






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-12 14:06| 查看数: 743| 评论数: 0|

The European Commission is preparing to launch a formal investigation into Apple’s Irish tax affairs on Wednesday, marking a significant step up in the global crackdown on tax evasion.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)周三将针对苹果(Apple)在爱尔兰的税务问题启动正式调查,这是各国政府打击避税的又一项重大举措。
The investigation will centre on Ireland but EU diplomats expected that the net could be thrown much wider to include a number of companies taking advantage of tax breaks in other European countries such as Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The move by Brussels opens the question of whether companies received rulings that breach the EU’s rule book on state aid – a regime that bans tax breaks to favoured businesses that would create serious distortions of competition.
Irish broadcaster RTE reported earlier on Tuesday that the EU was pressing ahead with the investigation.
The Irish government has come under international pressure to close tax loopholes that allow multinationals to pay tax rates that are less than the headline 12.5 per cent corporation tax.
爱尔兰政府随后否认了这些指控。爱尔兰商业部长理查德•布鲁顿(Richard Bruton)表示:“政府绝对是清白的:爱尔兰是税务天堂的传言是错误的。”他告诉记者:“爱尔兰没作任何特殊交易。”
Apple is the largest of several companies under scrutiny after a US Senate committee claimed that Dublin allowed Apple to apply a corporate tax rate of 2 per cent or less. In its report in May last year the Senate committee said Apple had claimed its “special rate” had been obtained “through negotiations with the Irish government”.
Shortly after, the Irish government rejected those charges. Richard Bruton, the Irish business minister, said: “The government is absolutely clear: talk of Ireland being a tax haven is wrong,” he told reporters. “There are no special deals in Ireland.”


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