






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-5-29 10:00| 查看数: 966| 评论数: 0|

When Chinese planners decided to build a nuclear power plant on a rain-lashed cove in the south of the country, they simply relocated more than 1,000 villagers to nearby towns.
Contrast that with EDF, a French utility, which is building a similar plant in southwest England. To minimise disruption to the neighbours, human and otherwise, it had to build a bypass road around the nearest town, relocate bat roosts and create man-made burrows for about 60 badgers.
Despite the differences, EDF is hoping to learn a lot from Taishan, where state-owned China General Nuclear is constructing two European Pressurised Reactors (EPRs). The main lesson: how to build a nuclear power station fast and on budget.
尽管有以上不同,EDF还是希望能够从台山核电站学到很多东西。在台山,中国国有的中国广核集团(China General Nuclear Power Group)将建造两座欧洲压水式反应堆(EPR)。EDF希望从该项目中学到的主要经验是:如何快速按预算建设核电站。
It is a lesson that is crucial for the future of the EPR. Each reactor is an enormous structure designed to withstand a direct hit by an aircraft, or the kind of flooding that devastated the Fukushima reactor during Japan’s 2011 tsunami. But building such safety margins into the design is expensive.
The other two EPRs that are under construction – in Olkiluoto, Finland, and Flamanville in France – have been hit by severe delays and cost overruns. That’s allowed Taishan, which started third, to pull ahead, although it too has been delayed by about two years from its original end-2013 commissioning target by slower-than-expected construction, and a safety review of all reactors in China. The £16bn Hinkley Point C project in Somerset will meet about 7 per cent of the UK’s electricity demand. EDF has brought in CGN and rival nuclear operator China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC) as minority partners, partly in the hope they can contribute financing for future nuclear bids in Britain and elsewhere.
目前,另外两座正在建造的欧洲压水式反应堆已遭遇严重的工期延误和超支,分别位于芬兰奥尔基洛托(Olkiluoto)和法国弗拉芒维尔(Flamanville)。这使得原本第三个开工的台山核电站跑在了前面。不过,比起2013年底投产的最初目标,台山核电站工期也延误了大约两年,原因一方面是建设进度比预期要慢,另一方面则是中国对所有反应堆开展的安全审核。萨默塞特(Somerset)欣克利角C核电站(Hinkley Point C)造价为160亿英镑,将满足英国约7%的电力需求。EDF将中国广核集团和它的对手、核能运营商中国核工业集团公司(CNNC)都争取为少数合伙人,部分原因是希望这两个集团能够为未来在英国和其他地方开展的核能竞标提供资金。
“It would be a fantastic opportunity if we could tap into their experience to make sure that our project is successful at Hinkley,” Nigel Cann, Hinkley Point C’s construction director, said this month when he toured the Taishan site.
欣克利角C核电站工程建设总监奈杰尔•卡恩(Nigel Cann)这个月考察台山施工现场时表示:“这可能是一次绝佳的机遇,我们或许能用他们的经验,确保我们在欣克利角的项目成功。”
Much is at stake. For EDF to win export markets for the EPR, developed along with French engineering company Areva and Siemens of Germany, it needs to lower costs and reduce construction hitches.
Maximising efficiency is also very important for the UK’s nuclear ambitions. Hinkley Point is the first of 5 new nuclear power plants that the government envisages will come on line by the end of the 2020s.
That pales in comparison with China’s nuclear vision. The country currently has 20 reactors operating and about 35 slated for completion in the next six years.
Even before the start of construction, the new Hinkley Point reactor was controversial.
To persuade EDF and its Chinese partners to build the plant, the British government signed a 35-year contract that guarantees a price of £92.50 per megawatt hour for Hinkley’s electricity – twice the current wholesale market rate. Some condemned it as a very large subsidy for nuclear.
The contract is now undergoing a state aid investigation by the European Commission. In its initial assessment in January, Brussels said the UK was potentially wasting up to £17.6bn of taxpayer support on the plant.
该合约目前正接受欧盟委员会(European Commission)的国家补助调查。布鲁塞尔方面在1月的初步评估中表示,英国可能在支持这个核电站上浪费高达176亿英镑纳税人的钱。
The Commission will not reveal its decision until later this year. But EDF, which operates all but one of Britain’s existing nuclear power plants, is proceeding with its plans for Hinkley anyway, including regular fact-finding trips to Taishan.
In Somerset, the company has contracted with local vocational schools to train steelworkers. In China, two decades of frenzied building have produced a workforce experienced in handling steel and concrete.
Guo Ruiting, whose business card reads “Boffin Senior Engineer” started building power plants 30 years ago when EDF constructed CGN’s Daya Bay reactor. He noted with pride that his team poured the 9,200 cubic meters of concrete for the base of the Taishan reactor in one continuous shot.
“We thought we would be able to learn from Finland and France, because they started before us,” says Olivier Bard, deputy general manager at Taishan. “But now we are the ones who have to figure everything out for the first time.”
“我们之前以为可以借鉴芬兰和法国,因为他们起步得比我们早。”台山核电站副总经理奥利弗•巴德(Olivier Bard)说,“但现在我们才是必须在一切方面开辟新道路的人。”


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