






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-14 12:00| 查看数: 675| 评论数: 0|

The Chinese military is accused of continuing to hack western companies despite denying the accusations last year after a report pointed the finger at a unit of the People’s Liberation Army in Shanghai.
Mandiant, the US cyber security company that accused China of a sustained hacking campaign against more than 140 companies, claims in a new report that attacks have continued even after the White House called on China to stop the extensive hacking.
The company said cyber criminal activity had temporarily dropped after its report in February last year, which along with claims that the New York Times was hacked by Chinese attackers, contributed to political tensions between Washington and Beijing.
该公司表示,去年2月它发表了那份报告后,中国的网络黑客活动曾经暂时有所下降。那份报告,再加上《纽约时报》(New York Times)声称也被中国黑客侵入,加剧了华盛顿与北京之间的政治紧张。
But it said by the end of the summer the cyber criminals had simply changed their IP addresses, which help locate them, and were back to hacking at the same rate. It took 160 days to return to “consistent intrusion activity”, the report said.
Laura Galante, analyst at Mandiant, said the hackers appeared to still be trying to gain access to the same intellectual property and research and development targets.
曼迪昂特的分析师劳拉•加兰特(Laura Galante)说,黑客似乎仍试图侵入相同的知识产权和研发目标。
“This is the best example of where actions speak louder than words,” she said.
Mandiant said the lull after the exposure could have been an “attempt to assess any political damage following the publications and to reorganise its cyber operations to better hide its activities”.
In the report, Mandiant said it had hoped to achieve progress by highlighting the problem at a “presidential level” but said it had failed in this aim.
Thomas Donilon, White House national security adviser, placed pressure on Beijing by saying it should take “serious steps” to stop the hacking of US companies on an “unprecedented scale”. The Chinese government dismissed last year’s report as “amateurish” and “full of loopholes”.
白宫国家安全顾问托马斯•多尼隆(Thomas Donilon)曾对北京方面施加压力,称中方应采取“切实措施”,叫停针对美国企业的“空前规模”的黑客活动。中国政府对去年的那份报告不屑一顾,称其“业余”和“漏洞百出”。
The latest report from Mandiant comes on the heels of revelations from Edward Snowden, the former US National Security Agency contractor, claiming that the US had hacked into the servers of Huawei, the Chinese telecoms equipment company.
曼迪昂特发表最新报告之前,美国国家安全局(NSA)前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)爆料称,美方曾侵入中国电信设备公司华为的服务器。
The US has blocked Huawei from making several acquisitions in America because of suspicions that it might be working in tandem with the Chinese government. US officials have conceded that the disclosure means they have lost some of the moral high ground when it comes to accusing China of hacking into government and commercial computers in the US.
During a visit to Beijing this week, Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary, urged China to be more open about its cyber capabilities.
美国国防部长查克•哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)本周在访问北京期间敦促中国提高其网络战能力的透明度。
“We have also made efforts to be more open about our cyber capabilities, including our approach of restraint,” Mr Hagel said in a speech at China’s National Defence University.


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