






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-3-31 11:00| 查看数: 754| 评论数: 0|

Faced with the reality that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 came down in a remote part of the Indian Ocean, investigators now have one pivotal question: Where?
面对马来西亚航空公司(Malaysia Airlines) 370航班坠落于印度洋某遥远海域的现实,调查人员现在需要搞清楚的一个关键问题是:这片海域到底是哪里?
Oceanographers are central to solving that puzzle. Their understanding of ocean dynamics can enable investigators to locate the plane's wreckage and with it the black box, which contains vital clues as to what befell the doomed jetliner.
For more than a week, a team of six oceanographers from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, or CSIRO, Australia's national science agency, has been calculating where the wind and ocean currents may have carried debris from Flight 370.
一周多来,一支由澳大利亚国家科研机构联邦科学和工业研究组织(Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization,简称CSIRO)六名海洋学家组成的工作组一直在推测,风力和洋流可能会将370航班的残骸带到哪里。
They are using a technique known as drift modelling, which relies on data from satellites equipped with altimeters, instruments that measure sea levels to an accuracy of 10 centimeters, and buoys, which use telemetry to relay information about sea levels and ocean currents.
By measuring sea levels, the scientists can map the ocean's contours to build a detailed picture of the marine landscape. Far from having a uniformly flat surface, 'the ocean consists of mounds and troughs,' said David Griffin, leader of the CSIRO team. 'These highs and lows can have a radius of 50 to 100 kilometers.'
通过测量海平面,科学家可以绘制出相关海域的等值线图,进而制作出海洋地形详图。CSIRO工作组的组长格里芬(David Griffin)表示,与通常平坦的海面不同,海洋底部有许多山丘和低谷,这些山丘和低谷的半径可达50至100公里。
Objects carried in the water, such as aircraft debris, naturally travel along the low contours -- which essentially serve as marine highways -- and around the oceanic mounds, he continued. 'Effectively any debris would follow the contours,' he said.
Even the storms that forced the suspension of search operations Tuesday do not affect the team's drift models, Dr. Griffin said, since objects would still stick to the low contours, though they may travel much more quickly in strong winds.
The oceanographers have used the data from the drift models to construct a dynamic, moving map of the sea that allows them to visualize how the marine highways might have moved since the day of the crash on March 8. They can then effectively rewind the journey taken by any debris they find and trace its route back along the marine troughs to its point of origin -- the crash site.
There's just one problem: So far no debris from Flight 370 has been recovered.
All the team has to go on at the moment, said Dr. Griffin, are pixelated satellite images of objects that may just be flotsam unrelated to Flight 370.
Rewinding the routes these objects took has nonetheless yielded positive results.
The objects came from an area very close to where Inmarsat satellite data put the plane on the day of last contact, Dr. Griffin said, referring to the U.K.-based satellite company whose information was used to track the aircraft to its final point somewhere in the Indian Ocean.
That means investigators already know roughly where Flight 370 came down -- but the area is far from small or specific. Now, 19 days after Flight 370 was lost, Dr. Griffin and his team are 'looking at maps of debris possibly over hundreds of kilometers,' he said.
Time is not on their side.
'You can really only follow things with any certainty for a couple of weeks. We're getting to the end now of the time when you can backtrack to the original location,' explained Dr. Griffin.
The search teams scouring the southern Indian Ocean for traces of the Malaysia Airlines plane need to find some debris conclusively linked to it very soon, otherwise the oceanography team will no longer be able to apply their model and calculate where the plane ended up.
Without their help it could take months, or even years, to pinpoint the wreckage.


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