






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-8 11:00| 查看数: 705| 评论数: 0|

Buying real estate involves weighing a lot of factors: location, price . . . smell?
Some condo developers are betting that the best way to a buyer's heart is through the nose. The latest sales tools are signature scents designed to enhance a buyer's or renter's impression of a building.
一些公寓开发商认为,要抓住购房者的心,最好的办法是吸引住他们的鼻子。这种最新的营销手段靠的就是定制专属香水(signature scent),用它来加深购房者、租户对住宅楼的印象。
The Zaha Hadid Architects-designed condominium One Thousand Museum, soon to begin construction in downtown Miami, will have a subtle fragrance in its reception area that is meant evoke the feeling of a beach breeze on a warm day -- though the building isn't on the beach.
由扎哈・哈迪德建筑事务所(Zaha Hadid Architects)设计的公寓大楼One Thousand Museum很快将在迈阿密的市中心开建,在它的接待处将会出现一股淡淡的清香,让人有种暖阳天微风吹过沙滩的感觉――虽然大楼并不是建在沙滩上。
The building's developers worked with New York-based company 12.29 -- which has created fragrances for fashion designer Zac Posen and musician Lady Gaga, among others -- to come up with scents to match the brand of the 62-story skyscraper. The sculptural tower, with a curved, concrete exoskeleton will have four custom scents, including ones for the fitness center (citrus, with a little dark wood), rooftop aquatic center (creamy coconut with a hint of orange flower) and the spa (tea and spice notes).
该公寓大楼的开发商们和纽约公司12.29合作,设计出能契合这栋62层摩天大楼品牌特色的香味。12.29曾经为时装设计师扎克・珀森(Zac Posen)和音乐人Lady Gaga设计过香味。大楼外形宛如一座雕像,线条流畅而又不乏硬朗,它共配备了四款定制香味,分别用在健身中心(柑橘味,稍加黑森林味做点缀)、屋顶水上娱乐中心(奶油椰子味加淡淡的橙花香)和水疗馆(茶香加香料味衬托)等地方。
'The sense of smell is something that's most memorable to people,' says Louis Birdman, one of the developers. So far, just over 30% of the building's units, which range from $5 million to more than $15 million, are in contract.
其中一位开发商路易斯・伯德曼(Louis Birdman)说,味觉是人们最难忘的东西。该大楼公寓售价从500万美元至逾1,500万美元不等,到目前为止,已签订购买合同的比例略高于30%。
The Printing House, a converted industrial building in New York's West Village that has luxury condos, uses a subtle fragrance called Australian Coast, pumped in by several scent machines placed around the lobby and in model units. It is meant to smell 'fresh and airy,' to complement the building's loft-like units and high ceilings. 'I think we really nailed it matching the aesthetics of the place to the scent,' says Matt Muller, the development's project manager.
纽约西村(West Village)由工业建筑改建的大楼Printing House里面建有豪华公寓,它使用了一种被称为澳洲海岸(Australian Coast)的淡淡香气,安装在大堂和样板间的几处飘香机会不时地喷 这种香味。它的作用是让空气显得清新舒畅,弥补大楼loft式房间以及天花板较高的不足。大楼的项目经理马特・穆勒(Matt Muller)说,我认为我们真正做到了把这个地方的美学特色与香味完美地融合。
Real-estate agents have long advised sellers to make sure their homes smell nice for showings, baking fresh cookies or a loaf of bread to give off a comfortable, 'welcome home' vibe. But luxury developers today are taking the olfactory factor a step further, working with fragrance makers and scent companies to pinpoint the smell that will help sell their type of building.
Tom Bakewell, the chief financial officer of StreetLights Residential in Dallas, says he has long seen industrial fragrances used in the industry to mask 'offensive' smells, like cigarette smoke and the mustiness of older buildings. Recently, he selected a signature scent for a new luxury-rental building in Dallas to help with branding. The Taylor has 308 units that average about $2,200 a month.
