






发布者: sunnyHU | 发布时间: 2014-5-8 22:00| 查看数: 866| 评论数: 0|



今天我们的节目内容是关于我们的眼睛。在爱情方面,人们的眼睛是心灵的窗户。这就是说,从他们的眼睛可以看出他们心里在想什么。我们会讲述在同一所学校的一对男女教师的故事。这名女子对这名男子感兴趣。她使用了许多方法来吸引他的眼球(catch his eye),或者让他注意到她。每次他看她的时候(sets eyes on),她会试图表现的有趣一点以使他对她感兴趣。换句话说,她试图向他抛媚眼(make eyes at)或者暗送秋波(give him the eye)。

让我们假设,这名男子感到非常突然(hit between the eyes)。换句话说,这名女子对他感情非常深,他希望花费一些时间在一起,更好的了解她。他邀请她出去约会。

女子非常高兴,可能好几天都得意地(with stars in her eyes)走来走去,脸上洋溢着幸福的表情。她非常幸福,因为她对这名男子情有独钟(apple of her eye),这名男子是非常特别的人。她可能告诉他,他是她唯一喜欢的是,或者“我只在乎你”(I only have eyes for you)。

约会时,这对男女可能会在餐馆一起吃饭。如果这名男子非常饥饿,他可能眼睛大胃口小(eyes might be bigger than his stomach),点了很多自己吃不掉的食物。当服务员把食物送来时,看到如此多的食物,他可能非常吃惊(his eyes might pop out)。实际上,如果他吃掉所有食物,所有的目光(all eyes)都会盯着他,甚至可能会引起人们大跌眼镜(raised eyebrows),引起人们的白眼。人们可能会不满地看着他,

在用餐期间,这对男女可能会讨论很多问题。他们可能会发现很多问题看法一致(see eye to eye),分享同样的信仰和观点。例如,他们可能同意,每一宗罪行或伤害都应该受到惩罚。他们可能还同意,欺骗别人(pull the wool over a person’s eyes)是不对的,也就是说失去欺骗某人,使他相信某件错误的事情。但是他们都不相信恶毒的眼光(evil eye),也就是说一个人看你一眼就能伤害到你。

第二天,在学校,女子要求她不在教室时帮忙照看(keep an eye on)一下自己的学生。老师在前排黑板上书写时可能照看学生就比较困难。为了做到这一点,老师必须“后脑勺上长着眼睛”(eyes in the back of his head)。换句话说,即使他眼睛没有看着,也知道这些孩子在做什么。


Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.


Today's program is all about eyes. When it comes to relationships, people's eyes can be a window into their hearts. This means that their eyes can tell a lot about how they feel. We will tell a story about a man and woman who are teachers at the same school. The woman is interested in the man. She uses many methods to catch his eye, or get him to notice her. Once he sets eyes on her, or sees her, she might try to get him interested in her by acting playful. In other words, she might try to make eyes at him or give him the eye.

Let us suppose that this man gets hit between the eyes. In other words, the woman has a strong affect on him. He wants to spend time with her to get to know her better. He asks her out on a date.

She is so happy that she may walk around for days with stars in her eyes. She is extremely happy because this man is the apple of her eye, a very special person. She might tell him that he is the only person she wants, or "I only have eyes for you."

On their date, the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant. If the man is really hungry, his eyes might be bigger than his stomach. He might order more food than he can eat. When his food arrives at the table, his eyes might pop out. He might be very surprised by the amount of food provided. He might not even believe his own eyes. If fact, all eyes would be watching him if he ate all the food. This might even cause raised eyebrows. People might look at the man with disapproval.

During their dinner, the couple might discuss many things. They might discover that they see eye to eye, or agree on many issues. They share the same beliefs and opinions.For example, they might agree that every crime or injury should be punished. That is, they firmly believe in the idea of an eye for an eye. They might also agree that it is wrong to pull the wool over a person's eyes. This means to try to trick a person by making him believe something that is false. But the man and woman do not believe in the evil eye, that a person can harm you by looking at you.

The next day, at their school, the woman asks the man to keep an eye on, or watch the young students in her class while she is out of the classroom. This might be hard to do when the teacher is writing on a board at the front of the classroom. To do so, a teacher would need to have eyes in the back of his head. In other words, he would know what the children are doing even when he is not watching them.

WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, in VOA Special English, was written by Jill Moss. I'm Faith Lapidus.


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