






发布者: sunny214 | 发布时间: 2014-6-25 08:00| 查看数: 827| 评论数: 0|

In 2008, the murder of Canadian model Diana O'Brien in her Shanghai stairwell rocked the city's Chinese and expat community. Years later, author Mara Hvistendahl revisited the story, interviewing the family of the victim and accused killer, police investigators and other models working in China.
2008年,加拿大模特戴安娜•奥布赖恩(Diana O'Brien)在上海居民楼内遇害,在上海中外社区引发了震动。几年后,作家马语琴(Mara Hvistendahl)回顾了这一事件,对受害者家庭、被控杀人者、警方调查人员和其他在中国工作的外籍模特进行了采访。
Her new book, 'And The City Swallowed Them,' looks at the world that brought two different kinds of newcomers together--foreigners, including young models fighting for emerging opportunities in high fashion, and China's own migrants, including those traveling from poor villages who were willing to go to desperate measures to scrap together their own living.
她的新书《And The City Swallowed Them》(意为:他们被城市吞没)探究了一个将两类不同的外来者联系起来的世界。其中一类是外国人,包括为获得高端时尚业的机遇而努力的年轻模特,另一类是外地人,包括那些来自贫困农村、不得不在绝望时用极端手段谋生的人。
Ms. Hvistendahl has lived in Shanghai for eight years. Her first book, 'Unnatural Selection,' was a 2012 Pulitzer Prize finalist. China Real Time sat down with the author to talk about her latest story. Edited excerpts:
马语琴在上海生活了八年。她的第一本书《非自然选择》(Unnatural Selection)是2012年普利策奖(Pulitzer Prize)入围作品。中国实时报栏目与马语琴探讨了她的新书。以下是经过编辑的访谈摘录:
You were living in Shanghai at the time of the murder, also a young single woman. What was your reaction at the time?
When the crime happened, I lived in a pretty low-end apartment, a six-floor walkup, a gong fang, cement building with no security. It never occurred to me living there and sometimes coming home late at night that Shanghai could be unsafe. I would walk home from the subway carrying keys in my hand. Like a lot of foreigners, I thought it was pretty shocking somebody had been killed in the center of the city, and that there didn't seem to be an immediate reason for it. The victim wasn't involved in crime or anything nefarious.
Both international and local media jumped to cover the story. What kind of insight did you draw from their coverage?
After the murder happened, the Chinese press didn't report on it for a few days. Probably because there wasn't good reporting coming out of China, all kinds of rumors circulated among foreign press. It was reported that Diana was killed on Chongming Island, rather than her building, and that she was a bar dancer, a go-go dancer.
In the end, the PSB [Shanghai's Public Security Bureau] issued a notice on its website that allowed Chinese reporters to take up the story. By the time the trial happened, the coverage was pretty detailed. But for a few days, there was a lot of speculation. You saw the local reporters really following the PSB's lead or really waiting for their signal. I don't know if there was a specific censorship directive or not. My guess is there more likely was self-censorship.
In China, the police often write their own news. A story that comes out with a lot of detail on a case or investigation often originates from the police. In this case, a lot of the detail that I had of the investigation came from a lengthy feature article published by a publication that was affiliated with the police.
What's changed about the modeling industry in Shanghai since this case?
If anything, the conditions for models here have gotten worse. There are more and more small, fly-by-night modeling agencies. It's harder to keep track of how many there are and their names. As models flood the market, wages have gone down as well. One model I talked to who worked on and off in China, used the phrase 'bottom of the barrel.'
When Diana was here, Shanghai was a pretty lucrative place to work. It was grueling--the hours were long and conditions on the job weren't great--but you could still make good money. Now, there are agencies here that can get models good jobs, but it's not Paris or Milan.
Diana and her killer came from different backgrounds, traveling to Shanghai from two completely different corners of the world. The victim was from idyllic Salt Spring, one of Canada's Gulf Islands, and the killer was an 18-year old migrant worker from a remote village in Anhui province. But your book suggests parallels between the two characters. What are they?
戴安娜和杀死她的凶手有着完全不同的背景,从两个天差地别的世界角落来到上海。戴安娜来自加拿大海湾群岛(Gulf Islands)中具有田园风情的小岛盐泉岛(Salt Spring),凶手则是一个来自安徽省偏僻山村、年仅18岁的农民工。但你的书中写了这样的两个人物之间也有平行线,是什么?
In 2008, Shanghai was in transition, in the lead up to the Olympics and the Expo. The city was being remade overnight. You had two populations flooding in--the expats and immigrants.
People often think of expats as foreigners on packages for two to three years, who have drivers and lots of expendable income. In this case, I was interested in foreigners with temporary visas who work short-term jobs, often for very low wages, the people who end up as waiters, models, DJs or promoters. The migrant workers who come here face some of the same employment issues. They often don't have real papers, or a hukou [household registration], that would qualify them for social services. They also work without contracts.
The migrants have it much worse off than the foreigners, but I could see parallels between their two experiences. The city is pretty oblivious to both groups, yet relies on a constant flow of Chinese migrants and foreigners coming in to revitalize. Models were especially important to the image that Shanghai was trying to represent--an international city and of place where foreign faces graced whatever products were on billboards.
What was most surprising in writing the book?
I went into it with assumptions about how China's criminal justice system worked, thinking like many people who were in Shanghai at the time, that the police had just found and arrested someone who was not the murderer.
By the end, the situation became a lot more complex. I didn't expect the degree to which the police involved Diana's parents in the investigation. The parents were consulted on the sentence for their daughter's killer. They didn't want the death sentence and that opinion had an impact on the outcome.
Did that give you hope for China's justice system?
I'm not sure. I also learned a lot of discouraging things about the Chinese justice system--the confession rate is really high, suspects can be detained up to 37 days without being formally arrested. Allegations they are tortured and wrongful convictions are common. In one recent case, a man who had been convicted of murder was released after the victim turned up alive.
There is hope that the system is changing. Voices that are calling for reform and the number of executions has declined. Still, the system is not not changing as fast as some people would like.
The book is the first story published by a digital platform that you helped start called Deca. Why choose an e-book format?
No one's really figured out a good word for these sort of pieces. They're short books, long-form pieces, or singles. They are somewhere in between a magazine article and full-length book, that seem to work well on an e-reader, Kindle or iPad.
Initially, one of the big surprises of digital publishing was that people were reading long stories. There was a fear that people would just stop reading. Instead, pieces that were driven by narrative took off.
The writers that started Deca are all experienced magazine writers. We've seen the feature world shrinking. The number of pages devoted to full length features has declined over the past few years, as have the number of outlets that we can publish in. Meanwhile, digital publishing has emerged. The margins are actually better for writers as well. I'm pretty hopeful about it.


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