






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-4-30 14:37| 查看数: 636| 评论数: 0|

Backstage at the Crucible Theatre, Sheffield, home of the world snooker championship for almost four decades, is a board listing all the champions since the tournament’s inception in 1927.
在谢菲尔德(Sheffield)的克鲁斯堡剧院(Crucible Theatre)的后台,有一个牌子列出自1927年斯诺克世界锦标赛创立以来所有冠军选手的名字。近40年来,斯诺克世锦赛在谢菲尔德举办。
It reads like a street directory of any British town from a few generations ago. The names are entirely Anglo-Saxon, alleviated by a smattering of Celt. The only non-British winners have been an Irishman, a Canadian and two Australians. Small world.
This year it might have been different. The biggest threat to Ronnie O’Sullivan completing a hat-trick of victories was thought to be Ding Junhui, from Shanghai, winner of five major titles this season and, according to the official programme, “a role model for tens of millions of fans in his homeland”.
今年本来可能有些不同。可能阻止罗尼•奥沙利文(Ronnie O’Sullivan)三连冠的最大威胁被认为是来自中国上海的丁俊晖。丁俊晖在本赛季拿下了5个冠军,据官方介绍资料,他是“中国数千万斯诺克球迷的榜样”。
But in a big shock, Ding went out in the first round. And though Marco Fu of Hong Kong has survived into the second half of the championship, O’Sullivan’s most-feared rivals this week will have more homegrown names.
但令人颇感意外的是,丁俊晖在首轮比赛就被淘汰出局。尽管香港的傅家俊(Marco Fu)成功杀入第二轮比赛,但奥沙利文本周最担心的对手将有更为本土的名字。
In 1985, tens of millions (well, almost two tens of millions) of British viewers sat up after midnight to watch the final-black finish to the epic final between Dennis Taylor and Steve Davis. Survivors might have wondered what happened to the sport since then.
1985年,数千万(嗯,接近两千万)英国观众一直熬到午夜以后,观看丹尼斯•泰勒(Dennis Taylor)和史蒂夫•戴维斯(Steve Davis)史诗般决胜局的“抢黑大战”。经历过这种场景的人们或许想知道,自那以后斯诺克发生了什么。
It still sprawls across the BBC schedules for a springtime fortnight, climaxing on the May Day bank holiday. The intimate Crucible is still packed, even for the 10am sessions. The standard, according to Clive Everton, the doyen of snooker writers, has never been higher. In this most geometrical of sports, he can prove it mathematically by citing the size of breaks.
在春季的这两个星期里,英国广播公司(BBC)的节目表上仍排满了斯诺克的各项赛事,并在5月的第一个长周末达到高潮。克鲁斯堡剧院仍会坐满观众,即便是上午10点的比赛。按照资深斯诺克作家克莱夫•埃弗顿(Clive Everton)的说法,选手们的水准从来没有这么高过。就这个与几何学最相关的运动而言,他可以借助单杆得分,从数学上证明这一点。
And, after years of internal wrangles, snooker appears to have found a clear direction under the control of Barry Hearn, who made his reputation and much of his fortune as Davis’s manager. Last week, he announced plans to revitalise public interest, including wild cards into the Championship for the old favourites.
经过多年内部争执之后,斯诺克在巴里•赫恩(Barry Hearn)的控制下似乎找到了明确的发展方向。赫恩作为戴维斯的经理而声名鹊起,其大部分财富也来源于此。上周,他宣布了重新激发公众兴趣的计划,包括安排老牌著名选手破例参加斯诺克世锦赛。
O’Sullivan – with his tortured personality, wonderful economy of movement in the good frames and Mr Beanish expressions in the bad ones – is a recognisable character. His rivals do seem a bit bland.
Only the intimidating white-gloved referees maintain snooker’s old sense of self-confidence. Part-butler, part-traffic cop, they patrol the stage, monitoring the crowd as much as the game, eyes and ears open for the slightest rustle of sweet-papers or ping of a text-message. Not for years have I felt such an irresistible urge to have a coughing fit.
Hearn’s direction is mainly leading the sport eastward. Since tobacco sponsorship was banned in 2005, this tournament has passed through four different bookmakers. This year, tellingly, the name on the posters is the Asian specialist Dafabet.
The extent of Chinese interest in any sport is always hard for outsiders to assess and the reality can be disappointing for expansionist entrepreneurs. Tai Chengzhe, World Snooker’s PR man in China, says 10m regularly watch snooker on the CCTV-5 sports channel, rising to 20m if Ding is in a big final. But even that it is less than 2 per cent of the population.
外人很难评估中国人对任何体育运动的兴趣程度。对有意推广的企业家来说,现实可能令人失望。世界斯诺克协会(World Snooker)中方新闻官太成哲(Tai Chengzhe)表示,中国有1000万人定期观看中央电视台(CCTV)体育频道转播的斯诺克比赛,如果丁俊晖打进重大决赛,观众人数将上升至2000万。但即便如此,观众人数也不到中国人口的2%。
The Chinese are more familiar with their own strange variant of pool in which the cue ball is used as the object rather than the ammunition.
It is a game of smoky bar rooms of the kind where snooker came of age. And Ding is part of the sport’s individualistic tradition. When his parents sensed his talent, they moved from the edges of Shanghai to Guangdong, where snooker had more of a foothold. He came to England as a teenager and, at 27, now lives in Sheffield, which would be convenient – if he were still in the competition.
But, says Tai, “next year will be when the next generation makes its breakthrough and I am really looking forward to it”. These contenders will represent what one might call snooker with Chinese characteristics. They come out of a government-sponsored academy complete with psychologists and fitness trainers.
“No smoking or drinking, then?”
“No!” he says, horrified. “It’s an academy!”


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