






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-28 13:00| 查看数: 1483| 评论数: 0|

Duke University researchers and other scientists are making strides in growing muscle in the lab that not only repairs itself but exhibits strength similar to that of normal muscle.
杜克大学(Duke University)的研究人员和其他科学家在利用实验室培育肌肉方面取得了很大的进展。这些肌肉不仅自我修复,还展现出与正常肌肉相近的力量。
Using lab-grown muscle could one day help people with certain muscle injuries, including accident victims with big gashes that lead to significant scar tissue. Engineering muscle that works like natural tissue could also accelerate the testing of new drugs: Scientists could use this tissue in place of animals.
Scientists have succeeded in developing ears, windpipes and livers, among other body parts, and even implanted some into humans. Muscle is among the more challenging because the fibers need to have the right structure and fit densely together. It must also be able to contract and exert force like natural muscle. And it needs good blood supply to cells, which can be difficult because muscle is very dense.
Skeletal muscle, the most abundant tissue in the body, typically is very good at repairing itself because it contains many adult stem cells that can create new muscle fibers. With diseases like muscular dystrophy or injuries that cause scar tissue, muscle stops being able to regenerate, which can lead to difficulty moving or even paralysis. Scar tissue, made of collagen, doesn't generate force and thus weakens the muscle. During normal aging, muscles also become weaker and gradually cease being able to repair themselves.
'The hurdle is if there is an injury to try to get new muscle tissue that can form quicker' than scar tissue, says Herman Vandenburgh, a pioneer in the field and a professor emeritus of pathology and laboratory medicine at Brown University.
这个领域内的先驱、布朗大学(Brown University)病理学与检验医学荣誉教授赫尔曼・范登伯格(Herman Vandenburgh)说:“障碍在于有没有一个创伤去努力获得能够比瘢痕组织更快形成的新肌肉组织。”
For about two decades, scientists have been trying to grow muscle in the lab that exerts force and repairs itself, in hopes of one day helping to restore functioning in patients. Understanding the process of muscle regeneration may lead to better understanding of the muscle-wasting process that occurs with aging or disease.
Researchers approach muscle regeneration in different ways, with some growing tissue in the lab that is then used to repair injuries. Others focus on finding genes or a drug that could reverse muscle wasting across the body.
To develop functional muscle, both the structure of the muscle tissue and how it's connected to the blood supply and nerves in the spinal cord are critical. Muscle tissue is dense and made of large muscle cells aligned in the same direction. Without the correct alignment and density, muscle cells can't generate the force they need to power a limb, for instance.
'If you're off with [the structure], then you'll be off with function,' says Nenad Bursac, a professor of biomedical engineering at Duke University.
杜克大学生物医学工程学教授内纳德・布尔萨奇(Nenad Bursac)说:“没有结构,就没有功能。”
Dr. Bursac and his team, including first author Mark Juhas, a graduate student, demonstrated for the first time in animals that they could use stem cells to create muscle tissue that repaired itself and grew stronger.
布尔萨奇和包括第一作者、研究生马克・尤哈斯(Mark Juhas)在内的团队第一次在动物身上证明,他们可以利用干细胞生成自我修复并逐渐变强的肌肉组织。
The team published the results in late March in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
3月下旬,团队将实验结果发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上。
They also used a new technique for watching the tissue grow by creating a 'window' in the backs of mice that allowed them to see into the animals without harming them and watch the muscle cells regenerate before their eyes.
First, they took muscle tissue from rats and isolated the stem cells, which are the cells that grow into muscle tissue throughout life. Then, after growing more stem cells, they were mixed with a substance containing fibrinogen naturally found in blood clots to help the cells bind together. The combination was placed in a cylindrical mold so that the cells formed long, cylindrical tissue, mimicking the shape of natural muscle.
The scientists tested the tissue in two ways: In a dish, researchers stressed the tissue by applying a toxin to it that destroyed a number of muscle fibers, and then watched to see if the fibers regrew.
The fibers did regenerate. Within 10 days after injury, the muscle regained 80% to 90% of its strength. In a separate experiment, scientists implanted the tissue into a mouse that had a 9-millimeter-wide portal implanted in its back. Within two weeks that tissue increased its strength threefold, into the range of normal muscle strength, Dr. Bursac says.


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