





村上春树新书出版 粉丝排队争购

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-21 08:00| 查看数: 1014| 评论数: 0|

Fans of novelist Haruki Murakami again lined up at bookstores around Japan on Friday, eager as always to get their hands on a copy of his latest book.
周五,小说家村上春树(Haruki Murakami)的粉丝们又一次涌向日本各大书店门口,一如既往地渴望拜读他的新作。
Some stores opened as early as midnight to accommodate hardcore fans, often called Harukists, who reportedly arrived well before then and counted down the minutes until the book became available.
The latest work by Mr. Murakami, considered by many a strong candidate for a Nobel Prize, is a collection of five short stories previously published in magazines and one newly written one.
The book's Japanese title is 'Onna no Inai Otokotachi,' which translates into English as 'Men Without Women,' the title of an early story collection by Ernest Hemingway. But Mr. Murakami writes in the preface that such a translation wouldn't quite accurately render what he intended.
新书的日文名是《Onna no Inai Otokotachi》,翻译成英文是“Men Without Women”(没有女人的男人们),海明威(Ernest Hemingway)有一部小说集也叫这个名字。不过村上春树在这本书的序言中说,这个翻译并不能确切表达他的原意。
An official English-language title hasn't been chosen, said Tomoya Tanimura, a spokesman for publisher Bungeishunju Ltd.
文艺春秋出版社(Bungeishunju Ltd.)发言人谷村友也(Tomoya Tanimura)说,本书的正式英文名尚未选定。
The book had a prerelease print run of 300,000 copies, Mr. Tanimura said. 'We initially printed 200,000 copies, but upon receiving the pre-orders we decided to add 100,000 more,' he said.
'Onna no Inai Otokotachi' is the first book by Mr. Murakami since last April's novel 'Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage.' It is his first collection of short stories since 'Tokyo Kitanshu' was released in 2005.
《Onna no Inai Otokotachi》是继去年4月份《没有色彩的多崎作和他的巡礼之年》之后村上春树出版的第一本书,也是2005年《东京奇谭集》之后村上春树的第一本短篇小说集。
One of the stories in the new, 285-page book is 'Drive My Car,' which generated a minor controversy when it first appeared in the December issue of Bungeishunju magazine. In the story, the town of Nakatombetsu in Hokkaido was described as the kind of place where people 'flip out a lit cigarette from their car.' The people of Nakatombetsu protested, saying the town had been unfairly portrayed.
这本285页的新书中有一篇小说叫《开我的车》(Drive My Car),在《文艺春秋》去年12月号第一次发表后引发了一些争议。在这个故事中,北海道中顿别町(Nakatombetsu)被描述为“人们将未熄灭的香烟扔到车外“的地方。中顿别町的居民抗议说,这种表述不公正。
Mr. Murakami released a statement in February saying he would change the name when the story was published in book form.
Its new name? Kamijunitaki, which has no real-life namesake in Japan.


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