






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-3 09:00| 查看数: 973| 评论数: 0|

It used to be enough for luxury hotels to offer one spectacular presidential suite. Now, they're finding too many guests who want to play president.
Suites are booming. With occupancy levels and room rates rising, luxury hotels are doing quite well. A growing number of wealthy, globe-trotting visitors and the increasing popularity of multigenerational travel are spurring a flurry of activity in the most spacious and swankiest spaces.
Rosewood Hotels & Resorts is increasing the percentage of suites at its resort properties to more than 40% of total rooms, up from around 30%, because of strong demand, company president Radha Arora says. At Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona, the suites have an occupancy rate of about 80%, higher than the hotel's regular rooms. Now the property is adding a building next door: 17 of the 22 new rooms there will be suites. Peninsula Hotels and Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.'s luxury St. Regis brand are upping the number of suites as they build new hotels and renovate existing ones.
瑰丽酒店集团(Rosewood Hotels & Resorts)总裁拉达・阿罗拉(Radha Arora)称,由于需求强劲,该公司逐步将其度假酒店中的套房比例从占客房总数的30%左右提高到40%以上。在巴塞罗那文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)内,套房的入住率大约达到80%,高于普通客房的入住率。目前该酒店正在隔壁增建一栋客房楼:该楼的22间新客房中将有17间建为套房。此外,半岛酒店(Peninsula Hotels)、喜达屋宾馆及度假酒店国际集团(Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.)旗下的豪华酒店瑞吉(St. Regis)也在新建酒店或翻新现有酒店时增加套房的数量。
There's also activity at the very top of the suite food chain. Having just one grand suite with a range of much smaller ones just doesn't cut it anymore. After the Maybourne Hotel Group built the Apartment, a 3,000-square-foot, two-bedroom suite with a wraparound terrace and views of London's Mayfair neighborhood, at the Connaught hotel, it couldn't keep up with demand for the $23,900-a-night space.
此外,各大酒店也开始增加最顶级的奢华套房。只拥有一套豪华大套房外加一系列小很多的套房已不再能够满足客人的需求。梅伯恩酒店集团(Maybourne Hotel Group)在凯莱德酒店(Connaught Hotel)建了一套面积为3,000平方英尺(约合278平米)的两卧公寓套房。它拥有全景露台,可欣赏伦敦梅费尔区的景致,但是这套23,900美元一晚的套房还是满足不了需求。
'We found ourselves having to disappoint people' because it was full, Maybourne chief executive Stephen Alden says. Some guests jumped to competitors. So the company soon built two more comparable 'feature' suites, the Library suite and the Terrace suite. 'It is part of sustaining the business over the long term,' Mr. Alden says.
梅伯恩首席执行长斯蒂芬・奥尔登(Stephen Alden)说,由于客房已满,“我们不得不让客人失望了”。一些客人转而入住竞品酒店,于是该公司迅速推出了另外两套档次相当的“特色”套房――图书馆套房和走廊套房。奥尔登说:“它是维持长远业务的举措之一。”
Even though suites don't tend to be booked as often as regular rooms, they are usually very profitable. Besides the sometimes eye-popping rates, suite guests tend to stay longer at a property, return more frequently and spend a lot of money on everything from spa treatments to room service and catered parties.
And people now generally pay the listed rates. In the past, hotels often used their top suites as a special giveaway to groups that booked big meetings or as an upgrade to loyal customers. Hotels would rarely charge full price for their presidential suites, says Robert Mandelbaum, director of research information services at PKF Hospitality Research. 'The opposite is true now because of the high occupancy of the hotels,' he says.
如今,入住套房的客人一般付的是挂牌价。在过去,酒店常常把入住顶级套房当作特别赠礼送给预订大型会议的团体,或者是为忠诚客户升级至此类套房。酒店业研究机构PKF Hospitality Research调研信息部总监罗伯特・曼德尔鲍姆(Robert Mandelbaum)称,以前酒店极少会全额收取总统套房的房费,“现在的真实情况正好相反,因为酒店的入住率高了。”
Indeed, hotels say they want to keep those top suites exclusive.
'These suites need to be your sacred cow,' says Thomas Steinhauer, general manager of the new Four Seasons in Orlando, Fla. The hotel, slated to open in August, will have 68 suites among its 444 abodes, including a royal suite that can expand into a nine-bedroom space.
佛罗里达奥兰多新四季酒店(Four Seasons)的总经理托马斯・施泰因豪尔(Thomas Steinhauer)说:“得让这些套房成为你的神 之物。”该酒店预定于8月份开业,其444间客房将有68间为套房,其中还包括一套可扩展为九间卧室的皇家套房。
Luxury hotels overall have rebounded from the depths of the recession. The occupancy rate at luxury hotels reached 74.6% in 2013, up from 63.7% in 2009. The average daily rate was $290.64 in 2013, up from $243.88 in 2009, according to data from STR Inc.
Hotel companies say the demand for suites is being fueled in part by rising concerns about privacy. Increasingly, hotels are creating entire wings or floors that can be locked off and accessed by a separate entrance. These are coveted by everyone from Hollywood A-listers trying to avoid paparazzi to families traveling with large entourages.
In February, the Ritz-Carlton, Dallas created a new 'privacy wing,' a 5,500-square-foot space with a private entrance that encompasses the hotel's top suite, two smaller suites and two other regular rooms. (Price tag: $7,500 a night.) 'This gives you the capability of a secure area within the hotel for celebrities, royalty, diplomats that are traveling with a nanny, private chef, security,' general manager Roberto van Geenen says.
