






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-27 10:00| 查看数: 740| 评论数: 0|

A day after exchanging artillery fire across their disputed western sea border, North and South Korea traded barbs and accused each other of lying about the incident.
The new inter-Korean exchange of words--rather than live ammunition--began early Friday with North Korea flatly denying having fired shells at a South Korean navy warship.
The North's Korean People's Army said in the statement that South Korean warships entered northern waters 'for preemptive firing under the pretext of intercepting the peaceable Chinese fishing boats and tried to convince the public that the shelling was made by the KPA.'
'The puppet military hooligans preempted the shelling but fabricated the above-said sheer lie.'
The South immediately hit back, with its Defense Ministry spokesman calling the North's allegation 'a blatant lie' that will be an object of ridicule around the world.
'The far-fetched [North Korean] allegation is a blatant lie aimed at avoiding responsibility for the provocation. It is nothing but what the international community will make fun of,' said the spokesman in Seoul. 'North Korea is telling a lie.'
The spokesman said the South's military has evidence to prove the North's provocation, such as records on its radar showing that the North's shells landed near the South's warship and caused pillars of water to shoot up.
Seoul's Defense Ministry said that around 6 p.m. local time on Thursday, the North fired two shells into southern waters and that they landed near a South Korean warship, which returned several rounds of fire back.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Friday presided over a meeting with security ministers and her office released a statement expressing 'strong regret over the provocation by North Korea' at a time when her people were reeling from the grief of the April 16 ferry sinking that left more than 300 people dead or missing. Ms. Park ordered the military to bolster its vigilance against North Korea to ensure the safety of people in the region.
韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)周五主持了一次与安全部门部长间的会议,总统办公室发表了一份公报称,对朝鲜在韩国人因沉船事件陷入悲痛之际发动挑衅深表遗憾。4月16日的渡轮倾覆事件造成300多人死亡或失踪。 槿惠命令军方提高警惕防范朝鲜,确保该地区人民的安全。
The exchange of fire led to the evacuation of residents and fishing boats of the nearby South Korean island of Yeonpyeong that had been shelled by the North four years ago.
The Yellow Sea border between the two Koreas, known as the Northern Limit Line, is a tinderbox for military conflicts because North Korea does not recognize the border, which was drawn by the U.S.-led United Nations forces after the Korean War of 1950-1953.


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