






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-8 09:00| 查看数: 857| 评论数: 0|

Companies in China are complaining that they're seeing less cash, and instead are getting paid in acceptance drafts, a type of virtual currency. It's not a new problem.
In the late nineties and early 2000s, Beijing bailed out the banks after they got choked up by massive piles of nonperforming loans. But at the same time, corporate China -- then dominated by state firms -- was similarly frustrated by what was referred to as triangular debt. That meant that when company A couldn't pay company B for goods it had bought, company B wouldn't be able to pay company C, which in turn couldn't pay company A. In reality, the debt chains were much longer, but with the same effect. No one was getting paid in cash, and eventually the banks absorbed the debt.
Commercial and bank acceptance drafts 'were the currency of triangular debt in the bad old days,' said David Blair, managing director at Acarate Consulting in Singapore. Now based in Singapore, Mr. Blair worked for 20 years in corporate treasury in China, including a stint between 1995 and 2004 when Beijing was working out its debt problems. 'Once you are stuck with a stack of paper of dubious quality, the best way to get rid of it is to pass it on to your suppliers. Welcome to the merry-go-round!'
Acarate Consulting驻新加坡的董事总经理布莱尔(David Blair)说,过去三角债盛行的时候,商业和银行承兑汇票就等于是货币。布莱尔在中国企业财务领域工作了20年,见证过1995年至2004年中国政府对债务问题的处理。他说,一旦被迫接受了一大堆质量可疑的票据,最好的摆脱方法就是转给你的供应商,这是一个恶性循环。
Mr. Blair said that back then fraud was a major issue. The bills, which are just slips of paper that don't have the built-in security features of modern currency, are easy to copy ( here's what they look like). About five years ago the central bank introduced electronic drafts as a way to combat counterfeits, but paper bills still make up the lion's share of drafts.
The use of acceptance drafts eased over time, but it has remained a major feature of China's economy.
For banks, there are some real advantages to issuing acceptances rather than making loans. Firstly, banks are constrained to lending out only 75% of their deposit base, a level a number of banks are already very close to. Acceptances aren't counted as loans unless a bank agrees to exchange them for cash before maturity, typically for an amount less that the bill's face value, as process known as discounting.
Discount rates are pretty low, currently hovering around the central bank's benchmark for one-year loans of 6%. That's enough to deter a lot of companies that are already dealing with razor thin margins -- although they'll do it when they need cash to pay wages or utility bills. Banks themselves, when called upon to discount a bill, often try to move it off their books as quickly as possible. A few years ago they were actively stuffing wealth management products with discounted acceptance drafts, until the banking regulator stepped in to say they couldn't do it anymore. These days, there's an active interbank market for acceptances, with large banks selling acceptance drafts to small banks which still have room to lend, and are hungry for exposure to the quality customers large banks have but small banks don't have access to.
Banks also like acceptance drafts because not only are they a way to extend credit without using cash, but they're also a way to pull in cash, something that's become all the more important in recent years as banks compete with the emergence of trust companies and wealth management products for savers' yuan. As security against writing an acceptance bill, banks not only charge a fee but also require their client to deposit with the bank a certain amount of money. Large state-owned firms typically have scope to negotiate with banks over just how much they need to deposit, but smaller firms are often called upon to deposit up to 50% of the face value of the draft. So not only do bills not inject cash into the economy, they actually drain cash.
Acceptance drafts are not just used to support trade finance or companies' working capital needs. They also get used for investment purposes and for speculation. A company can take an acceptance draft and rather than use it to pay a supplier, might choose to take it to an underground lender and discount it immediately. They can then take that money and invest it in a trust product, which typically offer interest rates upwards to 10%, well above the discount on their acceptance draft.
Even as circulation of acceptance drafts has accelerated, with companies using them more often, growth in the issuance of acceptance drafts by banks slowed last year. That could be in part because banks are no longer willing to fund such speculation, but also because they're growing wary of default risks. In some parts of the country banks are asking that a third party guarantee a draft before issuing one.
But companies need banks to not grow too cautious. While companies don't like using them, acceptance drafts are a key factor that keeps the economy moving when cash is scarce.


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