





解决债务问题 中国须用苦药

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-25 10:00| 查看数: 714| 评论数: 1|

Finally, Chinese leaders have admitted what the market has been saying for some time: defaults by Chinese borrowers are all but inevitable, possibly on a significant scale. Responding to questions at a news conference last week, Li Keqiang, the Chinese premier, admitted that “isolated cases of default will be unavoidable”.
Few are likely to share Mr Li’s optimistic view that only “isolated cases of default” will occur. Still, by speaking publicly of the possibility that investors will suffer losses on credit products, he indicated that Beijing may be ready to face the consequences of its decision to prop up growth with credit-fuelled investment. In the past five years credit has grown at an average of 20 per cent a year, more than double the average rate of economic growth over the same period. An astonishing $14tn of new credit has been extended since 2008. Much of this has been spent on building fixed assets such as infrastructure, real estate and factories.
Unfortunately a large portion of this investment – it is impossible to say how much – has been squandered on speculative property ventures, useless infrastructure and excess manufacturing capacity. To make matters worse, inadequate financial regulation has allowed borrowers of doubtful standing to gorge on a seemingly endless flow of loans.
As China’s macroeconomic environment deteriorates, a vicious cycle has taken hold. Slowing growth prolongs the country’s overcapacity problem, depresses prices of goods (such as coal and steel) that have attracted large speculative investments, and destroys the profitability of projects built on rosy assumptions of continuing high growth. The day of reckoning has now arrived. Beijing has two options, both of them unpalatable. It can either admit the obvious and start deleveraging, reducing the rate of credit issuance and allowing borrowers to default when they cannot meet their obligations. Or it can continue to prop up zombie borrowers with more credit.
随着中国宏观经济环境变差,一个恶性循环由此形成。经济增长放缓延长了产能过剩问题的持续时间,压低了吸引大量投机性资金的产品(如煤炭和钢铁)的价格,并摧毁了基于经济继续快速增长的乐观假设而上马的项目的盈利性。眼下,清算的日子到了。中国政府有两个选择,两个都不愉快:一是承认明显的事实,开始推动去杠杆,降低信贷投放规模,并允许债务人在无力偿债时违约;二是继续提供更多贷款支持“僵尸借款人”(zombie borrower,指多次未及时偿债、坏账风险很高的债务人——译者注)。
Should it opt for the latter, a deceptive calm may last for a year or two. But when the inevitable crisis arrives it will be disastrous. According to estimates by Fitch Ratings, at the current rate of credit growth, China’s ratio of debt to gross domestic product will exceed 270 per cent by 2017. Interest payments alone will reach 20 per cent of GDP in that year.
如果选择后一种做法,中国经济表面上或许还可以维持一、两年平静,但这种平静带有欺骗性。当危机不可避免地到来时,那将是一场灾难。据惠誉评级(Fitch Ratings)估计,按照目前的信贷增长速度,中国债务与国内生产总值(GDP)之比到2017年将超过270%,仅应偿付利息与GDP之比就会达到20%。
Mr Li’s remarks last week suggest that Beijing may have decided to accept some intense pain now to forestall a future calamity. If so, we should applaud the Chinese leaders’ courage. Nevertheless, Mr Li and his colleagues will encounter serious difficulties in restructuring China’s debt-laden economy. Four challenges stand out.
First, Beijing’s newfound reluctance to offer bailouts indiscriminately may have the unintended effect of undermining confidence in the solvency of a wide range of borrowers. This could prompt a credit squeeze that produces more default than is desired.
The withdrawal of the government’s implicit guarantee will make lenders less willing to extend new credit or to renew old loans. This will almost certainly force a large number of borrowers into default – including some with viable plans that would eventually have enabled them to repay their debts. Even relatively healthy borrowers are likely to suffer.
Second, many Chinese debt contracts are guaranteed by third parties. If one borrower is unable to make good on its promises, the event could trigger a series of further failures, as entities that have stood behind the defaulting borrower are themselves unable to fulfil their obligations. Systemic risks could be far bigger than the Chinese authorities assume, and may reside in unexpected corners of the financial system. The ensuing shocks could cause severe damage to the real economy.
Third, the task of determining which borrower should go bust is unavoidably political. At present China lacks market-based institutions and procedures for bankruptcy, restructuring and liquidation. Government officials will be deciding which borrowers should be bailed out, and which should be allowed to go under. It is easy to imagine a politically driven process resulting in the survival of the best-connected borrowers rather than the fittest.
Finally, imposing financial discipline on the Chinese economy through default and credit retrenchment will make it harder to meet Beijing’s growth target of 7.5 per cent for 2014. To strengthen the credibility of their commitment to reform, Chinese leaders need to consider abandoning this artificial objective so that they will have more freedom to implement painful financial restructuring.
Mr Li’s candour on loan defaults is only a small step in the right direction. Beijing needs to show more resolve to restore stability in the financial sector.


Classmate_Wang 发表于 2014-3-25 10:36:20
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