






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-18 09:00| 查看数: 697| 评论数: 0|

When China doubled the renminbi’s trading band on Saturday, the central bank proclaimed that it was a move to let market forces determine the value of the long-controlled currency.
If that sounds familiar, it is – the People’s Bank of China said exactly the same thing in April 2012 when it last doubled the renminbi’s trading band.
The currency’s record over the past two years offers a cautionary tale about what to expect from this weekend’s band-doubling. Although indicative of China’s desire to eventually make the renminbi freely tradable, it will take more than a wider band for that to happen: traders and analysts say the central bank will have to step aside from managing the currency on a daily basis, something it has so far proved unwilling to do.
At first glance, the reform appears to be a huge step. The central bank said the range in which the renminbi can move against the US dollar each day will be doubled to 2 per cent above and below a fixing rate it sets each morning. The new band takes effect today.
Currencies that float without constraints, such as the euro or the yen, rarely rise or fall by more than 1 per cent against the dollar in a day, so China’s widening of the renminbi’s daily range to 2 per cent should be tantamount to setting it free. But the lesson of the past two years is that the band plays a distinctly secondary role to the morning fixing in determining the renminbi’s value, and the fixing is controlled by the central bank.
“We do not think much will change at the day-to-day level in China’s foreign exchange market,” says Louis Kuijs, China economist with Royal Bank of Scotland.
“我们不认为中国外汇市场将在日常层面发生很大改变,”苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)中国经济学家高路易(Louis Kuijs)表示。
Over the past month the renminbi has in fact become less predictable, losing more than 1 per cent against the dollar. That was an abrupt shift from its steady appreciation of 2013, forcing companies and speculators to unwind one-way bets on its continued ascent. But it is important to recognise that this decline was a product of the central bank’s own intervention rather than of the market forces that Beijing has promised to unleash.
“The band-widening since 2012 has not heightened exchange rate volatility, indicating that technical modification alone will be unlikely to change market behaviour,” says Liu Ligang, an economist with ANZ.
Throughout most of last year, when the renminbi faced heavy pressure to strengthen, the currency regularly rose to the strong side of its daily 1 per cent band, only for the central bank to return the exchange rate to its original level the next day. The result was that the currency traded in a straight line, inclined softly upwards, with few bumps along the way. Even with the wider trading corridor the currency could easily fall into the same pattern, with the market pushing the currency up and the central bank bringing it back to square one via its daily fixing. Nevertheless, the next few months are to be an uncertain period for the renminbi after the central bank intervened heavily in recent weeks to weaken its value. That has led some analysts to conclude that Beijing is easing monetary policy to cushion the slowing economy.


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