






发布者: yucc | 发布时间: 2006-4-3 23:49| 查看数: 9148| 评论数: 1|

<STRONG><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" color=#0000ff size=3>商务英语会话(一):建立贸易关系</FONT></STRONG>

Dialogue 1
Tom: I have a feeling that there are bright prospects for us to cooperate with in this field. I wish to do business with you.
Tom: 我认为你我双方在这方面合作会有良好前景,希望能和你们建立贸易关系。
Lin: It appears we want the same things.
林: 您的愿望和我们完全一致。
Tom: Regarding our financial position, credit standing and trade reputations, please refer to our bank or to our local chamber of commerce.
Tom: 关于我们的财政状况、信用地位和贸易信誉,请向我们的开户银行或我地商会了解。
Lin: Thank you for the information.
林: 谢谢您提供的信息。
Dialogue 2
Liu: I understand this is your first visit to our company.
Bob: Yes, and my first visit to your country. I've wanted to visit China for a long time and now I'm lucky to have the chance to do so.
Liu: I'm glad to hear that.
Bob: I think you must have some idea of our company. We've been importing arts and crafts for many years. The purpose of my coming here is to do business with you.
Liu: I can assure you of our best intentions and closest cooperation. We're always willing to develop trade with friends from all over the world.


yucc 发表于 2006-4-3 23:55:11
<FONT color=#6809f7>商务英语会话(二):介绍谈话框架</FONT>


1. Before I begin, let's make it clear that it's only a casual talk.
<BR>在开始前,我先说明一下,这只是个非正式会谈。<BR>2. To begin with, I'd like to make a brief
introduction of the current market situation. <BR>一开始,我想简单介绍一下当前市场情况。<BR>3. I'd
like to begin by telling you about the latest market developments. .
<BR>我想先向大家谈谈市场的最新发展情况。<BR>4. First, let me outline the current problems we are
facing. <BR>首先,我来大概介绍一下当前面临的问题。<BR>5. First of all, we have to settle our
disputes about the quality of your supplied goods.
<BR>首先,我们要解决双方关于供货品质的分歧意见。<BR>6. Secondly, I'd like to look at the causes of the
damage. <BR>其次,我想分析一下造成货损的原因。<BR>7. Thirdly, we'll see if our solution is
workable. <BR>再次,我们来看看解决问题的方法是否可行。<BR>8. I will then go on to describe the main
features. <BR>而后,我将阐述其主要特征。<BR>9. After that, we'll try to find ways to solve
these problems. <BR>这以后,我们将设法寻找解决这些问题的方法。<BR>10. Following that, we'll go into
details of these accidents. <BR>再往下,我们将对这些事故进行深入研究。<BR>11. From there, I'll
suggest some possible solutions. <BR>继而,我将提出一些可能的解决方法。<BR>12. Next, I'll spend a
few minutes looking at other methods available
now.<BR>而后,我要花点时间探讨其他可采用的方法。<BR>13. Finally, I'd like to conclude by
recommending a few changes in packaging.
<BR>最后,我想对包装材料变更提出一些建议,并以此结束我的发言。<BR>14. Last but not least, we'll discuss how
to carry out the contract smoothly. <BR>最后但同样重要的是,我们将讨论如何顺利执行合同。
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