






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-20 12:00| 查看数: 803| 评论数: 0|

Battling an austerity campaign at home, one high-end Chinese liquor brand is turning to another venue to boost growth: Hollywood.
Jiannanchun, a liquor known for its potent alcohol levels and distinct odor, makes an appearance in the latest sequel to Sony's 'Amazing Spider-Man,' which is currently in theaters from the U.S. to China.
剑南春(Jiannanchun)以浓醇酒精度和独特口感闻名,日前出现在索尼公司最新发行的《超凡蜘蛛侠》(Amazing Spider-Man)续集中,该影片目前已在中美两国影院上映。
In the film, during a scene in which Spider-Man saves crowds from the villain , the brand's distinct red bottle and Chinese logo are prominently displayed on a large billboard in New York City's Times Square. It isn't clear how much the company paid for the placement, although insiders estimated to China Real Time the price tag was likely more than 100 million yuan ($16 million).
在影片的一个场景中,当蜘蛛侠将人们从罪犯手中救出,剑南春独特的红色瓶子和中文商标出现在纽约时代广场(Times Square)的一个大型广告牌上,非常醒目。剑南春支付的赞助费目前不得而知,但业内人士对《中国实时报》(China Real Time)表示,他们估计价格或超过人民币1亿元(合1,600万美元)。
Sony Pictures, which is in charge of the film's product placement in China, didn't respond to requests for comment. Jiannanchun Group didn't respond to requests for comment.
负责在中国地区电影植入式广告的索尼影视(Sony Pictures)没有回复记者的置评请求。剑南春集团也未予置评。
This isn't the first time a Chinese brand has attracted attention by appearing in a Hollywood blockbuster. In 2009, a billboard ad for Chinese clothing retailer Meters/bonwe similarly appeared in Paramount's 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.' Likewise, in the sequel to the movie, an actor holds up a bottle of Yili milk, China's leading dairy brand.
这并不是第一个出现在好莱坞大片中并为世人所瞩目的中国品牌。2009年,中国服装零售品牌――美特斯邦威(Meters/bonwe)也曾出现在派拉蒙影业(Paramount)出品的《变形金刚:堕落者的复仇》(Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen)中。同样,在这部电影的续集中,一个演员拿着一瓶伊利(Yili)牛奶。伊利是中国的知名乳制品品牌。
Sirena Liu, president of Filmworks China, the Beijing-based marketing firm that arranged these two product placements, said product placement in Hollywood films is becoming a popular form of marketing for Chinese companies.
促成上述两个产品植入广告的影工场娱乐营销(Filmworks China, 简称:影工场)的总经理刘思汝(Sirena Liu)称,在好莱坞电影中植入广告正在成为广受中国公司欢迎的一种营销方式。
'Appearing in Hollywood films can enhance a brand's awareness among local audiences, making the local brand look more high-end and cool,' Ms. Liu said.
The price tag is also tempting, she said, since the cost for a simple product placement in a Hollywood film is about the same as it would for a major domestic movie, usually in the 'millions of yuan.'
Yili's appearance in the film certainly seemed to be a boon. The company attributes much of a 40% on-year increase of the drink featured in the movie to the product placement, according to a statement on its website.
And with strong demand in the world's second-largest film market, industry insiders predict even more appearances of this kind.
'American filmmakers are trying to attract local attention in China,' said Annie Li, president of the Beijing-based Reach Glory Communications. 'The American side is more willing to listen to Chinese companies' opinions than before.'
北京瑞格传播集团(Reach Glory Communications)总裁李颍(Annie Li)说,美国制片商试图在中国吸引本地市场的注意力,与过去相比,现在美国片方更愿意倾听中国公司的意见。
Ms. Li, whose company helps clients facilitate product placements in Hollywood movies, said Chinese companies are rushing to get their products on the big screen. Her company recently was in charge of helping Zhouheiya--a local fast-food chain that serves duck that she said wants to promote itself as a kind of Chinese KFC or McDonald's--make it into the upcoming fourth installment of 'Transformers.'
'Zhouheiya always wanted to be promoted as a high-end product,' she said.
Although it's hard to tell whether Jiannanchun's pricey marketing will pay off, it seems it has already attracted some eyeballs.
'The most impressive part in the movie for me is the ad of Jiannanchun at Times Square and Spider-Man's perfectly fitting outfit,' wrote one user on Weibo.
But China's myriad food-safety issues may prevent brands back from inking deals with Hollywood studios. Ms. Liu said after China suffered from several tainted-milk scandals in recent years, one leading American studio told her it would no longer cooperate with Chinese dairy or infant products.


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