






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-7 13:00| 查看数: 874| 评论数: 0|

Until recently, your CV was a succinct list of your work history and career highlights. But nowadays, many employers are asking for a personal statement that goes at the top. Similarly, application forms often have a space for a précis of who are you and, of course, your LinkedIn professional sum­­mary is a place to tell browsers a bit more about yourself.
The trouble is that most of these personal summaries are not very personal at all. They are an interchangeable mix of words from the Lego box of management jargon. Everyone says they are passionate, committed, motivated and experienced and, in doing so, say nothing at all. LinkedIn has helpfully compiled a list of its most overused words.
So how do you stand out – without sounding like an idiot?
Start by thinking about who you are aiming at. If your statement is at the top of a CV or on an application form, its job is to get you an interview. “Think about context, purpose and audience,” says Janet Moran, founder of The CV House. “Don’t use the same statement for everything.”
首先,想一想你要写给谁看。如果你的个人描述置于简历或申请表之首,那么它的任务就是为你争取到一次面试。The CV House创始人珍妮特•莫兰(Janet Moran)说:“好好思考个人描述的写作背景、写作目的以及目标读者。别每次都使用同一份个人描述。”
Similarly, you need to avoid sounding like everyone else, says Nick Parker of language consultancy The Writer. People start by asking themselves what sounds good, so they write that they are passionate and creative because these are good things. You need to remember the cardinal rule of writing, which is show, don’t tell: “To convince someone you’re funny, you don’t say: ‘I’m funny.’ You tell them a joke.”
语言咨询机构The Writer的尼克•帕克(Nick Parker)说,你还要避免写得和别人一样。人们往往会首先思考哪些话写出来会讨招聘者喜欢,因此他们说自己富有激情、富有创意,因为这些都是优点。但你必须记住写作的基本原则,那就是:不要说结论,而要以事实证明。“要让别人相信你很风趣,不要说‘我很风趣’,讲个笑话就行了。”
Ms Moran adds that if in doubt, you should ask yourself, “So what, and says who?” You might kick off with a bold statement about something you have done, such as “In the past two years I’ve quadrupled sales.”
You should then go on to say where you are, what your experience is and where you want to go. Mark out specialist know­ledge and int­ernational experience. As with news stories, aim to have the more important stuff higher up and the less important things lower down. Avoid jargon, not least because it might be specific to your company and meaningless to outsiders.
To be truly memorable, you need to create links and tell stories, says Mr Parker: “You might say: ‘Whether it’s getting up for a 6am run or heading up meetings for my team of 40, I always have the same attitude.’ Pick specifics that work on a number of levels and paint a little picture.”
But be careful when using outside interests to add colour. Saying you like reading and cooking is so dull that you are better off saying nothing – and extreme sports and global travel have become very mainstream.
The unexpected can work, however. Mr Parker says: “I was once sent a CV where the applicant said that their hobby was needlepoint. They drew a parallel between sewing and concentration where they talked about making errors and having to unpick 1,000 stitches. That’s a really nice, un­usual, memorable, image.”


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