






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-21 08:00| 查看数: 728| 评论数: 0|

Walmart may still be struggling in the US, but when it enters a new business it still reverberates.
The world's biggest retailer’s new service enables customers to send money to relatives or friends who can collect the funds at another Walmart store by providing a password and identification.
The move is its latest effort to capture customers who don't have bank accounts or are deterred by high bank fees.
It's launching the the US-only service, called Walmart-2-Walmart, in partnership with Ria Money Transfer, a group that is part of Nasdaq-listed Euronet Worldwide. It will be available from April 24.
沃尔玛正与Ria Money Transfer合作,推出这一名为“Walmart-2-Walmart”的服务,仅适用于美国。Ria Money Transfer是在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市的Euronet Worldwide公司的一部分。该服务将从4月24日起推出。
Low-income Americans are Walmart’s core customers and many make limited or no use of traditional financial services, either because they have weak credit scores or do not want to pay bank fees.
"After listening to our customers complain about the high fees and confusion associated with transferring money, we knew there had to be a solution," said Daniel Eckert, senior vice president of services for Walmart US.
沃尔玛美国公司服务部门高级副总裁丹尼尔•艾克特(Daniel D.Eckert)表示:“在听到我们的客户抱怨汇款产生的高额费用和困扰后,我们明白,必须要解决这个问题。”
Customers can transfer up to $50 for $4.50 and up to $900 the maximum sum permitted for $9.50.But its service will not link up with Ria’s global network.
消费者在沃尔玛汇款50美元以下收取4.50美元的费用,900美元以下收取9.50美元费用。消费者可最多汇款900美元。但这一服务不会与Ria Money Transfer全球网络对接。
In the wake of the announcement, shares in Western Union, a money transfer provider, and Moneygram, which has a transfer service that is available in some Walmart stores, both fell in pre-market trading.
在消息宣布后,西联国际汇款公司(Western Union)和速汇金(MoneyGram)的股价在盘前交易中均告下跌。速汇金目前在沃尔玛一些门店提供汇款服务。


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