






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-1 13:00| 查看数: 869| 评论数: 0|

What do Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy and Ben Bernanke have in common? One thing, anyway: they have all discussed “wellbeing” as a better measure of success than gross domestic product. With the wind of political and economic interest behind it, why is more not happening to change the focus of public policy?
安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)、戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)、尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)和本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)有什么共同之处?最起码的一个共同之处是:他们全都提出,用民众幸福感衡量成功比用国内生产总值(GDP)好。政治和经济界人士纷纷对此表示了兴趣,但为何公共政策的重点却没有多大改变呢?
GDP is entrenched as the yardstick of progress. But politically, it never seems the right moment in the economic cycle to switch focus. Promote wellbeing in a recession and you will be accused of trying to divert attention from falling output. Demote GDP in a recovery and your spin-doctors will complain you are throwing away a success story.
GDP – the total sum of the goods and services we produce – not only fails to reflect the distribution of income, it also omits feelings, not easily reducible to monetary values. But efforts to broaden it face serious challenges. First, how do you define wellbeing? Second, where are the data? Third, what do we really know about what drives changes in wellbeing? And so, fourth and most important, is there any point? Would, or should, a focus on wellbeing change anything that governments, companies and individuals do?
It is a fair list of questions. Good answers have, slowly, been reached – and, in a report commissioned by the Legatum Institute, I and my co-authors have brought them together. First, of the definitions of wellbeing accepted as valid, “life satisfaction” seems the most useful. Second, most developed countries now collect data on wellbeing, and the OECD club of mainly rich nations has provided a framework that helps comparison. Third, research is rapidly building our understanding of the drivers of wellbeing. And fourth, to the question, “is there any point?” my answer is resoundingly “yes”. Focusing on wellbeing would, and should, change public policy.
Our report identifies areas to address: health, social care, and law and order. Notably, they are where the goods and services involved do not have market prices, or whose prices often do not properly reflect the broader value people ascribe to them. They are areas where it is not always possible to make a well-informed choice in a well-functioning market. They are areas where policy has to be directed at things that just happen to you, such as falling ill or being robbed; or where it is easy to make bad choices, perhaps because of a lack of information or in response to behavioural influences. So researchers are building models of how people actually behave rather than – as in traditional, “rational” models – how we assume they do.
针对这一系列问题,人们慢慢地找到了答案。我们在受列格坦研究所(Legatum Institute)委托撰写的一份报告中总结出了几点。首先,在被认为有效的幸福感定义中,“生活满意度”似乎是最有用的。第二,大多数发达国家现在都收集了有关幸福感的数据,而主要由富裕国家组成的经合组织(OECD)提供的框架则有助于我们进行比较。第三,相关研究让我们很快对影响幸福感的因素有所了解。第四,对于“这有意义吗?”的问题,我的回答是非常响亮的“是的”。着眼于幸福感将会而且一定会使公共政策发生转变。
So what would this all add up to? Let us imagine that after the next election the prime minister tells the cabinet that, in the next spending review, money will be allocated to maximise its impact on public wellbeing. Ministers will have to do a lot of rebudgeting.
Our report looks at four areas in particular: mental health and character building; community; income and work; and governance. Possibly its most significant conclusion is that mental health is a crucial determinant of life satisfaction and should be treated as professionally as physical health.
This would be a radical challenge to the Department of Health. Our conclusions should also echo through other public services and departments, from Communities to the Treasury to Education. We need to support parents and build pupils’ life skills. Not only will this prepare children better for adulthood, but happier children also learn better. Policy should shift to promoting volunteering and charitable giving, addressing loneliness and recreating a built environment that is sociable and green. As well as promoting economic growth, we should aim to reduce unemployment through active welfare policies such as welfare-to-work; wellbeing data, unlike GDP measures, show the psychological effects of unemployment. Similarly, defining poverty solely in income terms omits much.
Above all, the pursuit of wellbeing should accelerate the shift to preventive action and behavioural analysis. It would not remove the hard choices that will confront any government. But I strongly believe it would provide a better, broader, more robust framework for making those choices well.
这将给英国卫生部(Department of Health)带来严峻挑战。其他公共服务机构和部门——从社区部到财政部再到教育部——也应该对我们的结论做出响应。我们需要赡养父母,需要培养学生们的生活技能。这不仅能够使孩子们为以后的成年生活做好充分准备,而且他们也会更快乐且学得更好。政策应该转向促进自愿服务和慈善活动,解决孤独问题,重现和谐、绿色的建筑环境。除了推动经济增长以外,我们还应该致力于通过“以工代赈”等积极的福利政策来降低失业率。与GDP指标不同,幸福感数据显示出失业对人们的心理影响。同样,单纯按照收入水平定义贫困远远不够。
The writer is chairman of Frontier Economics and a former cabinet secretary and co-author of ‘Wellbeing and Policy’


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