






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-28 08:00| 查看数: 743| 评论数: 0|

A billion-dollar question: Is China on course to roll out more stimulus measures? It's only a matter of time, analysts say.
A senior official in China Investment Corp., the country's sovereign-wealth fund, cast a vote of confidence in the nation's economy at a Credit Suisse investment conference in Hong Kong . Li Xiaopeng, head of CIC's supervisory board said that although growth in the first quarter appeared sluggish, 'the very real growth takes place in [the second quarter], so don't worry.'
在瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)于香港举行的投资会议上,中国主权财富基金中国投资有限责任公司(China Investment Corp., 简称:中投公司)的监事长李晓鹏为中国经济投下了信任票。李晓鹏表示,虽然第一季度增长显得疲软,但真正的增长出现在第二季度,因此不用担心。
In a media briefing at the same conference, Dong Tao, chief regional economist for non-Japan Asia at Credit Suisse said confidence in the Chinese economy was improving: 'It's almost a market consensus [for a recovery scenario] now.'
'But the implicit assumption is you'll see a sizable government stimulus coming up. But the threshold for this administration to roll out stimulus is much higher than the previous administration,' he said. 'Even if stimulus package is launched, how helpful will that be to the real economy? It's a risk to me.'
To some, a stimulus program has already started. Five railway projects were recently approved by China's main economic planning agency, while the money market is flooded with cash.
These signs of stimulus come after a slew of weak economic data so far this year. HSBC's manufacturing index fell to an eight-month low in March, showing a continuous contraction.
Mr. Tao says lower-profile infrastructure projects that are not widely publicized will be in place to encourage growth in the world's second-biggest economy, and he expects China's central bank to cut in the required reserve ratio for lenders, loosening monetary policy. However, the People's Bank of China is still working hard to keep credit conditions tight in a bid to overhaul the financial system.
More importantly, China is undergoing a turnaround in its credit cycle. After a decade-long expansion in credit supply, the PBOC is gradually and gently draining liquidity from the market, while the recent decline in banks' short-term borrowing rates is a seasonal factor, Mr. Tao said. Tighter liquidity won't cause much damage to the real economy, he said. 'But it is naive to believe China can deliver reform without paying a price.'
So now, the next billion-dollar question: Can China achieve 7.5% GDP growth target this year?
Mr. Tao's answer: There are certainly risks. 'But should there be no spilling over to possible social unrest, that shouldn't be too much a worry of the government,' he says.


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