






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-16 10:00| 查看数: 890| 评论数: 0|

A large part of the West Antarctic ice sheet appears to be in an “unstoppable” decline meaning global sea level rise predictions will have to be revised, scientists have found.
Glaciers in the Amundsen Sea that contain enough ice to raise sea levels by four feet (1.2 metres) are thawing faster than expected and there is nothing to stop them melting into the ocean, according to a study based on 40 years of observations by researchers from the Nasa space agency and the University of California, Irvine.
“The collapse of this sector of West Antarctica appears to be unstoppable,” said glaciologist Eric Rignot, lead author of the study. “It’s passed the point of no return.”
该研究报告第一作者、冰川学家埃里克•瑞格诺特(Eric Rignot)表示:“南极西部这部分区域的融化似乎已无法阻止,融化进程已超过了能够逆转的临界点。”
The fact that the retreat is happening simultaneously over a large sector suggests it was triggered by a common cause, such as an increase in the amount of ocean heat beneath the floating sections of the glaciers, he said. The changes were thought to be linked to climate change.
Some scientists have previously warned that increased concentrations of man-made greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may be affecting wind patterns around Antarctica and causing other changes that are pushing warmer waters towards the continent.
It could take several centuries for all the ice to flow into the sea, Professor Rignot said, adding that the sector would be a “major contributor to sea level rise in the decades and centuries to come”.
Projections of global sea levels, which have already risen by nearly 20cm since 1900, will have to be revised as a result of the study’s findings, he said.
The glaciers studied by the researchers flow out from land to the ocean, where their leading edges float on the seawater. The point on a glacier where it first loses contact with land is called the grounding line.
The Antarctic glaciers have thinned so much they are floating above places where they used to sit solidly on land, meaning their grounding lines are retreating inland.
As glaciers flow faster, they stretch out and get thinner which makes them lighter and lifts them further off the bedrock. As the grounding line retreats and more of the glacier becomes waterborne, it means there is less resistance below and the flow of ice accelerates.
In order to stop or slow this process, there needs to be hills or bumps coming up from the glacier bed that can snag the ice from below, but the researchers found there are no such “pinning points” upstream from the present grounding lines in five of the six glaciers in the region.
Only the Haynes Glacier has major obstructions upstream, but it only drains a small section and is retreating as fast as the other glaciers.
只有海恩斯冰川(Haynes Glacier)在漂移路线上存在大型障碍,不过该障碍只会迟滞一小片区域,而该冰川接地线收缩的速度与其他冰川一样快。
The new study is to be published in the Geophysical Research Letters journal.
这一新的研究成果即将发表在《地球物理研究快报》(Geophysical Research Letters)。


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