





“慰安妇”档案申遗 中日争端再起

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-16 13:32| 查看数: 628| 评论数: 0|

From territorial disputes to war-time atrocities, Japan and China just can't get along.
The latest spat between the two involves China's recent application to Unesco to preserve archives detailing the abuses that so-called 'comfort women' suffered at the hands of the Japanese military during World War II. If China has its way, documents recording the fate of such women would become part of Unesco's Memory of the World program--a move which Japan has vehemently protested.
中日两国最近的纷争,涉及中国近期将二战时期“慰安妇”相关档案向联合国教科文组织(Unesco)申遗一事。如果中国申遗成功,则记录“慰安妇”命运的档案将成为教科文组织世界记忆(Memory of the World)计划的一部分,而日本则竭力反对这种做法。
The program was established by the United Nations cultural body in 1992 to 'facilitate preservation, by the most appropriate techniques, of the world's documentary heritage.' It currently includes nine relics from China, including ancient literary manuscripts and traditional musical archives as well as such items as film archives from the U.S., a Gutenberg Bible from Germany and deeds from Egyptian sultans and princes. Inclusion on the program's list leads to improved conservation of the items, as its experts help procure resources to preserve and digitize the material.
The term 'comfort women' refers to the tens of thousands of women, many of whom were Chinese and Korean , coerced into sexual slavery in brothels used by the Japanese military in the 1930s and 1940s.
On Thursday, Japan summoned China's ambassador in Tokyo to formally lodge a complaint about the application after China on Wednesday rejected a demand from Tokyo to withdraw the application.
'At a time when efforts are needed to improve Japan-China relations, it is extremely regrettable that China moved to make political use of the Unesco forum and to unnecessarily play up the negative legacy of ties from a period of the past,' Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said on Wednesday.
日本官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周三表示,在需努力改善日中两国关系的特殊时期出于政治目的利用教科文组织,对两国间过去的一段负面遗产做不必要的强调,令人极为遗憾。
The issue has been a contentious one between Japan and its neighbors, particularly China and South Korea, for years. Earlier this year, Seoul tried to seek a state-funded compensation program acknowledging the Japanese government's role in the coercion as well as a formal apology to the women, fewer and fewer of whom are still alive. (Of the Korean women who have identified themselves as former sex slaves, only 55 remained alive as of April.)
Japan maintains that the issue of compensation to the women was settled legally as part of a broader 1965 bilateral agreement that addressed Japan's wartime wrongdoing on the Korean Peninsula. Tokyo also says that former leaders have previously apologized to the women. In 1993, the government notes, Japan issued the Kono statement, a document that acknowledges that Japan's 'administrative/military personnel directly took part in the recruitment' of comfort women, and apologizes for such deeds.
But the Kono statement has repeatedly been attacked by Japanese conservatives and nationalists as a document drafted under pressure from the South Koreans. And more recently this year, the government of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said it would re-examine the evidence and process used to compose the apology, prompting outcry from both South Korea and the U.S.
但河野谈话一直不断受到日本保守人士和民族主义人士的攻击,认为起草这份文件是因为受到了韩国人的压力。今年较近期的时候,日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)说,日本将重新评估这份道歉文件的证据和流程,这一表态引发了韩国和美国的公开抗议。
Japan later backpedaled on the issue, with Mr. Abe saying in March that his administration 'is not thinking about revisiting' the statement, and that he shared with his predecessors the 'heartache' felt over the plight of the wartime prostitutes. Still, the debate further inflamed emotions about the issue.
Those on the Chinese side say that preserving documentation of the women's experiences is important.
China submitted the application to 'prevent this dark history from happening again,' the country's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a regular press briefing on Thursday. 'This negative legacy should be respected and reflected upon by Japan's government. Japan should face up to this, rather than whitewash its history.'


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