达拉斯住宅开发商StreetLights Residential的首席财务长汤姆・贝克维尔(Tom Bakewell)说,他很早以前就见过业内有人使用工业香味掩盖刺鼻的味道,比如烟味和老旧建筑里的霉臭味。最近,他为在达拉斯建造的一幢新豪华出租公寓楼挑选了一款定制香味,来提升项目的品牌形象。这个名为the Taylor的公寓楼项目共有308套房间,平均租金为每月2,200美元。
For the sales center and lobby, which are always filled with freshly cut flowers, he chose to add a light floral scent. For the fitness center, the smell is woodsier, he says.
The idea is to 'try to touch on all five senses' with prospective renters, he says. Clients view and touch sample finishes such as granite countertops while they listen to music played in the background, and drink soft drinks, beer or wine. The fragrance is a final, subtle, marketing tool.
Signature scents are the latest amenity that real-estate developers have borrowed from the hotel industry -- after in-house spas, concierges and valet parking. In 2006, Westin became one of the first major brands to create a signature scent when it introduced its White Tea aroma. It now features the scent at all its locations world-wide, so that a hotel lobby at the Westin Chicago O'Hare smells the same as one in Shanghai. Retail stores, such as Hugo Boss, also have used custom scents designed to keep shoppers in their stores longer.
定制专属香味是继内部spa、大堂接待和代客泊车之后,房地产开发商从酒店业学来的最新一种让来宾感觉舒适的手段。2006年,威斯汀(Westin)为酒店加入了白茶香气,成为首批使用定制香味的大牌酒店。如今它在全世界各地的酒店都使用了这种香味,因此芝加哥威斯汀奥黑尔酒店(Westin Chicago O'Hare)的味道会和上海威斯汀的一模一样。另外,雨果博斯(Hugo Boss)等品牌的零售店也开始使用定制香味,希望以此延长购物者在店内的停留时间。
Ed Burke, director of marketing for ScentAir, one of the world's largest scenting companies, says residential buildings were the fastest-growing segment for the company in 2012. The company also sells scents for hospitals (calming smells or whimsical notes such as cotton candy for children's wings) and amusement parks (often robust scents like cinnamon and woodsy smells), as well as casinos and hotels. With a 3,000-scent library, the company tabulates everything from a building's color palate and finishes to demographics and piped-in music when presenting developers with potential scents that will fit their projects.
仙爱尔(ScentAir)是全球最大的芳香技术公司之一,该公司市场营销总监艾德・伯克(Ed Burke)说,住宅楼业务是公司2012年发展最快的领域。该公司还向医院(有镇静作用的气味、或者儿童病房里棉花糖味道等充满想象力的气息)、游乐场(通常是肉桂味、森林味等比较硬朗的香味)、以及赌场和酒店等提供香味技术服务。该公司香味库有3,000种味道,它会结合一栋建筑里的各项数据,包括建筑的颜色选择、表面材质到住户人口分布、大楼播放的背景音乐等等,为开发商选择一种最适合他们项目的香型。
Samantha and Dawn Goldworm, twin sisters and co-founders of 12.29, say the trick with residential projects is to make sure 'nothing that we do smells like perfume.' Scents should be subtle enough so as not to overpower, yet distinct enough to leave at least a subliminal impression. Creating a custom scent for residential buildings and private homes, a growing part of their business, involves considering ambient smells and designing a smell that works well with the overall feeling of the building's brand. For One Thousand Museum, they also took into account the ambient smell of construction nearby.
12.29联合创始人、双胞胎姐妹萨曼莎・葛德文(Samantha Goldworm)和唐・葛德文(Dawn Goldworm)说,在给住宅楼制作香味时要特别注意的是,不能让味道闻起来像香水。香味一方面应该足够地淡雅、不能过于浓郁,同时还要能被分辨出来,至少要给人在潜意识里留下印象。为住宅楼和私人房屋制作定制香味成为她们公司不断增长的业务内容,这样的工作要考察周边环境的味道、设计出一种能和项目品牌总体感觉相融合的香味。对于One Thousand Museum,她们还要考虑附近建筑物的环境气味。
'I equate it to if you're creating a logo for the space,' says Dawn.