今年2月,达拉斯丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)打造了一座新的“私密配楼”。它面积约为5,500平方英尺(约合510平米),拥有私人通道,囊括该酒店的顶级套房、两套小一些的套房以及另外两间普通客房(价格为7,500美元一晚)。该酒店的总经理罗伯托・范格南(Roberto van Geenen)说:“对于携保姆、私人厨师和保安出行的名流、王室和外交官来说,它让你能够在酒店内拥有安全区域。”
The top suites are being reimagined, too. The stereotype of the grand suite with vast, empty space and ornate chandeliers is increasingly out of date.
In the past, 'it was almost like a regal waiting room,' says Paul James, global brand leader for Starwood's St. Regis, Luxury Collection and W brands. 'You walked in and you had lots of obvious earmarks of luxury, the gilding, the bronze work, the marble.' Now, the largest suites 'should feel more like a high-end home,' he says. That may mean just as much space, but used more practically, with more connecting rooms, additional bathrooms and larger wardrobes, he says.
喜达屋旗下瑞吉、豪华精选酒店(Luxury Collection)与W品牌的全球品牌主管保罗・詹姆斯(Paul James)说,过去“它基本上就像王室的待客厅。走进去后你会看到大量显眼的奢华标志,比如镀金物、青铜件和大理石等。”现如今,顶级大套房“给人的感觉应该是更像高端住宅”。他说,这或许表明现在的套房虽然还像以前那么大,但设计得更实用了,拥有更多相连的房间,额外的卫生间和更大的衣橱。
Suites are also being reconfigured with more flexibility, with hotels able to add and subtract bedrooms based on guest demand. That can boost occupancy and protect hotels from too-big or too-small suites lying fallow.
The Rosewood London actually calls its six top suites House Suites. The largest, the 6,295-square-foot Grand Manor House Wing, has a private street entrance and elevator -- and its own postal code. The suite, with six marble bathrooms, three living rooms and two walk-in closets, features funky materials such as a horsehair ceiling and alpaca wool wall tiles. The suite costs $41,500 a night.
实际上,伦敦瑰丽酒店就把它的六套顶级套房称为“House Suite”。其中最大的套房――面积达6,295平方英尺(约合585平米)的Grand Manor House Wing拥有从街道直通的专属通道和专属电梯――以及专属邮编。该套房有六间大理石盥洗室、三间客厅和两个步入式衣橱,采用了马毛天花板和羊驼毛壁砖等时髦新颍的建材。该套房的房费为41,500美元一晚。
Indeed, hotels say they are increasingly competing with lavish private rental homes. The Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto sits near the Air Canada Centre and Rogers Centre, pro sports venues that host large concerts. But the hotel found itself losing celebrities to private homes. The hotel plans in June to launch four residential-style suites on its 36th floor with a private entrance and elevator. 'We're going to make the guest feel like they aren't in a hotel,' general manager Mickael Damelincourt says.
各酒店都表示,它们与豪华租赁私宅之间的竞争越来越激烈。多伦多特朗普国际大厦酒店(Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto)位处加拿大航空中心(Air Canada Centre)与罗杰斯中心(Rogers Centre)附近,这两个职业体育赛事场馆也举办大型音乐会。然而,该酒店发现一些租赁私宅抢走了其名人客户。因此,它计划于6月份在36层推出四套拥有专属通道和专属电梯的住宅式套房。该酒店总经理米凯尔・达梅兰古(Mickael Damelincourt)说:“我们将会给客人带来宾至如归的感觉。”
While added perks like butler service and the use of hotel cars have long been offered to suite guests, hotels are adding more distinctive and elaborate services for their suites to further set them apart from regular rooms -- and to make guests feel better about those high prices. Las Ventanas al Paraiso, a Rosewood property in San Jose del Cabo, Mexico, opened 12 new stand-alone villas in December with private pools and beaches.
长期以来酒店一直给套房住客提供管家服务和使用酒店车辆之类的额外优惠,现在它们又开始增加更多独具特色的精心服务,以便进一步将套房与普通客房区分开来――并且让住客对付出的高价感觉舒心一些。墨西哥 何塞德尔卡沃(San Jose del Cabo)的Las Ventanas al Paraiso为瑰丽旗下酒店,它推出了12栋带私人泳池和私人海滩的新独栋别墅。
The $4,500 starting price tag includes a host of extra touches: massages on arrival, a chef-led ceviche class, tequila tastings and s'mores on the beach. When guests arrive, they are introduced to the housekeeper, bartender, pool person and butler in the style of 'Downton Abbey,' hotel manager Daniel Scott says. Guests of the hotel's soon-to-open top suite will also receive a private fireworks show.
该系列别墅起价为4,500美元,包括一系列额外的特色服务:抵店按摩、主厨授课的酸橙汁腌鱼烹饪课以及在海滩上品尝龙舌兰和棉花糖夹心饼。酒店经理丹尼尔・斯科特(Daniel Scott)说,在住客抵达时,酒店会向他们介绍唐顿庄园式的客房服务员、调酒师、泳池管理员和管家。该酒店的顶级套房也即将开业,该套房的住客将可欣赏专属烟花表演。
The Las Ventanas villas won over frequent guest Gary Friedman, chairman and chief executive of Restoration Hardware, the furniture and housewares company. He and his girlfriend have stayed in one twice, the last time a weekend getaway recently.
Las Ventanas的别墅争取到了像加里・弗里德曼(Gary Friedman)这样的常客。弗里德曼是家具及家居用品企业Restoration Hardware的董事长兼首席执行长,他与女友曾两次入住别墅,上一次是前不久的一次周末出游。
They have enjoyed the complimentary massages, pina colada-making lessons and their beach -- personalized each day with a message in the sand. When he stays in a regular room, Mr. Friedman often runs into friends at the pool or restaurant. But on his last villa visit, Mr. Friedman says he only left the villa once. 'Sometimes you don't want to run into friends. You just want to chill,' he says.


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