






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-16 08:00| 查看数: 590| 评论数: 0|

The confrontation between Russia and the west over Ukraine imperils the Russian economy, but the problem runs both ways. Russia’s pre-existing economic malaise also explains why the country is vulnerable to an international crisis.
The trouble is not the oil price, which for now remains at the high level that has propelled Russia’s economy for the past decade. Rather, the problem is that the Ukraine crisis has arisen just at the moment when economic growth in Russia has come to depend more heavily than ever on capital-intensive industrial investment.
Put another way, Russia’s present economic problems are structural rather than cyclical, even if some cyclical factors such as recession and stagnation in the eurozone – by far Russia’s largest trading partner – have added to the gloom. Ironically, the European slowdown has dealt a much more serious blow to Ukraine’s economy than to Russia’s, and must be reckoned among the underlying causes of the events that have contributed to the present crisis.
Russia needs a new approach if it is to achieve even a fraction of the growth of the past decade, which has averaged 5 per cent a year. Its problem is the inverse of China’s: it needs to move away from consumption and towards investment as the main driver of growth.
The margin of spare capacity left by the post-Soviet collapse is now a thing of the past, and with it has gone the scope for productivity gains on the cheap. With no slack and an exceptionally tight labour market, a bid to increase consumer demand would simply lead to more imports and higher inflation. A return to sustainable growth will require intensive investment in productivity-enhancing capacity.
There are two main conditions for attracting such investment. First, there must be a determined effort over several years to improve the business climate. Companies need to be protected from corrupt bureaucrats and predatory law- enforcement agencies. Second, the government needs to maintain a stable macroeconomic and political backdrop. Moscow’s response to the Ukrainian revolution last month clearly damages that backdrop.
Russia has long experienced large capital outflows, as people inside the country spirited their wealth overseas. At the same time, it has received healthy flows of foreign direct investment, as foreigners ploughed money into new assets inside the country. Such inflows have amounted to between 3 and 4 per cent of gross domestic product since 2010. This looks like a paradox, but it is easily explained.
Capital is leaking out of Russia because domestic business owners do not see enough investment projects inside Russia with a sufficiently attractive risk-reward balance. Such attitudes have not been shifted by recent improvements in the business climate (reflected in Russia’s steady ascent in the World Bank’s annual “Doing Business” ranking since 2010). This is not only because the improvements come off such a low base. Other causes are the natural desire to diversify asset portfolios away from Russia, and the reality that the easy returns of a decade ago are now much harder to come by.
资本之所以流出俄罗斯,是因为企业所有者在国内找不到足够多的投资项目,难以实现足够吸引力的风险投资回报。最近企业环境改善——世界银行(World Bank)自2010年以来每年发布的“营商环境”报告显示,俄罗斯排名稳定上升——也没有改变此类观念。这不只是因为俄罗斯原来的营商环境极为糟糕,而且还因为投资者天性希望分散资产投资组合,避免把所有鸡蛋放在俄罗斯这一个篮子里。十年前那种轻松赚钱的日子已经很难再现了。
Yet foreigners have seen Russia in a different light. They are not looking for a quick buck but for strategic investments that will yield normal long-term industrial returns. The legacy of Soviet central planning is that many markets remain undersupplied; western companies are well placed to step into the void. And many executives have seen the Russian market as no more forbidding than many others.
That is how things stood six short months ago. But the political confrontation with the west following Russia’s annexation of Crimea undermines this investment case. Returns will be impaired by slower growth and a weaker rouble. Fixed capital investment is already falling. Western sanctions will create new risks – even assuming that the economic “nuclear option” of interdicting Russian trade and finance is never exercised.
Russia will try to replace western customers by tapping Asian demand. The focal point is Gazprom’s long-awaited deal to export piped gas to China. But the China National Petroleum Corporation will exploit Russia’s predicament to drive a hard bargain. President Vladimir Putin may pull some rabbits out of the hat – for example, offering Japan a partial return of the South Kurile Islands in return for large-scale investment into Russia’s far east. But this is no substitute for normal access to international credit and capital markets. The cost of capital will jump and much private credit refinancing will become impossible or prohibitively expensive.
俄罗斯将努力开发亚洲需求以取代西方消费者的需求。这种策略的关键在于,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)能够与中国签署其期待已久的出口管道天然气的协议。但中国石油天然气集团(CNPC)将利用俄罗斯的困境来大幅杀价。俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)可能会有一些绝妙的办法,例如,向日本部分归还南千岛群岛(South Kurile Islands),以换取日本大规模投资于俄罗斯的远东地区。但这代替不了俄罗斯在国际信贷和资本市场正常融资。资金成本将会飙升,许多私人信贷再融资将变得不可能或极为昂贵。
Russia’s dependence on external sources of long-term finance explains why the economy slumped far more after the financial crisis than any other major oil exporter. Mr Putin understands this. It is likely that we will soon see determined efforts to repair relations with the US and, above all, Europe.


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