






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-29 08:00| 查看数: 801| 评论数: 0|

Chinese author Mai Jia was born in 1964 in a small coastal village - just 40 kilometers from Hangzhou, but, he says, a far cry from that nearby imperial city in terms of civilization.
What lends Mr. Mai's books their rare bite isn't his experience of village life, but his 17 years in the People's Liberation Army. He worked in a PLA intelligence unit before being transferred to write for the propaganda department.
His seven fast-paced novels, all in the spy genre, often merge espionage elements with historical fiction and crime writing. The books' combination of gripping plots and nuanced, complex characters have won Mr. Mai (a pen name; his real name is Jiang Benhu) many fans. His novels have sold more than five million copies in China, and all have been made, or are being made, into films or television series. Mr. Mai often writes the scripts.
Success has made Mr. Mai one of China's best-paid authors. In 2010, he received an advance of 7.5 million yuan ($1.2 million) for his three-part 'Whispers on the Wind.'
这使麦家成功跻身于中国收入最高的作家之列。2010年,他凭《风语》(Whispers on the Wind)三卷本拿到人民币750万元(合120万美元)的预付版税。
Now, for the first time, one of his novels has been translated into English. 'Decoded,' which came out in China in 2002, was published last month by Allen Lane.
现在,他的小说首次被译成英文。《解密》(Decoded)英文版上个月由艾伦•雷恩(Allen Lane)推出,这是一本2002年在中国出版的小说。
'Decoded' tells the story of Rong Jingzhen, a mathematician-turned-code-breaker who resides on the autism spectrum. He is recruited by Unit 701, the cryptography department of China's secret services, to crack two seemingly impossible codes dubbed Purple and Black. Woven into this tale of spies and state secrets is Rong's descent into madness.
《解密》讲述了患有自闭症的数学天才容金珍(Rong Jingzhen)在中国一个秘密情报机构成为一名破译员的故事。他被招募至中国保密机构的密码技术单位701,负责破译两个被称作紫密和黑密的看似不可能解开的密码,由间谍和国家机密编织的大网让他陷入了疯狂。
At its heart, 'Decoded,' rendered in lyrical prose and beautifully translated by Olivia Milburn, is about the fragile line between insanity and genius.
本质上,《解密》描述的是疯子与天才之间的模糊的界限。小说文字富有诗意,米欧敏(Olivia Milburn)的译文也相当优美。
Mr. Mai spoke to the Journal about censorship, his family struggles during the Cultural Revolution and dealing with rejection as a writer. Edited excerpts:
在接受《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)采访时,麦家谈到了审查制度,谈到了他的家人在文革期间所经受的磨难,以及他作为一个作家如何面对不受认可的情况。采访内容整理如下:
You once quoted Ernest Hemingway saying that an unhappy childhood is the best training for a writer. Did you have an unhappy childhood?
问:你曾经引用海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的话说,辛酸的童年是一个作家最好的培训。你的童年很不幸吗?
Yes, I had an unlucky childhood. My father was a rightist [condemned in Maoist China], my maternal grandfather a landlord and my paternal grandfather a Christian. The thing that made the most impression on me is that my father was criticized and denounced on the streets like a criminal. I dared not go out because I felt ashamed and I felt as if everybody would be looking at me with disdain.
How did other children treat you?
They all looked down on me and bullied me. Even my teachers humiliated me in public. I remember that on a snowy day the snowflakes drifted in through the window and fell on my neck. I unconsciously stood up to close the window. The teacher asked me if I was feeling cold. I said yes. He continued: 'With several black hats on your head, how come you are still feeling cold?' In that era, people like my father, maternal grandfather and paternal grandfather were all called 'someone wearing a black hat.' Sometimes I think that it is because of the trauma from my childhood that I have taken to writing.
How did you begin to write?
I started by keeping diaries. Few children from the countryside kept diaries. There is no such habit and education. I was morbidly different. It was, as it were, a kind of disease, because I did it for nothing but a physiological need. Human beings have an inborn desire for communication and expression, but due to the low social status of my family, nobody would make friends with me. Diaries became my bosom friends with whom I could talk. It dispelled the loneliness and boredom of a young boy and let him fall in love with words.
You served in the army for 17 years. How much military life has gone into your novels?
I learned little in the army from the traditional military perspective. I didn't even touch the most ordinary rifle, though I was in the army for years. I only fired six pistol bullets. After graduation, I worked in a technical armed force for a short time. Maybe you hope that I can tell you what kind of armed force it was. I am sorry, I cannot tell you because it involves state secrets. Each country has its own secret - the world isn't so peaceful and loving as we expect.
What did your parents think about you giving up a stable job in the army to become a writer full-time?
I was 33 and my parents were over 70 when I left the army. I showed filial obedience to them, but I trusted my judgment. I didn't talk to them before I made the decision and I didn't ask how they felt after my decision. Five years ago, my mother saw me walking along with the mayor on TV. She asked me euphemistically, 'Since the mayor is so kind to you, can you ask him to offer you an official position like the head of a township?' My answer was, 'No, I cannot.'
Who are your favorite spy writers?
I don't read spy novels in my spare time. I don't think I am a spy writer. Spies are an occupational identity in my novel. What I focus on is the inward world of these people - their loneliness, fear and changes in humanity under a special system.
You deal with sensitive issues in your writing. How has censorship affected your novels?
Because of their topics, my works have to pass strict censorship. I can do nothing about it. Every country has its own taboos, especially in affairs concerning state security. 'Decoded' was rejected 17 times. After publication, it was accused of revealing state secrets and banned. However, I firmly believe that 'Decoded' doesn't involve any problems of revealing state secrets because what I wrote is about the spirit of human beings and their inward world and fate. Finally, after much argument, the ban on sales was lifted. This isn't a limit on my writing, but a test, I think. A truly creative writer will not be restricted.
What's next?
The problem is that I don't know what else I can do besides writing novels. I am not interested in the real world. I prefer to live in a virtual country, and that is the world of novels. I think I will write more novels in the future. I am addicted to the occupation just like drug addicts are addicted to drugs: filling my life in a fictional manner.


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