it should be the infinite creativity and shrewd marketing insight of the whole product team. We have no idea what the future of Apple will be under the management of Tim Cook, but we may find two strategic adjustments from the latest launching of Iphone 5c and 5s. On one hand, it was the first time that Apple had launched the new product conference in China and chosen China as one of the first listed countries. This fully demonstrated that the importance of Chinese market had been recognized by Apple under the serious challenges from other mobile phone enterprises like Samsung electronics. On the other hand, Apple departed from its practice of rolling out just one new Iphone a year and launched two instead. Actually I have no deep understanding of the strategic intention of this decision. Maybe some of you can give me a specific interpretation about this matter. Personally speaking, I am now still using the Nokia smartphone even though it has been taken over by Microsoft this month. For that I am not very enthusiastic about the electronic products of Apple, I cannot comment on the new Iphone 5c or 5s from their technical parameters. If you ask me to choose one from 5c and 5s, I will select 5c because of its dynamic colors. In my opinion, this is truly a big breakthrough which makes Apple much closer to the taste of young people. We cannot expect the team of Tim Cook to make the same legend as Steve did in such a short time, but we will look forward to it in the near future. Innovation will not happen overnight and it needs the process of accumulation and cohesion. All in all, the road ahead for Apple is full of challenges, and if it wants to win the market the distinctive ideas must be injected.


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