





世界杯揭幕战 日籍裁判被指不公

发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-17 10:00| 查看数: 833| 评论数: 0|

Yuichi Nishimura, the Japanese referee in charge of the World Cup opener between Brazil and Croatia, has been criticized for his performance, with Croatian coach Niko Kovac saying the 42-year-old was completely out of his depth in Thursday's match.
在巴西与克罗地亚之间的世界杯揭幕战中任主裁判的西村雄一(Yuichi Nishimura)因其表现而受到指责,克罗地亚教练科瓦奇(Niko Kovac)说,他完全无法理解42岁的西村雄一在周四比赛中的表现。
Two of Nishimura's decisions were gamechangers. The first came when the score was 1-1 and he awarded Brazil a penalty, adjudging that Fred was fouled by Croatian defender Dejan Lovren. There was, however, little contact between the two.
西村雄一的两次判罚都成为比赛的转折点。第一次判罚是在比分1-1时,他判给巴西队一个点球,认为克罗地亚后卫洛夫伦(Dejan Lovren)对巴西球员弗雷德(Fred)犯规。但两人之间并没有太多的身体接触。
The Croatian players surrounded the referee after he pointed to the spot, remonstrating with him about the decision. Their protests, of course, were in vain. Neymar struck the penalty through the hands of Croatian goalkeeper Stipe Pletikosa for his second goal of the night.
西村雄一示意判罚点球后,克罗地亚球员围着他表示抗议。他们的抗议当然是徒劳的。内马尔主罚,球掠过克罗地亚门将普莱蒂科萨(Stipe Pletikosa)的双手飞入球门,这也是内马尔当晚第二次进球。
Croatia looked deflated having surrendered a 1-0 lead, but the world's 18th ranked team continued to fight and scored a second goal, only for that to be disallowed as Nishimura ruled that Brazil's goalkeeper Julio Cesar had been impeded by Ivica Olic.
丧失了原本以1-0领先的优势之后,克罗地亚队显得灰心丧气,但这支世界排名第18位的球队继续战斗并再次攻入一球,然而西村雄一判定进球无效,理由是克罗地亚球员奥利奇(Ivica Olic)冲撞巴西门将塞萨尔(Julio Cesar)在先。
Oscar scored a third goal for Brazil in the closing minutes of the match to round off a 3-1 victory for the host nation.
'Everybody saw this was not a penalty,' Kovac said of the incident that resulted in Neymar's second goal. 'I blame the referee.'
BBC pundit and former England player Gary Lineker shared his thoughts on Twitter. 'The host nation are allowed one shocking decision. Brazil have used it early,' he wrote in one tweet. 'It's a tight call for Brazil's man of the match between Neymar and the referee,' he said in another.
英国广播公司(BBC)评论员、前英格兰球员莱因克尔(Gary Lineker)在推特(Twitter)上分享了他的看法。他在一则推文中写道,主队可以获得一次惊人的判罚,巴西队过早地使用了这个权利。另一则推文说,内马尔和裁判激烈争夺巴西队本场最佳球员称号。
Brazil's coach Luiz Felipe Scolari, who was seen berating the referee at stages during the match (though coaches do that all the time), said he thought Nishimura had made the correct decision.
有人看见巴西队主教练斯科拉里(Luiz Felipe Scolari)在比赛期间不时斥责裁判(不过教练们总有这样的举动)。斯科拉里说,他认为西村雄一做出了正确的判罚。
'We think it was a penalty,' he said.
FIFA referees don't comment immediately after games, although the subject is likely to be discussed at a media briefing on Friday.
Nishimura is by no means inexperienced on the big stage. He refereed at the 2010 edition of the tournament in South Africa, and has also taken charge of matches at the Olympics.


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