






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-23 12:00| 查看数: 948| 评论数: 0|

US senior housing operators have been active in Canada and Europe but they have also set their sights on Asia.
The continent’s rapid economic growth and resulting wealth in recent years is changing the way many in Asia – from India and China to Vietnam and Malaysia – are growing old. As working-age children move to cities or abroad in search of better-salaried jobs, this has spurred a rethink about the traditional multi-generational family unit.
US companies as well as India’s Tata Housing Development, Malaysia Pacific Corp and Singapore’s ECON Healthcare Group in Asia among others have spotted an opportunity to construct lifestyle-oriented retirement communities for the wealthy. Facilities from cafés and tennis courts to yoga studios and medical care are on offer.
美国公司以及亚洲的印度塔塔房地产开发公司(Tata Housing Development)、马来西亚马帕斯集团(Malaysia Pacific Corp)、新加坡ECON Healthcare Group等企业已经发现了一个市场机遇,为富人阶层打造强调生活方式的退休社区。这类社区可以提供咖啡厅、网球场、瑜伽练习室以及医疗服务等设施。
Hygiene product makers and holiday operators are already targeting Asia’s affluent silver economy as this cohort of over-60s swells. According to Singapore-based market researcher Ageing Asia, excluding Japan, the market is expected to grow to $3tn by 2017.
卫生用品生产商以及度假运营商也已将目光放在了亚洲富有的银发阶层上,因为这一60岁以上群体的人数日渐增多。总部位于新加坡的市场研究机构Ageing Asia指出,在除日本以外的亚洲地区,银发经济的市场规模预计到2017年将增长至3万亿美元。
The continent will account for 63 per cent of the world’s total senior population by 2050. But for the vast majority of Asians private retirement homes will remain out of reach as a result of the cost, keeping caregiving in the home and reinforcing the traditional family model. A fifth of Asia’s population lives in extreme poverty, earning less than $1.25 a day, according to the Asian Development Bank.
到2050年,全球老年总人口中将有63%来自亚洲。但由于成本因素,对亚洲绝大多数人来说,私人养老院仍将超出承受能力,对老年人的照料仍将主要由家庭成员承担,进而强化传统的家庭模式。亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)指出,五分之一的亚洲人口生活在极度贫困之中,日均收入低于1.25美元。


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