






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-27 08:00| 查看数: 738| 评论数: 0|

Riot police cleared Taiwan’s Cabinet offices of scores of protesters opposed to a trade pact with China on Monday after a last-minute plea from President Ma Ying-jeou failed to defuse a five-day stand-off.
At least 58 protesters were arrested and dozens injured in the clashes which represent a sharp escalation in tensions over the island’s developing ties with mainland China. The police had been ordered to evict the protesters after the executive compound was occupied late on Sunday night.
Demonstrators had staged a sit-in at the Taiwanese legislature since Tuesday to protest the fast-tracking of an accord to lower the barriers on trade in services, making it easier for mainland Chinese companies to invest in Taiwan and vice versa. The sit-in had drawn crowds of supporters to the surrounding streets and demonstrations of support from Taiwanese living overseas.
Beijing claims sovereignty over Taipei and does not maintain diplomatic relations with nations that recognise Taiwan. Opponents of the trade deal fear it would give mainland China too much control over the economy of independently-governed Taiwan.
The protests come after several years of warming relations and growing economic integration between China and Taiwan, whose unresolved conflicts are one of the biggest potential flashpoints in Asia.
Taiwan’s ruling Kuomingtang party, which fled mainland China after losing a civil war to the Communists in 1949, supports the pact, as do many Taiwanese industrialists with extensive investments in the mainland.
President Ma, whose administration has signed a number of trade and economic agreements with mainland China, defended the pact and called for crowds to go home in a press conference on Sunday. “I tell you once again, with a responsible attitude, that this is completely for the sake of Taiwan’s economic future,” he said.
The opposition Democratic Progressive party warned that opening the services sector to Chinese ownership would tighten Beijing’s grip on the much smaller island of Taiwan. The DPP lacks the votes to block the pact when it comes up for final parliamentary review on April 8.
反对党民进党(Democratic Progressive)则警告说,将服务业企业的所有权向中国大陆人开放,可能会令中国政府加强对台湾的控制。这一协定将于4月8日提交立法院终审,民进党届时将缺乏足够选票阻止该协定通过。
The Taiwanese economy is already heavily dependent on China. Local banks had the equivalent of $64.92bn in exposure to Chinese loans, investments and interbank deposits at the end of December, or one-quarter of total, according to central bank data, leaving them more exposed to China than any other country.


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