






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-14 14:00| 查看数: 872| 评论数: 0|

Interpol has named two Iranian men – one an asylum seeker – as the mystery passengers travelling on stolen passports on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared on Saturday with 239 people on board.
国际刑警组织(Interpol)已公布两名伊朗男子(其中一人是庇护寻求者)的姓名,他们是上周六使用被盗护照登上马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines)航班的神秘乘客,那架载有239人的飞机在飞行途中失去联系。
The search for the identities of the two men had become a crucial part of the investigation into the disappearance of the Boeing 777 travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing amid concern that it might have been the target of a terrorist attack.
摸清这两人的身份此前成为调查的关键环节,调查焦点是从吉隆坡飞往北京的那架波音(Boeing) 777飞机的失踪。有人担心该机可能成为恐怖袭击的目标。
But Interpol on Tuesday said the results of its investigation made a terrorist link less likely.
“The more information we get, the more we are inclined to conclude it is not a terrorist incident,” said Ron Noble, Interpol secretary-general.
“我们得到的信息越多,就越倾向于得出结论认为,这不是一起恐怖事件,”国际刑警组织秘书长罗纳德•诺布尔(Ronald Noble)表示。
He identified the two passengers as Pouria Nourmohammadi, 18, and Seyed Mohammed Reza Delavar, 29. Mr Nourmohammadi is believed to have planned to seek asylum in Germany.
他提供了两名伊朗乘客的身份:一人是18岁的Pouria Nourmohammadi, 另一人是29岁的Seyed Mohammed Reza Delavar。据信前者计划到德国寻求庇护。
The identities of the two men were revealed at the end of a day in which the search for the missing aeroplane was expanded with ships and aircraft from 10 countries combing a wider stretch of ocean almost four days after the aircraft disappeared from radar screens over the South China Sea.
Also on Tuesday the top official at Malaysia’s civil aviation authority, the agency leading the investigation, said debris found by the military in the Strait of Malacca – west of peninsular Malaysia – was not aviation-related.
周二的另一个动态是,统领调查工作的马来西亚民航局的最高官员表示,军方在马六甲海峡(Strait of Malacca)——即马来西亚半岛以西——发现的碎片与飞机无关。
“It is not part of a plane, this is the case,” said Azharuddin Rahman as he admitted the disappearance of the airline remained “very puzzling”.
“结果发现,它不是飞机的一部分,”民航局总监阿兹哈鲁丁•拉赫曼(Azharuddin Rahman)表示。他承认,这架客机的失踪仍然“十分令人费解”。
Interpol has been critical of some countries for not being vigilant enough in checking passports. Both of the stolen passports used on flight MH370 were on its stolen and lost travel documents database almost immediately after they were reported missing in 2012 and 2013, respectively.
The revelation highlights how Malaysia has become a major hub in southeast Asia for the illegal traffic in asylum seekers and other migrants, including from Iran and Nigeria. “This is an environment where people have been able to come in with relative ease,” said one European diplomat in Kuala Lumpur.
Authorities from Australia, Britain and other countries working with Malaysian immigration authorities routinely try and catch asylum seekers using stolen passports, aiming to get to Europe.
But Interpol in recent days expressed frustration that only a handful of countries – Malaysia not among them – use its database to ensure people with stolen passports are stopped from boarding international flights.
“The number [of illegal migrants] being stopped in any given month [in Kuala Lumpur] is sufficient to demonstrate that Malaysia has an ongoing problem,” the diplomat said. “We are constantly encouraging them to tighten up.”
The identification of the two passengers has become a major focus for investigators while the search continues for the airliner, which was less than two hours into a flight from the Malaysian capital to Beijing when it went missing.
Malaysia Airlines said authorities were looking at a possibility of an attempt made by the aircraft to turn back to Subang, an airport 50km from Kuala Lumpur.
“All angles are being looked at. We are not ruling out any possibilities,” said Ahmad Hauhari Yahya, the airline’s chief executive.
“我们正从所有角度展开调查。不排除任何可能性,”马航首席执行官阿末佐哈里(Ahmad Jauhari Yahya)表示。


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