






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-21 11:00| 查看数: 834| 评论数: 0|

On Wednesday, Chinese state-owned conglomerate Citic Group announced details of its plans to inject its assets into a Hong Kong-listed subsidiary. The subsidiary, Citic Pacific Ltd., will pay its parent roughly $36 billion, to buy Citic Group's main operating subsidiary, Citic Ltd. Citic Pacific will pay for 78% of the deal in stock issued to its parent, and the rest in cash from a share placement to institutional investors. The end result, if all goes well, will be a Hong Kong-listed company holding 99% of the state-owned behemoth's assets.
周三,中国国有企业中信集团公司(Citic Group Inc., 简称:中信集团)公布了向香港上市子公司中信泰富有限公司(CITIC Pacific Ltd. 简称:中信泰富)注入资产的方案细节。中信泰富将向母公司中信集团支付大约360亿美元,用于收购中信集团的主要业务子公司中国中信股份有限公司(CITIC Ltd., 简称:中信股份)。中信泰富将通过向母公司发行股份的方式支付其中78%的交易对价,其余部分将用面向机构投资者配售股份所筹的现金支付。如果一切顺利,最终结果将是中信泰富持有中信集团99%的资产。
Chang Zhenming, Chairman of Citic Group and subsidiaries including Citic Pacific and Citic Limited, argued at press conference in Hong Kong yesterday that the deal represents a major step in Chinese reform of state-owned companies. Granted, the deal would place the assets and governance of a premier state conglomerate under the more mature regulatory scrutiny of Hong Kong, and realize a government goal of 'mixed ownership' of state assets--that is, bringing private investors in to state owned companies.
But is that really reform? Journalists at the briefing weren't letting Mr. Chang off that easily. Here's a summary of some of the questions asked, and Mr. Chang's responses:
-State-owned companies have injected assets into Hong Kong subsidiaries before, and there are other state-owned enterprises based in Hong Kong now. How is this different or innovative?
'For a single company to put essentially all of its assets in another company in one go and come to Hong Kong, [is unusual.] I think this hasn't happened before.'
-Why inject assets? Why not just list Citic Group in a new Hong Kong IPO?
'There are already a lot of listed companies under Citic. If Citic Group did a separate IPO in Hong Kong, it would be very confusing for shareholders.'
-Since Citic is bringing in new investors, will it be welcoming some of them to its board?
'The future composition of the board is yet to be determined... But bringing in foreign investors to the board has no direct connection to corporate governance. Having foreign directors won't necessarily improve governance.'
-Is Citic Group making this move to cover debts, perhaps related to Citic Pacific's long-delayed nearly $10 billion Australian iron ore mining project, most of which has yet to come online and is more than three times over its initial budget?
'Everyone has felt that this has been a heavy project for Citic Pacific, like a small horse pulling a big cart,' Mr. Chang said, noting that nobody at Citic expected the project to encounter so many problems. However, Mr. Chang stressed that Citic Group's gearing ratio overall is very low.


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