






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-4 13:00| 查看数: 754| 评论数: 0|

Unless China does more soon to help lead the world toward freer trade, the global trading system may be in jeopardy. Although China has embraced its obligations as a member of the World Trade Organization, the continuing reluctance of Beijing to press for lower barriers to trade risks the very future of the WTO as the central forum and fulcrum for world trade.
除非中国很快采取更多行动来促进世界贸易进一步自由化,否则全球贸易体系可能岌岌可危了。尽管中国已经欣然接受了作为世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, 简称WTO)成员的义务,但其迟迟不愿敦促降低贸易壁垒,这就把WTO作为世界贸易中央论坛和支点的未来置于险境。
This reluctance by China can be seen on a number of negotiating fronts. Most recent is the failure of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation trade ministers to make any real progress toward reviving stalled talks to expand the WTO's Information Technology Agreement. The aim is to improve this highly successful agreement by eliminating tariffs on many additional information and communications technology products. The main obstacle remains China, which, despite being the world's biggest trader of high-tech goods, has resisted including many new products in an expanded agreement.
在不少谈判阵线上都可以看出中国的这种不情愿。最近的一个例子就是,亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation , 简称APEC)贸易部长们未能取得任何实质性进展,以重启陷入停滞的扩大WTO《信息技术产品协议》(Information Technology Agreement)谈判。该谈判的目的是,通过免除更多信息和通信技术产品的关税来增强这个极为成功的协议。而主要的障碍仍然是中国,中国虽是全球最大高科技产品贸易国,但很抵制扩大协议、把多种新产品囊括进来的做法。
This is only one example of how China's hesitancy is hindering freer trade and investment. Another is China's still unfulfilled promise of more than a decade ago to sign the WTO government procurement agreement. Yet another is the lack of bilateral investment treaties with the United States and the European Union, which could serve as templates for much-needed global rules on foreign direct investment. Some progress is at last being made on these and other fronts, but all too slowly.
Since joining the WTO in 2001, China has been a constructive WTO member. Always polite and patient, it has participated diligently in WTO proceedings. China has complied increasingly with WTO rules and consistently with WTO rulings. It has done everything it should do as a member--except show the leadership to help sustain the centrality of the global trading system overseen by the WTO.
At first, this was understandable. As a new member, China needed some time to learn how to work within the WTO. Now, however, China has climbed to the top of the trading world.
With great economic power comes great economic responsibility. Granted, as China reminds us, hundreds of millions of Chinese are still mired in poverty, and China's per capita income still is somewhat less than that of Peru. Nevertheless, the size and sway of China are such that, as with the United States, the European Union, and a number of other major players in world trade, nothing the members of the WTO may wish to do multilaterally on a whole host of global commercial concerns can be done successfully without the full engagement and the final agreement of China.
There is also this for Chinese consideration. No other country in the world benefits more from membership in the WTO than China. Without the legal shelter of fundamental WTO rules of non-discrimination in world trade, China would surely have been singled out for widespread discrimination by other trading countries during the past dozen years of its economic rise. China would surely still be the target of such discrimination today if it were not a Member of the WTO.
So it should be of great concern to China that the rest of the world seems to be drifting farther and farther away from the WTO and moving more and more toward regional and other preferential trade arrangements that mostly do not include China. These other arrangements may yet be structured in ways that will ultimately strengthen the WTO, but they could instead be concluded in ways that could ultimately undermine the WTO--at great economic risk to China.
In the worst case, this global drift away from the WTO could lead to a world of exclusive and discriminatory trading blocs in which China would be left out. This drift will continue unless and until the Members of the WTO come together to prove anew that they can conclude significant deals that lower barriers to trade and investment. The WTO will not be closing any such deals without more leadership from China.
China is, of course, far from alone in fault for the impasse in the global trading system that has put the WTO at risk by encouraging WTO members to look elsewhere for ways to increase trade and investment. Others are equally to blame. Yet with its newfound economic clout, China is uniquely placed to help prove that the success of the WTO in December in Bali in concluding an agreement to facilitate trade by cutting 'red tape' at the world's borders was not a fleeting digression from regionalism, but instead a down payment on bigger global trade deals to come.
In the aftermath of Bali, there are some reassuring signs that China is at least considering showing more global leadership on trade. An especially encouraging sign was when, at the last minute in Davos in January, China joined with the U.S., the EU, and a handful of other WTO members in launching negotiations within the WTO on an agreement that would remove tariffs on environmental goods. If done right, this initiative could lead to a comprehensive sustainable energy trade agreement.
There is also China's request to join with the U.S., the EU, and others in talks on a proposed agreement on international trade in services in Geneva on the sidelines of the WTO. There has even been some talk of China asking to join with the U.S., Japan and others in negotiations on a proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership. Chinese participation in these negotiations could help ensure their consistency with WTO rules and help transform them into preludes for eventual non-discriminatory agreements including many more countries within the framework of the WTO.
中国还请求在WTO会议间歇在日内瓦与美国、欧盟和其他国家一起参与围绕一项拟议的国际服务贸易协议的谈判。甚至还有人说中国请求与美国、日本等国一起就拟议的泛太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称TPP)进行谈判。中国参与这些协议的谈判,可能帮助确保这些协议与WTO的规定保持一致,帮助催生包括WTO框架之下更多国家在内的最终的非歧视协议。
These are examples of the kinds of leadership needed now from China. But time is short. Momentum from the WTO's limited success in Bali is waning. The opportunity created by Bali will be missed without a show sometime soon of real leadership from the leading members of the WTO.
China could make an important start by making a much better offer on information technology. The credibility gained by China could be its ticket into the current services negotiations. A breakthrough on services that included China could breathe new life into the moribund Doha Round of global trade negotiations where the potential payoff in added prosperity is greatest for China and for all.


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