






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-6 13:49| 查看数: 601| 评论数: 0|

Unless you happen to have €9,500 to spend per hour of flying, the chances are you have not heard of VistaJet. But the private aviation group, which ferries top executives around the globe – to mines in Angola or meetings in Moscow – is among the fastest growing airlines in the world.
Last year, the Swiss airline’s revenues grew 27 per cent, and its 41 jets took 27,000 passengers on 11,000 flights to 137 countries. It also completed a deal with a local US carrier that will give it full access to the US market for the first time, establishing a foothold in the world’s largest private jet market.
That is quite a transformation for a company that began life barely a decade ago comprising one private jet owned by Thomas Flohr. “It all sounds so good today,” he says. “But I never thought it would happen.”
托马斯•弗洛尔(Thomas Flohr)旗下的这家公司十年前才刚刚成立,当时公司靠的是他本人的一架私人客机。对这样的公司来说,以上表现绝对可称为飞跃式发展。对此,弗洛尔说:“如今这一切听上去如此完美。不过我从来没想到它真的会发生。”
Having made his first fortune in asset finance in the 1990s and early 2000s, Mr Flohr – a Swiss entrepreneur with a passion for art and, in his youth, racing cars – was no stranger to using business jets. Indeed, his role in asset finance re­quired so much travel that on some days he could “be somewhere in the morning, and maybe have lunch in another city, and dinner with a client in a third city”.
But Mr Flohr was not a happy passenger.
At that time, there were two main ways to get the use of a private jet without owning it outright: fractional ownership, which buys the right to a certain amount of use of a jet per year; or chartering, where customers negotiate the use of an aircraft flight by flight, usually through a broker.
Neither satisfied Mr Flohr. The fractional model was “way too complicated”, he says.
Wearing jeans and smart dark jacket, he is speaking in a meeting room at Zurich airport, where he has paused en route from London to Malta, the home of VistaJet’s back office operations.
“I negotiated with the fractional guys, but they couldn’t answer the question ‘who do I sell the share to at the end? Say I have it for three years, five years?’” he says, his background in asset finance very much in evidence. “They said ‘well you can sell it back to us’. But I wanted to know who else I can sell to. Because if I can only sell back to them, they dictate the price. And if I don’t know my depreciation until year five is over, I might find myself looking into a black hole.”
Chartering avoided this problem, but brought others. The aeroplanes typically belong to wealthy individuals or companies who make the aircraft available when they do not need them. But the owners can pull them from the charter market at short not­ice, meaning the customer often has no idea what aeroplane they have chartered until they see it on the tarmac.
“Eventually it gets annoying bec­ause you’re spending all this money and you don’t really know what you’re going to get,” says Mr Flohr.
So he bought a second-hand Learjet 60, adorned it with a natty red stripe, and when he was not using it made it available for charter. Within three months it was making money, but its itinerary rarely overlapped with Mr Flohr’s. “If the plane ended up in Beirut it was crazy for the plane to fly back empty to Zurich, just to fly me to London.”
于是,他购买了一架二手里尔60(Learjet 60),饰以整齐的红色条纹,不用飞机时就把它用于出租。不到三个月,这架飞机就开始盈利了,然而该飞机的日程很少能与弗洛尔的日程重合。“如果飞机停在贝鲁特,仅仅为了带我去伦敦,就让它空着飞回苏黎世,这么做太疯狂了。”
In part to reduce this mismatch, he bought a second aircraft. When this also made money, he knew he was on to something, and got the financial analysts at his asset finance business to investigate the industry.
“When the results came back that there was no global consistent brand in this industry that sells to the most successful captains of industry, leaders of countries and so on – it was then that the pieces came together in my head and I went out and bought new three planes,” he says.
Mr Flohr’s idea was to sell to these captains of industry a new and very simple product: for a guaranteed fee – typically €9,500 per hour on a Challenger 605, and €13,500 per hour on a Global Express, two of Bombardier’s most swish business jets – VistaJet would fly them pretty much anywhere it was safe to go.
弗洛尔的想法是,向那些业界领袖出售一种非常简单的新产品。这个产品就是:只要支付一定的担保费,VistaJet就能将他们运送至任何该公司能安全抵达的地方。以庞巴迪(Bombardier)最豪华的两款商用飞机为例,挑战者605(Challenger 605)每小时的担保费通常是9500欧元,而全球快车(Global Express)每小时的担保费则通常是1.35万欧元。
Clients would not have to take on the asset risk of buying a share in an aircraft, and they would pay only for the time spent in the air. They would also have some of the comforts a weary chief executive might wish for: catering from Nobu, the latest films available to download via an iPad app, and twice as much oxygen as in the cabin of a commercial jet.
Mr Flohr’s timing was propitious at first. VistaJet’s start coincided with the rap­id expansion in trade between emerging economies. The explosion in links bet­ween destinations often ill-served by traditional carriers sent demand for corporate jets soaring.
Then the financial crisis changed everything. Bookings evaporated, and the asset value of aircraft plummeted as companies offloaded un­wanted jets. To top it all, private jets became a symbol of unthinking corporate ex­cess, thanks in no small part to the ill-judged decision of several car ind­ustry chiefs to fly in their private jets to Washington to discuss a government bailout.
For Mr Flohr, who had placed a $1.2bn order with Bombardier for new jets, the timing could not have been worse. Several nail-biting months followed, during which he cut prices and even deferred delivery of some of the new aircraft.
Yet Mr Flohr’s manner remains sanguine as he recalls that his ap­proach worked. VistaJet emerged just about in the black from a year that might have killed off an­oth­er young airline. By 2012, it was able to place one of the largest orders ever in private aviation when it signed a $7.8bn agreement with Bombardier for 56 aircraft, and options on a further 86.
Mr Flohr, who is chairman and sole owner of VistaJet, declines to give precise details of the company’s performance during those years. But he insists it has been “profitable from year one” and adds that since 2010 revenues have grown at an annual rate of between 20 and 25 per cent.
The next targets are the US – a market dominated by NetJets, owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway – and China. Vista­Jet’s recent deal with Jet Aviation giving it full access to the US market, says Mr Flohr, was “the big piece of the puzzle missing in my global network”.
VistaJet今后的目标包括美国和中国。目前,美国市场占统治地位的是NetJets公司,该公司归沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)旗下伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)所有。弗洛尔表示,VistaJet最近与Jet Aviation达成的协议令其得以进入整个美国市场,这是“我的全球网络中缺失的一大块拼图”。
A licence to operate within China, he hopes, will follow this year, meaning that after just 10 years VistaJet will cover most of the world’s economic activity. As trade between emerging economies continues to rise, it is this reach that Mr Flohr believes will keep VistaJet expanding as well.
“It’s the global presence that gets us the business. We fly people from Marseille to Manchester, but that isn’t our core business. It’s flying them from Moscow to Bogotá,” he says. “I didn’t know this market existed. But I think I was in the right place at the right time. I saw the trend early.”
‘If the plane ended up in Beirut, it was crazy for the plane to fly back empty to Zurich, just to fly me to London’


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