






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-24 11:00| 查看数: 597| 评论数: 0|

Four days went by before officials acted on satellite data showing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 flew for several hours away from the area being covered by a massive international search, people familiar with the matter said -- a delay from which investigators are still working to recover.
知情人士透露,马来西亚官员在获得一些有关马来西亚航空(Malaysia Airlines) 370航班的卫星数据四天后才根据这些数据采取行动,这些卫星数据显示,失联航班飞离了国际力量大规模搜索的区域,离开该区域后还飞行了数小时。目前,调查人员仍在努力弥补因这一延误所造成的不利影响。
The satellite's operator, Britain's Inmarsat PLC, on March 11 turned over to a partner company its data analysis and other documents indicating that the plane wasn't anywhere near the areas on either side of Malaysia where more countries and ships had been searching for three days since the plane disappeared. The documents included a map showing two divergent north and south corridors for the plane's route stretching some 3,000 miles from the plane's last previously known location, the people said.
知情人士称,英国卫星运营商Inmarsat PLC在3月11日向一家合作公司提交了该公司的数据分析和其他文件,这些数据和文件显示,失联飞机并不在马来西亚半岛东西两侧的附近区域;而自飞机失联以来,许多国家和船只已经在该区域搜索了三天时间。文件中包括一幅地图,该地图显示了方向分别为向北和向南的两条走廊,走廊的延伸长度离飞机最后已知位置的距离约有3,000英里(4,800公里)。
The information was relayed to Malaysian officials by Wednesday, March 12, the people said. Inmarsat also shared the same information with British security and air-safety officials on Wednesday, according to two of the people, who were briefed on the investigation.
Two additional people familiar with the Malaysian side of the probe said the information could have arrived in Kuala Lumpur as late as the morning of March 13.
Malaysia's government, concerned about corroborating the data and dealing with internal disagreements about how much information to release, didn't publicly acknowledge Inmarsat's information until March 15, during a news conference with Prime Minister Najib Razak. Malaysia began to redirect the search effort that day to focus on the areas the information described, and said for the first time that sabotage was a prime suspect in the plane's disappearance.
由于数据尚待证实,且政府内部围绕信息披露程度存在分歧,马来西亚政府直到3月15日才在与总理纳吉布(Najib Razak)召开的新闻发布会上公开承认Inmarsat提供的信息。当天马来西亚开始指引搜救队将搜索重点放在信息中所说的区域,并且首次表示客机消失的最大嫌疑是遭到了人为破坏。
The disclosures about how the information made its way into the investigation underline how international efforts to find the plane have been repeatedly marred by distrust among the countries involved, confusion in Malaysia's public statements, and criticism from many countries that has led some to suspend or change their search efforts in frustration.
The lost days and wasted resources have threatened to impede the investigation, according to officials involved with the probe.
The delay also means that 12 days after Flight 370 vanished, investigators are still refining search maps, dividing regions to cover and seeking satellite-surveillance records from several countries along the routes the aircraft is now suspected of taking.
In acknowledging the satellite information Saturday, Mr. Najib said Malaysia 'worked hand in hand with our international partners, including neighboring countries' and 'shared information in real time with authorities who have the necessary experience to interpret the data.'
Another government official said Malaysia was cautious about revealing and acting on the data because 'we don't want to upset anybody with round after round of confusing information.'
U.S. national-security officials haven't commented on information-sharing issues. Britain's Ministry of Defense had no immediate comment and its air-crash investigation agency, which has been invited to assist in the probe, said it couldn't comment on 'an ongoing investigation.'
美国国家安全部门的官员尚未就信息共享问题置评。英国国防部(U.K. Ministry of Defense)未立即置评,而该国受邀协助调查的空难调查机构称,无法对“正在进行中的调查”发表评论。
China's government has complained about Malaysia's response, with Premier Li Keqiang on Monday urging Mr. Najib to provide 'more detailed information in its possession, including third-party information, in a timely, accurate and comprehensive manner,' according to China's official Xinhua news agency. China's foreign ministry didn't immediately respond to a request to comment late Wednesday.
Within hours of Flight 370's disappearance on March 8, Inmarsat started searching for clues. What little data it had on the short flight before it disappeared was provided to SITA, a Swiss aviation IT company, on the same day, Inmarsat said.
Late that weekend, Inmarsat's team delved into its databases to retrieve periodic 'pings,' akin to digital handshakes between the plane, a satellite and a ground station, said an industry official briefed on the investigation. The hourly signals provided a crucial clue that the missing 777 most likely remained intact with its engines presumably running hours after it lost contact with civilian radar.
Inmarsat Senior Vice President Chris McLaughlin said that on Monday, March 10, it began extrapolating the location of the jetliner. Mr. McLaughlin said the data was shared the following day with SITA, which in turn shared it with Malaysian officials.
Inmarsat高级副总裁麦克劳克林(Chris McLaughlin)称,该公司从周一即3月10日开始推算失联飞机的位置。他说,数据在第二天交给了SITA,后者把数据分享给了马来西亚官员。
At that point, the search was still focused primarily in waters east of the Malay Peninsula, and officials hadn't confirmed reports that Flight 370 had altered its course to Beijing about an hour after takeoff to fly west across the peninsula. Inmarsat's package showed not only that the plane had continued flying for hours, but that it had made an even more radical course change later along one of two possible paths, one heading northwest toward Kazakhstan and the other curving far south over the Indian Ocean.
The Inmarsat package, which included a map of the twin north and south corridors, together with readouts of data from a communication satellite, demonstrated the need for a dramatic shift in search areas, according to people briefed on the investigation.
One person said Malaysia chose not to disclose what it considered raw data, preferring to check it first with international partners.
Throughout this process, the basic theory and underlying data from Inmarsat didn't change significantly, according to three people briefed on the investigation.
'The material was refined, but it wasn't demonstrably different' from what Inmarsat first proposed earlier that week, according to one of these people.
It wasn't clear how U.S. officials obtained the initial Inmarsat data, which they analyzed and helped translate into maps. Regardless, people briefed on the probe agree it took longer than expected for the information to spread from engineers and technical experts who cranked out the first version of the data to policy makers and then back down to officials directing specific elements of the searches.


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