






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-26 09:00| 查看数: 1579| 评论数: 0|

China’s ability to get things done has long caused many Indians to marvel. Whether the planners in Beijing are overseeing the biggest rural-urban migration in human history or building the world’s longest high-speed rail network faster than you can say “tickets please”, there is a sense of purpose to everything they do. India – democratic, federal, chaotic – has never been able to pull off anything like that speed of execution.
For years, Indians have hoped that their virtues will win out in the end. Their country may plod, goes the narrative, but it plods in the right direction. China’s authoritarian system, which operates without the constraints of electors, independent courts or a free press, can dash off in any direction. It is capable of engineering 10 per cent growth year after year (though even that miracle has recently run out of road). Equally, it can produce the disaster of the cultural revolution and may yet conjure an economic catastrophe – say an explosion of the property sector or an implosion of shadow banking. China has only a gas pedal.
But what if Indians voted to become more like China? That is one plausible interpretation of the seemingly decisive swing in electoral support towards Narendra Modi, Gujarat’s chief minister and a prime ministerial candidate with Chinese characteristics. If nothing else, Mr Modi, whose leadership style brooks little opposition, has a reputation for getting things done. His supporters, including most of the country’s business leaders, who have flocked to Gujarat to pay homage, praise his decisiveness and hatred of red tape. In 2008 Ratan Tata, whose plan to build the Nano mini-car in West Bengal fell foul of local politics, came to him with a proposal to switch the factory to Gujarat.
但要是印度选民希望让印度变得更像中国一点怎么办?具有中国人作风特征的古吉拉特邦(Gujarat)首席部长、印度总理候选人纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)最近看上去明显赢得了多数选民的支持,一个合理的解释就是:印度人希望像中国那样。别的不说,领导风格说一不二的莫迪就以富有实干能力闻名。让支持者们称赞的是,莫迪做事果断,痛恨繁文缛节。印度大多数商界领袖也是他的拥趸,为表敬意,他们纷纷把业务迁至古吉拉特邦。2008年,拉丹•塔塔(Ratan Tata)在西孟加拉邦(West Bengal)建厂生产Nano小型汽车的计划因为与地方政界发生纠纷而泡汤了。塔塔于是找到莫迪,希望转到古吉拉特邦建厂。
Mr Modi nodded – and it was done. Modinomics is the triumph of implementation over prevarication.
The parallels with a Chinese-style leadership should not be overdone. But there is at least one other way in which a Modi administration might resemble a Chinese-style approach. Like Deng Xiaoping, who departed from Communist ideology with his pragmatic entreaty to “let some people get rich first”, Mr Modi is more about making the economic pie bigger than slicing it up fairly.
Critics of Manmohan Singh’s Congress administration, which in its second five-year term has watched helplessly as the growth rate has slid below 5 per cent, say it has prioritised redistribution over expansion. Its profligacy on subsidies and social programmes, charge detractors, has obliged the central bank to tighten monetary policy, thereby choking growth.
在第二个五年任期期间,曼莫汉•辛格(Manmohan Singh)领导的国大党政府束手无策地看着经济增长率下滑至5%以下。批评者称,辛格政府重视再分配甚于经济扩张。他们指责说,本届政府推出了大量补贴和社会保障计划,迫使印度央行不得不收紧货币政策,结果阻碍了增长。
Sadly for Congress, its redistributive policies are seen to have failed even by those who are supposed to have benefited. A recent Pew Research Center survey, which polled almost 2,500 people across the country, found that rich and poor Indians, educated and non-educated, urban and rural, want a switch to Mr Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata party by a hefty majority. Fully seven in 10 are dissatisfied with the way things are going, and 63 per cent favour a BJP administration over a Congress one. No fewer than 78 per cent have a favourable view of Mr Modi, with just 16 per cent disapproving.
对国大党而言,可悲的是,即便在本应受益的群体看来,其再分配政策也是失败的。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)最近对印度各地近2500名受访者的调查显示,无论贫穷还是富有,有没有受过教育,来自城市还是农村,大多数受访者都希望莫迪领导的印度教民族主义政党“印度人民党”(Bharatiya Janata)上台执政。10个人中有7个人对现状不满。对于印度人民党政府更好还是国大党政府更好这个问题,63%的受访者更青睐前者。不少于78%的受访者对莫迪有好感,只有16%的受访者不支持他。
What do people expect from him? Asked which party would do a better job helping the poor, 54 per cent had faith in the BJP, with only 21 per cent selecting Congress. That is surprising given that Congress has funded a food-guarantee programme covering almost two-thirds of the population and a rural employment guarantee scheme ensuring 100 days of subsidised work per household. Similarly, asked which party would be better at controlling price rises, another crucial concern for poor people, the tally was 55 per cent in favour of Mr Modi’s BJP against 17 per cent for Congress.
Since faster growth was unleashed with the reforms of 1991, which dismantled the red-tape restrictions of the licence Raj, hundreds of millions of Indians have done better. But hundreds of millions more have been left behind. The crucial point, though, says Jagdish Bhagwati, a prominent Indian economist at Columbia University, is that those 20 years have demonstrated poverty to be a “removable condition”. Indians have undergone what he calls a “revolution of perceived possibilities”.
1991年的改革废除了原本规定了许多条条框框的许可证制度,让印度经济实现了更快增长。如今,几亿印度人的生活变得更好了。但还有几亿印度人被落在后面。不过,哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)著名印度裔经济学家贾格迪什•巴格瓦蒂(Jagdish Bhagwati)指出,20年发展的关键作用在于,证明了贫困是“可以消除的”。他说,印度人经历了一场“观念革命”。
Increasingly, according to this theory, they may be attracted not to promises of Nehruvian-style equality but rather to the prospect of Deng-style growth. Part of Mr Modi’s attraction is that, by sheer force of will, he may be able to override some of the checks and balances of Indian democracy and introduce some of the clearheadness of growth-driven China. Under a Modi administration, the hope is, land will be cleared, permissions will be granted, and roads and other infrastructure will be built. In this cheerful scenario – far too optimistic, according to his many detractors – he will do for India in its entirety what he has been able to achieve for Gujarat.
Of course, India will never really be like China. Mr Modi is a fiery orator who can rouse a crowd – a quality that, at least since Mao Zedong, has hardly been required by unelected Chinese leaders. Nor can India, fractious and with significant power devolved to the states, ever emulate an authoritarian China in which power is concentrated in the centre. And even if, after the general election in May, Mr Modi is crowned prime minister and goes on to wield power more single-mindedly than his predecessors, there will always be one crucial difference with China. If Indians decide that they do not like him, they can always kick him out.


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