






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-23 14:17| 查看数: 1136| 评论数: 0|

Hedge funds and other money managers are building up short positions in the global copper market, according to U.S. data, riding on allegations of fraudulent metal-backed financing in China to amplify pressure on prices of one of the world's most heavily traded metals.
These positions are likely to further weigh on the outlook for the red metal, as the effects of an official probe on metal stockpiles in the eastern Chinese port of Qingdao continue to ripple across global markets. The port's operator has confirmed that Chinese authorities are investigating allegations of fraud relating to stockpiles of metals, though the government hasn't commented publicly.
'Short' positions refer to contracts in which a commodity is borrowed and then sold with the expectation that its price will fall before the borrowed asset has to be purchased and replaced. A high level of short interest among money managers indicates increased market sentiment that an asset price is ready to fall. A 'long' position indicates the expectation that the asset will rise in value.
Data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission issued Friday showed hedge funds, institutional investors and other large speculators increased their short positions in New York copper futures and options in the week ending Tuesday to 29,063 contracts, compared with 25,734 a week earlier and 21,802 three weeks ago. The CFTC publishes such data on a weekly basis.
美国商品期货交易委员会(Commodity Futures Trading Commission,简称CFTC)上周五发布的数据表明,在截至上周二的当周,对冲基金、机构投资者和其他大型投机者在纽约市场持有的铜期货和铜期权空头头寸合约增加至29,063份,而此前一周为25,734份,三周前为21,802份。CFTC每周都会公布这类数据。
This is the first time in six weeks that the combined positions show a net short, meaning short positions now outnumber longs.
The rise extends a build-up of copper shorts since early June, which had snapped four straight weeks of decline. Long positions have fallen to 28,750 contracts in the latest CFTC report compared with 42,800 in late May.
'There has been an unnatural buyer of copper, which is the bonded warehouses [in China] doing carry trades. Now, a good chunk of [China's copper imports] will return to end-use which will likely drive down the price sharply,' a New York-based hedge fund manager said in an e-mail to The Wall Street Journal.
Analysts say one-third or more of Chinese copper imports is believed to be used as collateral for loans from Chinese lenders and some foreign banks. There's so far been no evidence of a mass sell-off among commodity owners as a result of the Qingdao probe, but traders and analysts say a liquidation of copper stocks may pick up speed if the probe widens.
'The use of copper for collateral was used effectively as an arbitrage tool but it was false demand. It makes perfect sense that international investors would short copper globally now,' said Anthony Skriba, a consulting manager with Shanghai-based investment advisers Z-Ben Advisors.
总部位于上海的投资咨询公司Z-Ben Advisors的咨询经理Anthony Skriba称,将铜作为抵押品获得贷款被广泛地用于套利,由此产生了假需求,现在海外投资者会在全球市场做空铜完全是在情理之中的。
The short positions are more likely being amassed outside China because the prime-brokerage market on the mainland isn't as well developed, Mr. Skriba said. Prime brokerage refers to the suite of financial services offered by investment banks and securities firms to hedge funds and other professional investors, including finding counter-parties for short trades.
Hedge funds are likely magnifying rather than creating the bearish momentum on the copper market. Prices of the metal had already come down this year as China's economy slowed, amid a forecast 9% rise over the next two years in global supplies of copper concentrate, the metal's raw material, coming mostly from Chile and Africa. London Metal Exchange copper on Friday reached $6,765 a ton, down about 8% since the start of the year.
Goldman Sachs forecast that copper prices are likely to fall to $6,200 a ton by the end of 2014. 'Additionally, the Qingdao situation may lead to a rapid unwind in financing deals resulting in a risk that the target forecast is reached earlier than the end of the year,' the bank said in a report.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)预计,到2014年底,铜价可能会跌至每吨6,200美元。该行在一份报告中称,另外,青岛港的情况可能会令融资交易被迅速平仓,从而导致铜价在年底之前就跌至这一目标位。
Traders say they already expect copper and iron ore imports to China to decline in coming months, in part due to customs officials tightening checks on incoming shipments.
'The Qingdao probe has significantly dented confidence across the industry. Banks will likely further cut lending and financing to the metals and mining industry which is already facing severe liquidity strain,' Bernstein Research analyst Vanessa Lau said.
Bernstein Research的分析师Vanessa Lau表示,青岛港的调查严重打击了整个行业的信心,银行业可能会进一步削减对金属和采矿行业的贷款和融资,而这一行业原本就已面临严重的流动性问题。
Not all money managers agree with the short-copper positions, as some believe recovering demand from the U.S. could offset the sector's gloomy outlook. 'It's a cloudy picture but I'd be surprised if copper falls below $6,400 in the short term, barring another macroeconomic shock,' said James Marks, head of global metals at Xconnect Trading Ltd. in London.
不过,并不是所有资金经理都赞成作空铜,一些人认为美国需求复苏可能会抵消铜行业的黯淡情景。Xconnect Trading Ltd.驻伦敦的全球金属负责人马克斯(James Marks)表示,虽然铜市场前景黯淡,但除非出现又一个宏观经济冲击因素,否则他认为铜价短期内不会跌破每吨6,400元。
Managed money--the CFTC term for hedge funds and institutional investors--had also built up short positions on copper in February and March. They won the bets when copper prices fell by 7% in March and closed out these positions, leading to a resurgence of long positions in late April, according to CFTC data.


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