For One Thousand Museum, they took into consideration the cultural preferences of potential buyers coming from places like Brazil, for whom the smell of various things would be different from what Americans or Europeans would expect. In Brazil, for example, cultural preferences lean toward scents with fruitier notes, while Europeans are more drawn to woodsier or balsamic vanilla notes.
在为One Thousand Museum设计香味时,她们还考虑了来自巴西这样地方的潜在购房者的文化喜好,他们对不同东西味道的感受可能和欧美买家有所不同。比如,在巴西,文化偏好可能会让人们更喜欢有水果气息的香味,而欧洲人更喜欢森林或者香草的气息。
'It's not what they like,' says Dawn. 'It's what they won't reject.'
The scent of everything from local cleaning products to cheese can influence how scents are perceived culturally. Petrol, for example, has a different smell in the U.S. than in other countries, which can play into how urban smells are perceived. For One Thousand Museum's aquatic center, the Goldworms say they took into account the different ways suntan lotion smells in countries from where the buyers would likely come.
当地的清洁产品到奶酪等各种东西的味道会影响到不同文化的人如何感受不同的香味。比如,美国汽油的味道就和其他国家的不一样,这会影响到人们对城市味道的理解。在One Thousand Museum的水上娱乐中心,葛德文姐妹说她们考虑了在购房者可能来自的国家中防晒霜的不同味道。
Buyers at One Thousand Museum also will be able to work with 12.29 to create a custom scent just for their apartment, for a yet-to-be-determined fee. Ms. Goldworm says they will talk with families and individuals about their lifestyle, and the way they want to 'brand' their homes. They have started working with a few wealthy families who own homes around the world to create custom scents that will give every home the same smell.
One Thousand Museum的购房者还可以和12.29一起创造出属于他们公寓的定制香味(费用待定)。葛德文说,她们将会和整个家庭还有个人讨论他们的生活方式、他们想如何树立家庭“品牌”。她们已经开始为几个富豪家庭定制香味,让他们在全世界各地的房子闻起来都是一个味道。
Mr. Muller, of the Printing House, says he spends about $10,000 a year leasing the scent-dispensing machines ('a drop in the bucket' of their advertising and marketing budget, he says). Feedback from buyers has been so positive he is considering choosing a second scent to brand a set of townhouses that are part of the development and scheduled to hit the market in a few months. 'Our thinking was, this was just another element to add to the buyer's experience,' he says.
Printing House的穆勒说,他每年花费一万美元租用飘香机(他说,这不过是广告和营销预算的九牛一毛。)由于购房者的反馈非常之好,他正在考虑为几个月后准备上市销售的该项目的一批联排房屋也挑选一种香味,配合其品牌推广。他说,我们的想法是为买家的购房体验锦上添花。
Miami-based development company Key International's new 1010 Brickell will have a woodsy, earthy feel with a lobby decorated with a wall-size, three-dimensional photo composite of a forest. The building's scent is meant to evoke that same atmosphere, combining notes of sandalwood, vanilla bean, oak and clove.
迈阿密开发商Key International新的1010 Brickell项目将会给人一种树林、土地的感觉,它的大堂装饰了一整 的3D合成的一片森林的照片。为了配合这样的氛围,大楼的香味融合了檀香、香草豆荚、橡树和丁香的气味。
With prices from $600,000 to $3.5 million, 'the idea is to walk into that lobby and feel like you're not in the middle of Brickell,' says Liliana Paez, director of sales.
这里的房价每套从60万美元到350万美元不等,销售总监利利安娜・帕兹(Liliana Paez)说,我们这样做,是为了让人有走进大楼却身处其外的感觉。
To make sure buyers remember the building's pleasant smell, the fragrance travels home with them in scented sales materials and invitations to an opening party.
'When you smell something beautiful, says Ms. Paez, 'it's part of your whole first impression.'


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