






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-18 13:00| 查看数: 673| 评论数: 0|

Crimeans voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to break away from Ukraine and join Russia, according to preliminary results, in a referendum that the West condemned as illegal.
With half the ballots counted, 95.5% of Crimea residents voted to break away from Ukraine and become part of Russia, local officials said.
The Crimean capital of Simferopol was already celebrating as polls closed. People waving Russian flags packed Lenin Square in the city center for a concert of Russian pop stars. The words 'Crimean Spring' and 'Happy Crimea' were projected onto the facade of a building in green letters and a crowd sang along to a Soviet hit being performed on stage.
随着投票结束,克里米亚首府辛菲罗波尔已经在庆祝。挥舞着俄罗斯旗帜的人们挤满了该市中心的列宁广场(Lenin Square),参加俄罗斯流行歌手的音乐会。一幢建筑的表面投射出绿色的“克里米亚之春”和“幸福克里米亚”字样,人群跟着舞台上的歌手唱起一首苏联时代的热门歌曲。
Official results were expected to be announced later in the evening, officials said.
Russia's incursion into Crimea has been widely criticized as an invasion of a sovereign nation and the referendum as an illegal vote. Western governments, including the U.S., are threatening the Kremlin with sanctions if it agrees to annex Crimea after the poll's results are tabulated.
The U.S. and the European Union on Sunday immediately rejected the results, saying the international community should respond with concrete measures against Russia for its actions in Ukraine.
But the poll has taken place with an air of inevitability. Many Crimeans are enthusiastic supporters of Moscow's moves in the region, for reasons including economic hardship, concern about the continuing political turmoil and fears of Ukrainian nationalism whipped up by Russian state broadcasts that are dominating the airwaves.
EU foreign ministers plan on Monday to discuss targeted sanctions against officials involved in Russia's move to seize control of Crimea. Two diplomats said late Sunday that around 20 names were under discussion, half of them Russian officials. Officials from member states were set to resume the discussions late Sunday evening.
EU heads of government will meet later in the week and could expand the list of sanctions targets depending on the steps taken by Moscow in coming days. A formal decision to annex Crimea by Russia's parliament would likely lead to broader sanctions, diplomats have said in recent days.
欧盟政府领导人将于本周晚些时候会面,可能会扩大制裁对象范围,具体取决于未来几天莫斯科采取的行动。外交人士近日表示,如果俄罗斯议会正式决定接管克里米亚,就可能引发更大规模的制裁。外长们将于周一发表声明,《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)看到的声明草稿文本显示,声明称克里米亚公投是违法的,并敦促俄罗斯降低危机级别并立即将克里米亚驻军人数减至危机前水平。
A draft text of the statement foreign ministers will make on Monday, seen by The Wall Street Journal, called the Crimea referendum illegal and urged Russia to de-escalate the crisis and 'immediately withdraw its forces to their precrisis numbers.''Any further steps by the Russian Federation to destabilize the situation in Ukraine would lead to additional and far-reaching consequences for relations in a broad range of economic areas between' the EU, its member states and Russia, the draft text said.
Ukraine's acting defense minister said Sunday that Ukraine and Russia had agreed to a truce until Friday, though there wasn't immediate confirmation from Russia. 'No measures will be taken against our military facilities in Crimea during that time. Our military sites are therefore proceeding with a replenishment of reserves,' Ihor Tenyukh told journalists.
乌克兰代理国防部长Ihor Tenyukh周日表示,乌克兰和俄罗斯同意在周五之前停战,但暂时还没有得到俄罗斯确认。Tenyukh对记者表示,在此期间俄罗斯不会对乌克兰在克里米亚的军事设施采取行动,因此乌方的军事基地可以进行补给。
It wasn't clear exactly what such a truce would entail, but it suggested that the Russians wouldn't move to take over Ukrainian bases immediately after the referendum as some have feared.
Russia took over the largely Russian-speaking peninsula, home to its Black Sea naval fleet and a part of Russia until 1954, with the argument that it had to protect its people after the ouster last month of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych ushered in a government led by the pro-European opposition.
克里米亚是主要说俄语的半岛,是俄罗斯黑海舰队的驻地,在1954年之前是俄罗斯的一部分。俄罗斯辩称,接管克里米亚是为了保护它的人民。上个月乌克兰总统亚努科维奇(Viktor Yanukovych)被驱逐,亲欧的反对党领导的政府上台。
In a statement Sunday, the Kremlin press service said Russian President Vladimir Putin told German Chancellor Angela Merkel that the referendum was 'being conducted in full accordance with international law' and that Russia will respect its results.
俄罗斯新闻部门周日发表声明称,俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin)对德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,公投完全符合国际法,俄罗斯将尊重公投结果。
Much of the older generation longs for a return to the days when Crimea was controlled by Moscow, hadn't suffered the harsh after effects of the Soviet Union's collapse and was considered a paradise-like place to live.
