






发布者: wendy1502 | 发布时间: 2014-3-13 21:44| 查看数: 1092| 评论数: 0|


A: Do you agree that the position of the King should be hereditary?

B: Well, I am not really a supporter of the monarchy, so no.hereditary

a. 1. 遗传的,遗传性的;2. 可继承的,世袭的

A: The castle is an important site of our national heritage.B: Then why is it in ruin?

heritage n. 遗产,继承物,传统

A: I have not seen you for days.

B: I decided to become a hermit!hermit n. 隐士,遁世者

A: The heroine of this play I think has the strongest role.

B: And the actress did a wonderful job performing it.

heroine n. 1. 女主角;2. 女英雄

A: My new hairstyle is hideous.

B: No, it is not, it is just a bit different, that’s all.

hideous a. 极其丑陋的,难看的

A: I dislike the hierarchy in my workplace.

B: Yes, I agree. It is competitive and unfair.

hierarchy n. 1. 等级制度;2. 统治集团,领导层

A: Did you hear that the place was hijacked by terrorists?B: Gosh, was anyone injured?

hijack v. / n. 劫持(尤指动机)

A: I’m going for a two-day hike over the weekend.

B: I’d love to join you if the weather is good.

hike n. 1. 徒步旅行;2. (数量,价格等)增加,上升

vi. 徒步旅行

vt. 提高(价格等)

A: May I help you in the kitchen, Dad?

B: No, you’ll hinder me, and I’ll be quicker by myself.hinder vt. 阻碍,妨碍

A: The door hinges are making a lot of noise.B: Oh, could you oil them for me please?

hinge n. 铰链

hinge on/ upon 依……而定,以……为转移

A: What is that noise in the grass?

B: I think it is a snake hissing, be careful.

hiss vi. 1. 发出嘶嘶声;2. 发嘘声表示不满

vt. (因不满)对……发嘘声

A: I want to be a famous historian when I grow up.

B: What aspect of history do you want to focus on?

historian n. 历史学家,史学工作者

A: May I hitch a ride?

B: Sure, hop in, where do you want to go?

hitch vt. 1. 免费搭(车旅行);2. (用绳,钩等)系住,栓住,钩住;3. (up) 急速提起(或拉起)

vi. 免费搭车旅行

n. 1. 故障,障碍;2. 急提,急拉

A: I just discovered a piece of information hitherto unknown.B: Excellent, I hope it will help us solve the case.

hitherto ad. 到目前为止,迄今

A: I think there is going to be a food shortage.

B: Don’t worry, I have a hoard in a secret location.

hoard n. 贮藏,聚藏(物)

v. (up) 贮藏,囤积


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