






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-8 13:00| 查看数: 776| 评论数: 0|

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. is in discussions with its major shareholders to reclaim a formal stake in its strategically important online-payment affiliate, said people familiar with the matter.
据知情人士透露,中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)正在与主要股东进行协商,希望收回在战略上具有重要意义的网上支付子公司的正式股份。
A stake in the affiliate, called Alipay, could significantly raise the future value of Alibaba, now preparing an initial public offering already expected to be one of the largest in U.S. history. Even if an agreement over Alipay is reached, it isn't expected to take effect before the IPO, the people said, and would face regulatory review in China.
Alipay is central to Alibaba's operations, processing its e-commerce payments similar to the way PayPal handles transactions for eBay Inc. EBAY -4.97% It has also jumped into financial services, and now controls China's largest money-market fund, with assets of $87 billion.
支付宝是阿里巴巴集团的核心业务,其处理电子商务支付的方式与贝宝(PayPal)为eBay Inc处理交易的方式相似。支付宝还涉足理财业务,目前控制着中国最大的货币市场基金,资产高达870亿美元。
One scenario being discussed with a major shareholder would have Alibaba taking a one-third stake in Alipay, said one of the people familiar with the talks.
Changing the ownership structure is 'still only a concept at this point, and there is no timeline,' another person familiar with the discussions said.
The Alipay ownership discussions come as Alibaba is gearing up for an IPO late this summer that could raise more than $20 billion. With such a huge supply of shares potentially coming to market, the company must drum up significant interest among investors if it wants to sell those shares at a high price.
The possibility of direct ownership in Alipay could add to investor excitement, enabling Alibaba's future shareholders to benefit from Alipay's growth, especially in its payment services for non-Alibaba clients and in its financial services. Alipay doesn't disclose its profit or revenue.
The Alibaba-Alipay relationship has nonetheless been controversial, and demonstrates an often interconnected web of Chinese corporate ownership.
Alibaba founder Jack Ma separated Alipay from the group in 2011, saying the spinoff was necessary for Alipay to obtain a license to continue its business under then-new Chinese government regulations.
阿里巴巴创始人马云(Jack Ma)在2011年把支付宝从阿里巴巴集团分拆出来,称此举是支付宝获得牌照、根据中国政府新的规定继续开展业务的必要条件。
The move prompted large Alibaba investor Yahoo Inc. YHOO +0.33% to complain it wasn't made aware of the transfer of Alipay until after it was enacted. Some investors were angry that the shift devalued their holdings.
在分拆支付宝的问题上,阿里巴巴的大投资者雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc., YHOO)抱怨其在分拆生效后才知晓这一变化。一些投资者认为此举会降低他们所持股票的价值,并因此感到愤怒。
Alibaba said at the time that its board, on which Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang held a seat, had previously discussed the possibility of such a spinoff. The two firms, and another major investor SoftBank Corp., later reached an agreement over terms of the separation.
阿里巴巴当时说,公司董事会之前就已经讨论过分拆的可能性。而雅虎公司联合创始人杨致远(Jerry Yang)就是阿里巴巴董事之一。阿里巴巴、雅虎以及另外一个主要投资者软银股份有限公司(SoftBank Co., 9984.TO)晚些时候针对分拆条款达成协议。
Today, Alipay is controlled by a parent company in which Mr. Ma holds a 46% stake. Other Alibaba co-founders also hold stakes in Alipay's parent company. That parent company also owns the unit that operates Alipay's money-market fund, Yu'E Bao.
SoftBank, a Japanese Internet and mobile service company, has an about 37% stake in Alibaba Group. Yahoo, its second-largest shareholder, owns 24% and Mr. Ma owns roughly 7%.
Following the 2011 spinoff, Alipay and Alibaba agreed that Alibaba would be paid between $2 billion and $6 billion if Alipay were to go public. Their agreement also sought to ensure that Alipay didn't try to overcharge Alibaba for its payment services. The direct ownership structure under discussion would replace that framework agreement.
Changing the ownership structure could address lingering corporate governance concerns stemming from the 2011 spinoff. That episode offered a reminder of the risks of investing in China, where companies often have to shift direction at Beijing's behest and where foreign investors have little recourse.
It might also soothe investors' concerns about potential conflicts of interest, since Mr. Ma's stake in the company that controls Alipay is much bigger than his roughly 7% interest in Alibaba.
Alibaba's value derives primarily from its ownership of China's leading online shopping destinations Taobao and Tmall, which together account for about 80% of the Chinese consumer e-commerce market, according to analysts. Those two sites generate most of Alibaba's sales, which grew 62% to $8 billion in 2013, from $4.9 billion in 2012.
Bernstein Research analyst Carlos Kirjner estimates Alibaba is worth between $240 billion and $250 billion, and that estimate includes just $6 billion for Alipay, reflecting the potential payout to Alibaba if the ownership structure isn't revised and Alipay eventually lists on its own. Bankers have struggled to value the payments unit since its financial results aren't disclosed and Alibaba has no direct ownership.
Bernstein Research分析师Carlos Kirjner估计,阿里巴巴的价值在2,400亿至2500亿美元之间,其中支付宝的价值估计仅60亿美元,这也反映出了在支付宝所有权结构不进行调整且最终单独上市的情况下,可能需向阿里巴巴支付的上述金额。


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