In the Crimean town of Gvardeyskoye, a convoy of seven military tractor-trailers with no license plates rumbled past a school where locals were lining up to vote in a polling station set up on the indoor basketball court.
Colored balloons festooned the windows. Elena Kondratyukh, 40, deputy chairman of the precinct, said the festive atmosphere recalled elections of Soviet times.
窗户上装饰了彩色气球。该辖区40岁的副主席Elena Kondratyukh表示,这种节日气氛让她回想起前苏联时代的选举。
'People are coming here as if for a celebration,' Ms. Kondratyukh said. 'It is like how our parents took us to vote.'
In Yalta, Marina Grigorovskaya, the chairwoman of the polling station, said she expected 90% of the facility's 1,700 registered voters to show up, compared with a 50% or 60% turnout during recent elections.
在南部城市雅尔塔,当地投票站的负责人格里戈罗夫斯卡亚(Marina Grigorovskaya)说,她预计该投票站1,700名登记选民中有九成会参加此次公投,高于近期选举中五六成的投票率。
'It is a fateful decision,' Ms. Grigorovskaya said. 'We finally are going home.'
The referendum's official website, Referendum2014.ru, posted a music video of an anthem urging Crimeans to vote, with the chorus, 'We're your children, Russia.'
Voters checked one of two boxes on a paper ballot. One endorsed Crimea becoming part of the Russian Federation. The other was for a return to Crimea's 1992 constitution, which would imply remaining part of Ukraine, with more autonomy.
At several voting areas on Sunday morning, only ballots with the first box checked were visible in the transparent ballot boxes.
Crimea's parliament has already voted to join Russia. Its speaker, Vladimir Konstantinov, said on a recent visit to Moscow that lawmakers decided not to pose the option of Crimean independence because the peninsula has no such 'illusions.' He said more than 75% of Crimeans support the decision to reunite with Russia.
克里米亚议会之前已投票决定加入俄联邦。议长康斯坦丁诺夫(Vladimir Konstantinov)在近期访问莫斯科时说,议员们决定不添加克里米亚独立的选项,因为克里米亚不抱有这样的“幻想”。他说,超过75%的克里米亚人支持重新与俄罗斯统一。
Crimean leaders, some of them installed with Moscow's blessing since the Kiev government's collapse, have largely ignored criticism that the vote has already been decided.
'I don't feel or see any pressure,' Sergei Aksyonov, Crimea's pro-Russia prime minister, told Russian state news as he voted in Simferopol, the capital, early Sunday morning.
克里米亚亲俄派总理阿克肖诺夫(Sergei Aksyonov)周日早间在首府辛菲罗波尔投票时向俄罗斯官方新闻机构说,他没有感受到或者是看到任何压力。
The leader of the Crimean Tatars , an ethnic minority that accounts for about 12% of the peninsula's population, has called the referendum unlawful, but they don't have the numbers to reverse the separatist push.
Many Crimean Tatars associate Kremlin rule with their deportation in the 1940s under Joseph Stalin. The descendants of those exiles were allowed to return to Crimea only in the late 1980s, struggling to rebuild their communities, schools and businesses, and are wary of Moscow's rule. Many are boycotting.
许多克里米亚鞑靼人对俄罗斯的记忆停留在上世纪40年代斯大林(Joseph Stalin)统治时期他们被驱逐的历史上。一直到上世纪80年代后期,那些被流放的鞑靼人的后代才被允许回到克里米亚,艰难地重建社区、学校和企业,时刻警惕着俄罗斯。他们中的许多人都抵制此次公投。
'It is better to live in a free Ukraine than in a police Russia,' said local Crimean Tatar leader Ilmi Umerov.
当地的克里米亚鞑靼人领袖乌梅罗夫(Ilmi Umerov)说,生活在自由的乌克兰好过戒备森严的俄罗斯。
In Sevastopol, nostalgic Soviet music blasted from a stereo set up in the window of a school, where nearly everyone said they had voted to reunite with Russia. Some streamed in with black and orange pro-Russia ribbons and the flags of Russia or Russia's Black Sea Naval Fleet.
在克里米亚西南部的塞瓦斯托波尔(Sevastopol),架设在一所学校窗户上的音响播放着震耳欲聋的苏联怀旧音乐,这里几乎所有人都说,他们投票同意重新加入俄罗斯。一些人挥舞着支持俄罗斯的黑色和橙色彩带,还有俄罗斯国旗或俄罗斯黑海舰队(Black Sea Naval Fleet)旗帜。
Tatyana, a 61-year-old who years ago moved to Sevastopol from the eastern city of Donetsk, was one of the women inside overseeing the voting.
'No one is shooting at us, no one is at gunpoint, there are no armed green men,' she said, declining to give her surname because her daughter in mainland Ukraine told her Ukrainian authorities are planning to prosecute those organizing the referendum.
According to the Kremlin's statement, Mr. Putin also expressed 'concern' about rising tensions in Ukraine's east and south fueled by what he called 'radical groups encouraged by the authorities in Kiev.'
The Kremlin has said it received calls to 'protect peaceful civilians' in eastern Ukraine and is considering the requests.
Sporadic violence has flared between Russians and Ukrainians in parts of eastern Ukraine. Pro-Russia demonstrators in the eastern city of Donetsk broke into the prosecutor's office Sunday and raised a Russian flag after a rally of around 2,000 in favor of closer ties with Moscow.
Russia landed troops outside the Crimean peninsula and onto the Ukrainian mainland for the first time on Saturday, seizing a natural gas distribution station in Ukraine's Kherson region to prevent a cutoff of gas to the peninsula.


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