






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-28 10:00| 查看数: 721| 评论数: 0|

Former Philippine president Joseph Estrada, now Manila's mayor, traveled to Hong Kong Tuesday to try to end a dispute stemming from the Manila hostage crisis in 2010 that claimed the lives of eight Hong Kongers.
前菲律宾总统、现任马尼拉市市长埃斯特拉达(Joseph Estrada)周二访问香港,试图结束2010年马尼拉人质事件引发的两地争端。在该事件中,共有八名香港人死亡。
Mr. Estrada said he is offering an apology from the Manila government.
'I have to do something for our countrymen working in Hong Kong,' said Mr. Estrada, who didn't specify how much money is being offered to the families of Hong Kongers who died.
President Benigno Aquino III has rebuffed requests by Hong Kong officials for an apology from him as the country's leader.
香港官员要求菲律宾总统阿基诺三世(Benigno Aquino III)以菲律宾最高领导人的身份就人质事件道歉,但遭到阿基诺三世拒绝。
Hong Kong has demanded an apology over the handling of the hostage crisis and has imposed sanctions on the Philippines, including requiring that traveling government officials secure a visa. It has also imposed a 'black' travel advisory on the Philippines, designating the country as dangerous.
President Aquino, however, has said the deaths resulted from the act of dismissed police officer, who held hostage a bus full of tourists from Hong Kong.
The resulting botched rescue left nine people dead, including the hostage taker.
The Hong Kong government couldn't be reached for comment on Mr. Estrada's trip and apology. Tens of thousands of Filipinos work in Hong Kong.
'We certainly hope it will contribute to the national government's efforts to achieve closure and a mutually satisfactory conclusion,' Edwin Lacierda, a spokesman for President Aquino, told reporters.
阿基诺三世的发言人陈显达(Edwin Lacierda)向记者表示:“我们当然希望这能有助于政府结束人质事件影响,达到一个双方都满意的结果。”
Before his flight on Tuesday morning, Mr. Estrada told local cable television station ANC that he will apologize to Hong Kong on behalf of his constituents in Manila and bring a check for the victims of the 2010 hostage crisis. The incident happened during the tenure of Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim, an ally of Mr. Aquino, whom Mr. Estrada beat handily during the race for mayor last May.
周二早上飞赴香港之前,埃斯特拉达向菲有线电视台ANC表示,他将代表马尼拉选民向香港致歉,并向人质事件中遇难者的家属进行赔偿。2010年事件发生时,马尼拉的市长是林雯洛(Alfredo Lim),他与阿基诺三世关系密切,在去年5月的马尼拉市长竞选中被埃斯特拉达轻松击败。
Presidential spokesman Lacierda said he isn't privy to whether there are any fresh developments on whether his government is now willing to apologize to Hong Kong.


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